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You mean you let Dogmeat die? :-

He is usually the first to go. Not my choice but he does have weak HPs and AC.

You evil person! :- How could you let him die? :'( Poor Dogmeat. I've managed to keep him alive throughout the whole game everytime I've had him with me. :)


I actually finished the game with all of my NPCs still around (though I did drop them off before the final confrontation...)

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At least in fallout the people actually die. Meanwhile in K1-K2 they fall over three seconds later after you dispatched the last bad guy "Hey boss I'm ok now, but I'm going to hold my side..."

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Keeping my pal Dogmeat was a nightmare in the Vats Military Base. Those damn Super Mutants with their mini-guns were going balistic on his doggy dogg ass.


But I was not to be defeated - through toil & tussle I managed to lure my dog friend in between two energy shields and quickly activate them. Quite a nice dog pen if I might say so myself.


Of course I had to do this on every level of the military base as he automatically joins you upon screen change, but by that time my German Shepherding skillz0r were teh r0x0rz!1!


Ah - sweet, innocent Dogmeat. We'll miss you forever. ;)



R.I.P. good friend.

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Keeping my pal Dogmeat was a nightmare in the Vats Military Base. Those damn Super Mutants with their mini-guns were going balistic on his doggy dogg ass.



Steath + High Perception + High Agility + Long Range Weapon + Sniper = Never having to get close enough to a Super Mutant that'd matter.

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Keeping my pal Dogmeat was a nightmare in the Vats Military Base. Those damn Super Mutants with their mini-guns were going balistic on his doggy dogg ass.



Steath + High Perception + High Agility + Long Range Weapon + Sniper = Never having to get close enough to a Super Mutant that'd matter.


Turbo Plasma Rifle + Sniper Character = Dead Super Mutants. :rolleyes:" Sometime I would switch weapons just to see the neat death animations though. I really liked the one for the sniper rifle. Seemed like slight overkill to have a sniper rifle blow a huge chunk out of the guy's side though. ;)

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I just liked having total control over the combat :rolleyes:


If you were far enough away, you could start combat, shoot a mutant, enter stealth mode, exit combat... and they'd never know what hit them :D


The military base was a cakewalk :cool:

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