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I have a stupid question that I need answered

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Yeah, basically when your acceleration meter is full, you let go of the button and quickly hold it down again to go up to the next gear. (I dunno what it is on the PC, but its the A button on XBOX) Its as easy as that... although I do have to admit, I don't think I've really done any swoop racing in KOTOR II... there's really no side quest for it like in KOTOR I. I think in KOTOR II they focus more on Pazaak than swoop racing.

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For PC version. When the bar is filled press "Left Mouse Button" to switch to the next gear.


Be carefull with doing so though, as if you move the mouse, your swoop may move and miss that critical pad, or hit some nice wall/mine (very annoying)


There is no way to alter the control for Switch Gear (DAMN, DAMN, DAMN), even if it was noted as Known Bug in 1.0a, and not fixed in 1.0b...

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Oh, you can, reduce it then rehost the smaller pic on Imageshack...; Then link to the rehosted image in the Sig options


About Swoop Racing (on topic):


No, space doesn't work with Kotor2, with Kotor1 it did (and was Way better)

All races are broken, except if you have 1.0B (which introduces new problems though)


How come other people can have a bigger sig and i can't thats not fair  and i'm too lazy to go to imageshack


Just send a PM to Fionavar with the name of Uber-Sig holders... Most likely the problem would be fixed. And if you are too lazy to go there... why do you reply to my post? :D

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How come other people can have a bigger sig and i can't thats not fair :(  and i'm too lazy to go to imageshack. :p

It's not a blinking competition. Shrink it, you are being very rude to the rest of the forum members. I don't want to have to ban ALL signatures, but I shall do so that I don't have to see your bloody artwork.


Have a link to it or something else.






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How come other people can have a bigger sig and i can't thats not fair :(  and i'm too lazy to go to imageshack. :p

It's not a blinking competition. Shrink it, you are being very rude to the rest of the forum members. I don't want to have to ban ALL signatures, but I shall do so that I don't have to see your bloody artwork.


Have a link to it or something else.



How would you ban them, you're no Moderator, and every fricken time i try it the dman thing keeps its shape, WTF?!

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Haha I wouldn't even know the answer to this. I never played the swoop races. Just not my thing, especially when other than credits, there wasn't really much point.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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