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Civ IV

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It's a pretty fair abstract of Civ, with the added bonus of RTS battles, should you want to zoom in. I got a little jacked off by the plague infestations in my big cities (with Super-Duper-Epic-City Walls and such); I think they are mainly caused by the opponents' spies, I subsequently read somewhere, though ...




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Hoplites are cool, daddio. They're the dudes that the 300 Spartans are based on ...



ya i guess if you have enough victories eventually you'll recieve Leonidas, but I never played with them

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Hoplites are cool, daddio. They're the dudes that the 300 Spartans are based on ...

Ya, I guess if you have enough victories eventually you'll receive Leonidas, but I never played with them

Civ4? Apparently there are heroes in it, if that's what you mean ...




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I got the Total Realsim mod and have been playing that. What I always do with my Hoplites is set them in a corner and let the opponent come to me, then he dies like nobody's business.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I got the Total Realsim mod and have been playing that. What I always do with my Hoplites is set them in a corner and let the opponent come to me, then he dies like nobody's business.


A row of Spartan Hoplites with Cretian Archers behind them is so amazingly deadly it's not even funny. Well it is unless you are the ones that have to take them on. :ermm:"


My last campaign as the Greeks took me up into Thrace where I got some Thracian Mercenaries for the first time. Those guys are 1337!!!1 The one unit took out I think three units of Macedonian Pikemen by themselves with less than half casualties compared to total for the pikemen. After about 12 battles they were down to around 5 men but I kept them around anyway. By the time the finally were wiped out they had some 10,000+ kills for that one unit.


I used the 5 man unit to chase down routing enemies and slaughter them all. :thumbsup:


I didn't like the Total Realism Mod. It eliminated a lot of the fun of the game for me. However I did like the SPQR mod. That one was fun.

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Hoplites are cool, daddio. They're the dudes that the 300 Spartans are based on ...

On a slightly related note, Manfredi's The Spartan is a highly entertaining historical novel. Very recommendable. :-


I've never read that novel, but I have read Gates of Fire. That book is amazing. It tells the story of the Battle of Thermopylae as well. Except, this one doesn't make the Spartans look like little pussies like The 300 Spartans. It's an amazing novel. Actually, most West Point Cadets are required to read this novel to see how an officer should act.

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I had a book (in another life in another country, now) called The Fifteen Greatest Battles in History" or similar, and it was written before the World Wars.


Most of the battles were BCE. (Marathon was one of the latter ones. Boy, those Persians sure got their arses kicked a lot.)


I remember there was a particular battle with the Greek states, where a single cohort turned the tide in a battle where they were outnumbered about ten to one (it was up on top of a cliff, or something) by simply hunkering down and "doing a hoplite thing". All the other routed friendlies started turning back, especially when some of the opposition started to flee ...




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Yeah, Hoplites would go into my cool book as well. Very handy defensive units early on.

They are the duck's nuts in Rome: Total War as well.

I especially like the VO for them. "Hoplites! ... Form Up!" :cool:


For some reason, I really like the one for Hastati (or whatever they're called) too!

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you got the spelling right Al.

I just like hearing "TRIARII" when I click around, that or hearing myself called Imperitor. :">

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the tile improvements. Research techs and you can build windmills instead, and have pastures for cows and whatnot.



More even distribution of the resources (except for the special food ones, which seem to have an effect on the health of your empire, and securing all 7 different types will promote diversity in the diet).


I'm looking forward to this....as well as Spore which was pretty sweet after watching that video. Company of Heroes better release some information soon or it's going to lose its place from top anticipated game for me.




I look forward to seeing the setbacks of building completely specialized nations tech wise :wub:

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