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I was making a Keanu Reeves joke.


I am well aware of Neuromancer, though I have never read it as I dislike cyberpunk. (Reminds me of an ex.) No need to link me to an explaination. :D


edit: Damn it ShadowPaladin!


Not my fault your too bloody lasy to use the quote function :)

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Nice linkie.


A modern day warrior, Mean mean stride

Today's Tom Sawyer, Mean mean pride.


. . . .


No, his mind is not for rent

To any God or government

Always hopeful yet discontent

He knows changes aren't permanant

(But change is)


Is this even sung anywhere in the game?




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The Longest Journey

Syberia (1, not 2)

Post Mortem

Broken Sword 3

Discworld Noir

Gabriel Knight 3

Grim Fandango



And many many more...


Nay, Runaway is probably the worst adventure game ever!

I suggest All of the Broken Sword games, Broken Sword 1 being the best; longest game, best locations and storyline.

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Nay, Runaway is probably the worst adventure game ever!

I suggest All of the Broken Sword games, Broken Sword 1 being the best; longest game, best locations and storyline.

I thought it was funny, although I admit I did borrow it from a friend and might have thought differently if I'd paid money for it. It was quite short, but I enjoyed for once an adventure in a modern setting with no fantasy or magic, plus some humour and romance. It was sweet. :)


I guess you won't be buying Runaway 2. :D


I agree about the Broken Sword ones, but 1 and 2 are quite old. I recommend buying 3 first, and if you find you like the characters, get 1 and 2 and learn the backstory.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Nay, Runaway is probably the worst adventure game ever!

I suggest All of the Broken Sword games, Broken Sword 1 being the best; longest game, best locations and storyline.

I thought it was funny, although I admit I did borrow it from a friend and might have thought differently if I'd paid money for it. It was quite short, but I enjoyed for once an adventure in a modern setting with no fantasy or magic, plus some humour and romance. It was sweet. :p


I guess you won't be buying Runaway 2. :D


I agree about the Broken Sword ones, but 1 and 2 are quite old. I recommend buying 3 first, and if you find you like the characters, get 1 and 2 and learn the backstory.


Nah I don't suppose I will, seeing as though I had to import my original copy as the UK publisher kept setting the release date back....now I know why :o


For me BS3 doesn't do the series justice, even if it i in 3-D. Too many box puzzles for my liking :)

BS1 is much more magical and it doesn't matter about the graphics in my eyes, the 2-D cartoon graphics have a certain charm of their own. You wont really lose out if you buy it either, seeing as though you can buy it t the bargain price of

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Giving recommendations to someone who thinks Gothic is a POS and Deus Ex isn't even worth keeping after purchasing.. uh.. right.


Just stay away from anything exotic or unpolished and you'll be fine!


You'd probably do best if you stay in the EA section of the game store. No surprises there.


Battlefield 2 was just released and it's supposed to be good (standard EA quality, 449-499 SEK).

Boiling Point is NOT for you, you'll just abandon it in a room somewhere (buggy and highly original).

GTA: SA is probably not for you either even though it's extremely good (sandbox type of game).

You'd probably enjoy World of Warcraft but I have a feeling you look at MMORPG's in the same derogatory way you seem to view console games.


I just noticed Webhallen sells Fallout - The Ultimate Collection (Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics) for 149 SEK (~19.31 USD)!


Far Cry is good if you like to be able to mod your games and a FPS in a huge, free world (159 SEK).

Thief 3: Deadly Shadows is ok if you have a powerful machine (only 99 SEK, or ~13.83 USD).

Beyond Good & Evil is a great platformer hybrid game (only 79 SEK, or ~10.24 USD) but it's also kind of weird.

Mafia is a great story-driven action/racing game, kind of like GTA but with more story (119 SEK).

Still Life is an entertaining adventure game, but I'd personally wait till it drops in price (249 SEK).

Grim Fandango is a timeless classic from when LucasArts still released quality games (149 SEK).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I suggest All of the Broken Sword games, Broken Sword 1 being the best; longest game, best locations and storyline.


I agree about the Broken Sword ones, but 1 and 2 are quite old. I recommend buying 3 first, and if you find you like the characters, get 1 and 2 and learn the backstory.

I disagree about Broken Sword. I played the demo of 3, and it annoyed me so much I uninstalled it before getting out of the plane.


It was pure tedium. You may find it interesting if you like the Myst series, then again, I think Myst was better than this (but that's like being the best Cricket team in Antartica).




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I don't know what was in the demo of Broken Sword 3, but if it was the start of the game, then it wasn't representative of the game as a whole. The jumping puzzle was never really repeated to that extent, and while the boxes were extremely dull and pointless, the plot and dialogue were good enough to make up for it.


If a couple of daft puzzles are what's required to sell the game to today's yoof, thus making the game as a whole financially viable, then I can put up with pushing boxes in ever sillier circles now and then.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Guest Fishboot
You should have gone for the Low Tech Weapons skill, and used the Dragonsword! Add in the Combat strength augmentation, level four, and you're a lethal ninja!

I was a little disappointed when the patched/Game of the Year version bumped the damage of the Dragon's Tooth Sword from 20 to 100(!!). It made the whole Low Tech skill almost worthless, since the DTS would kill any human with a head/neck shot in one hit from front or back with Low Tech at untrained. The only point to investing in Low-Tech and the melee damage augment would be so you could reliably knock out grunts in one baton hit to the head from behind - but you can usually get by rationing your prod shots.


Deus Ex is a touchstone game, in my opinion. And I think it also looks really good on current computers - runs at blazing framerates, responds really well to anti-aliasing, and plays well with high resolutions. I recommend it very highly to anyone who missed it. The sequel is a fairly big letdown, though.

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