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I'm not sure I like that move. York seemed to only be getting better, and actually had games in the 03/04 that he seemed to be carrying the team. I haven't seen that from Mike Peca in a while. But Peca, Smyth and Radek Dvorak might be a pretty entertaining front line. Until the puck drops, I guess... :rolleyes:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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As of this point, I think that maybe Kevin Lowe should start signing the numerous restricted free agents on the roster and then see if he has any room left to wiggle.


I also wonder about this years' captaincy. Peca was the captain in NY, Pronger in StLoo. This could make for a heated dressing room. Maybe the Oilers PPV will give us a lot more dressing room access like they did the last time out.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I would consider Pronger and Peca to still be professionals.


And at the same time, I consider Smith to also be professional enough to understand that these guys are also leaders, and not go on a power trip either.




Still offering my soul for a Modano acquistion :D

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Professionals who also like to sit out for a year ( Peca). And these two are also a little injury prone. Pronger is a total uprgade over Eric Brewer, but the York/Peca move isn't looking like a stellar deal.


And least we didn't have to give up the future for Peca. Who's left in the Oilers developmental system for blueliners now? I know that Wowyitka kid was touted as the next big thing on the back end. And Doug Lynch was a solid guy along the lines of Jason Smith.


Mike Modano would never sign with the Oilers. If anything, now it looks like the team needs more help on the right side than on center, with Reasoner, Stoll, Peca filling up those slots. Doesn't Horcoff play the pivot spot sometimes as well?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, part of my reservation over Peca was the fact that he had held out.



As for young defencemen in Edmonton, don't forget Alexei Semenov and Marc-Andre Bergeron. Both are very young players with mountains of potential.


I think the Oilers will probably focus on someone, and probably anyone, that can fill up the net.


Mike Modano would never sign with the Oilers


You are underestimating the value of my soul!! :) At the very least, there's still Forsberg hahahahah :rolleyes:


I like to live in fantasy land on occassion. Still....it WOULD be awesome. What better way to get back at Dallas than to sign with Edmonton! Right? Right? :)

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That is actually a valid point. Dallas doesn't look like quite the contender they used to right now. But by next week who knows what these teams will look like.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"Yeah, part of my reservation over Peca was the fact that he had held out."


It's good that unlike Yashin you can overlook Peca's holdout. Not as evil when a player you like holds out, I guess.


Anyways, sucks that Leetch went to Boston. He belongs with the Rangers.


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It's good that unlike Yashin you can overlook Peca's holdout. Not as evil when a player you like holds out, I guess.


I'm not overlooking Peca's holdout. I've stated my reservation. In fact, you even quoted it.

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Is there any other Swedish superstar left in Free Agency? The two that come to mind are Forsberg and Naslund.


Maybe they'll be acquring Mats Sundin. :rolleyes:




EDIT: Ooooo, it IS official. I guess it's different than in other leagues. In the NBA, the deal would not have been allowed since it would go over the cap...they would have had to get rid of Roenick first.

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While Toronto does...nothing. Sorry Mkreku. Maybe Ferguson is actually digging RRs corpse out with his bare hands?


Is it just me or is the Northwest division going to pwn the West this year?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I still can't (won't) cheer for the Flames. If they win the cup this year, they might get a little golf clap. I was Mr.Unpopular during the last playoffs cheering for Tampa Bay in an Albertan town.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Hahaha, it was kind of silly seeing all the Calgary banners in Edmonton. I figured I was in the twilight zone or something.


Given the fact that we'll play Calgary like 8 times this year, I suspect the rivalry will be coming back.



The additional competitiveness is also useful, as the cheering for Calgary was as much cheering for Canada/Alberta/smaller market teams.

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I still can't (won't) cheer for the Flames.  If they win the cup this year, they might get a little golf clap.  I was Mr.Unpopular during the last playoffs cheering for Tampa Bay in an Albertan town.


Damn you! Cheering for Tampa! Boo! :p


I had the same thing happen to me when I cheered for the Flyers in the east. I don't like Toronto, yet nearly everyone in southern Ontario is possessed by some evil spirit that makes them cheer for the leafs. :p"

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Yeah.  There's leafs fans everywhere!


It's like a plague I tell you! There's no room for anyone else! :p


I'm hoping the CBC plays more Edmonton/Vancouver/Calgary games than Leaf ones this year.


I don't see what the problem was. We got about equal East Coast vs. West Coast Coverage. You just have to stay up later to get the West Coast games. They play East Coast games at 7pm and West Coast at 10pm. At least that's the way it worked here in Ontario.


Personally I'd prefer to get more Ottawa/Montreal games instead of mass Leafs games every weekend. :p

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BOOHOOHOO! *whine* *whine* *oink* *snort* Boo.. *whine..* <-- The sound of a disgruntled Leafs fan.


It's no fun being a Toronto fan these days. :p


I have to sit here and watch all these great players flying while Toronto does nothing. Although I hear rumours of Fergie being ported at every cemetary in Canada by now.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Is there any other Swedish superstar left in Free Agency?  The two that come to mind are Forsberg and Naslund.


Whoo, Nazzy ain't available anymore, he's staying in Vancouver.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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