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OBS-05 Diplomacy


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What's an Alpha unit for?

An Alpha unit is a special unit that you designate. When an alpha unit is occupying any foreign supply centre, that becomes a new home centre for your country thereby allowing you to build units in the province. When you gain a new home supply centre in this way you must choose one of your current supply centres to deactivate so that it can no longer build units. This change occurs after your winter builds.


This allows you to shift your home supply centres to the front lines and enable you to more quickly summon reinforcements as you push farther into enemy territory.

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What's an Alpha unit for?

An alpha unit is a special unit tizzy you designate cuz Im tha Double O G. whizzen an alpha unit is occupy'n any foreign supply centre, thizzat becomes a new home centre fo` yo country thereby weed-smokin' you ta build units in tha province. when you gizzy a new home supply centre in this way you mizzle choose one of yo current supply centres ta deactivate so thizzay it can not crazy ass n1gga build units . Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. this change occurs gangsta yo brotha builds.


this allows you ta shizzift yo home supply centres ta tha frizzay lines n enable you ta mizzle quickly summon reinfizzles as you pizzle crazy ass n1gga into enemy territory.

Couldn't have put it better myself. ^_^

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The German Chancellor would like to make it clear that any attempts to invade the Fatherland will invoke serious retaliation.


We welcome all peaceful peoples. In fact, A glorious welcoming committee is right now being sent to greet the neighbours and invite them round for sauerkraut.


England should just try something; we shall meet them at Jutland and make them sorry.


Austria is very dear to German hearts.




The deadline passed a few hours ago, but I've been sick and I just crawled out of bed. I'll have the results posted here in a few minutes.

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