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Yet the Ravens managed to win the Super Bowl with a QB that couldn't even make the practice squad on any team in the league next year. Sometimes I think the QB role is overrated. I say you run your team through where the talent lies.

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Oh, no thats true, you have to play with your strength, but also the year the Ravens and also the Buccaneers won the superbowl where sort of "downtimes" for the league. Many of the QBs that are great now were young and just learning the position at the time. During the Ravens run they beat McNair about two years before he became a great QB, Brian Griese who is making a comeback of sorts, but has never been a great QB, Rich Gannon who's servicable and better then average, but most certainly will never be in the Hall of Fame, and Kerry Collins, who was about 3 year out of being a drunk, and is apparently colorblind because he'll throw the ball to anyone.


The year after their superbowl run with the same defense intact they finnaly did play a great QB in Bret Farve and where simply beaten.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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and hockey is not the official sport of Canada.


Lacrosse is.


Which I don't understand... as Hockey is vastly more popular.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Despite Ottawa always getting beaten by the Leafs in the playoffs :)


As long as they face each other. The one time recently that they didn't go against each other, Ottawa made it to the Conference finals and a game 7. That game should have gone to overtime. The fecking ref called play just as Ottawa was about to score on a wide open net. :lol:


Anyway, Oerwinde, it is somewhat confusing as to why Lacrosse is the official sport. It's actually quite fun to play (YAY for me since I can't skate very well... :">), however it just didn't seem to have the appeal that hockey did when watching sports. :-"

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No, they didn't. That was the owners' decision. It was a lock out.  Not a strike. Know the terminology before you start posting.

Bull. It was a lockout from the start, yes. That's the only thing you got right (ever, probably). But the owners made offer after offer which the NHLPA simply refused to accept.. then in the end they actually DID accept almost the exact same offer, but with WORSE numbers. So oh yes, I blame the players. They put up a fight without having anything to fight for, except greed.

No, they don't. They'r enot even in the same league. Hahaha. A funny. I'll try to find that articvle from yesterday. The NHL isn't even in the same stratosphere as the other  majorleagues on how much their players are paid (nor should they be since theya re the least profitable).

Source? My source is www.espn.com, but since it's you I won't bother linking directly.

They DO have approximately the same amount of money in salaries, definitely in the same leagye. Lie all you want, but this is a fact. They also had the worst TV-deal ever (which is where the big money comes from, not tickets or souvenirs) which was approximately 2% of another major sport TV-deal.

Yeah. Attendance was, by and large, up across the board. Merchandise was selling as well as ever. The only weakness was the tv deals because of Bettman's poor negotiations. If the NHL was losing money, I BLAME him.

The NHL was losing money. That's a fact (unless you can point me to some report that says otherwise?). And yes, it was Bettman's fault for spreading NHL to places where they don't want it on the expense of the great clubs. Attendance and merchandise are small potatoes compared to the TV-deals.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"You're not getting a rise out of me. You should focus on other people."


Sorry; but I'm not trying to turn you on, troll.





"The average NFL starter makes around $2 million a year.


The average NHL starter made around $2 million a year.


Now Volourn is just lying. Stop feeding him."


Actually, we both were lying. According to the Toronto Star the average salaries for each league is as follows:


NHL - 1.39 mil


MLB - 2.372 mil


NBA - 4.9 mil


NFL - 1.33 mil



So, i was off by saying the NHL had less average salary than the NFL players. Of course, NFLs have 16 regular season games and a roster of 40+ players to pay compared to the 30 or so NHL players on a NHL team and 82 games.


Bottom line, NHL players don't even come close to comparing to the big wigs.




"Bull. It was a lockout from the start, yes. That's the only thing you got right (ever, probably). But the owners made offer after offer which the NHLPA simply refused to accept.. then in the end they actually DID accept almost the exact same offer, but with WORSE numbers. So oh yes, I blame the players. They put up a fight without having anything to fight for, except greed."


Blah, blah, blah. It was a lockout. This is a fact. And, the players made multiple counter offers including a better version of the NHL's earlier salary cap that the NHl refused. The bottom line is that the owners locked out the players as the owners led by Bettman did not want a season. It was a way for the BILLIONAIRE owners to bully the millionaire players. Period.


The only greedy people are the owners, and espicially the FANS. The fans are scum, arrogant, foolish, full of themselves, hateful, and jelaous. Pathetic creatures, really.



"Source? My source is www.espn.com, but since it's you I won't bother linking directly."


Other than the NFL, the NHL isn't in the same league as the major team sports as far as avergae salaries go. This is factual. My Toronto Star source is better than yours as papers > internet. 'Nough said. Besides, your source is an Amerikan media source. Hahahaha.



"The NHL was losing money."


No proof. And, no, the owners' word is not enough.


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Never mind that 3rd party independent arbitrator, that was brought in at the NHLPA's request who drew that same conclusion.


You prefer to think that teams like New York just made money, when he brought to light that they didn't (although Calgary/Edmoton did ^_^)

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Well, Volourn is a known liar already, so why even bother.


What's more worrying to me is how Toronto will be able to squeeze their rooster under 37-39 million dollars. I know Mogilny will be gone (injury ridden and past his prime, but still a great loss) and I hope the underachiever and overrated Owen Nolan will be gone too. With a little luck Belfour (never really thought he was as good as they claim) will make place for Tellquist in goal. Another one I'd rather see they drop is Leetch. While he's good, he's really too much of a defensive liability to suit my tastes. And expensive as hell. Nieuwendyk and Roberts (old pals) are also both past their primes and even though I like them both I'd happily see them both go for younger, hungrier players.


Just a little luck in the draft lottery and we're set for a great season (Please, Crosby, come toooo uuuuussssss....)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"You prefer to think that teams like New York just made money"


Eh. I prefer nothing. I accepted his source as very possible. Your point, as per usual, nonsensical.


Don't worry about Toronto. I'm sure the happy Toronto owners will make LOTS of money after they up the price of tickets and lay the blame for the increase on the players while their lackies the stupid fans buy their bull hook, line, and sinker.




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"You prefer to think that teams like New York just made money"

Eh. I prefer nothing. I accepted his source as very possible. Your point, as per usual, nonsensical.


Odd. You refuse to believe his independent analysis of the books, yet you believe his claims that New York loses money.

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and hockey is not the official sport of Canada.


Lacrosse is.


Which I don't understand... as Hockey is vastly more popular.

That's a bit like the old "Revan is officially LSM". Who cares? Gretz was a promising lacrosse player too, btw.

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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But I did hear a story somewhere that the Great Ones' shoulder was kinda shot, which could impair his swing. BTW I heard the same story about Arnold 10 years ago.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The main reason I thought the existing league should fold is so that guys like Bettman would be out of jobs. Now the same schmucks on both sides that caused the first year long labor stopage in North American professional sports are in the position to screw up the NHL again.


And ESPN has been reporting that the new CBA is calling for lower ticket prices. Yet Volourn has been insisting the owners did all this so they can raise ticket prices and make even more of a profit.

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