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Yes, but those links seem to be heavy on previews and user rankings, light on actual reviews. I mean I'll wait for reviews based on the finished version of the game, closer to release. And, since I don't own a console, I'll need this plus Jade Empire + a few more excellent console games to justify buying a console, which is looking like a real possibility now.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I have yet played a good movie to game conversion. 


Chronicles of Riddik :) (way better than the movie..and it's on the XBOX and the PC so you can choose either one...if you like FPS that is)


I have yet seen a good game to movie conversion..


I doubt we will ever see one :) ...Just looking at Boll's movies makes me dizzy :)"

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I have yet played a good movie to game conversion.  I have yet seen a good game to movie conversion..

You should get The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay. It really is an excellent game, even though the movie it is based on is pure crap.


Edit: Doh. Stupid SpamBaley.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Edit: Doh. Stupid SpamBaley.


WTF is problem... do you want to start a flame war...or what :) ....


And to bring this thread back on-topic:


No I don't think it's gonna be a subsitute for the K's...





Both genres are good but I don't think they can ever substitute eachother :)

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After the recent disapointment of K2 I wouldn't even consider the concept crossing my mind in anticipation of pre-empting the thought of purchasing a LA game until a month after the release, so I can read the feedback in Gamer mags and online to ascertain just how much worse it is than than I expect it to be ...




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Do. Not. Buy. This. Game.


I repeat.


Do. Not. Buy. This. Game.


I made the mistake of buying this game on Friday night. I only bought it because I had a few old games to trade in so I didn't have to pay full price for it. Let me just start by saying that if you are trying to remain spoiler free for EP III then playing this game is like getting all the answers to your final exam before taking it and then getting your professors personal notes on the subject as well. Seriously. It's basically the entire movie. I know the title of is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but I read somewhere (I think on here) that the game was not actually going to follow the movie, but rather would take the player to different worlds and trying to accomplish different missions that coincided with the movie while the events of the film played out in the background. Similar to Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. And then all of the events would coincide with the epic lightsaber duel between Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan.


This is not true.


It follows the movie almost to a T. Literally. As the opening crawl and the first few minutes of the film all play out. And also, again kind of like LOTR:TTA, a cut scene of the movie will play as you complete a level and just before you start a new one. This is also the point where your game saves. And this can be kind of annoying because this is ONLY TIME your game saves. So, if you die while trying to fight your way through a level, you better keep choosing the "CONTINUE MISSION" option, because if you decide to quit, you have to start ALL THE WAY OVER AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LEVEL. No matter how much progress you've made. That can get exceedingly frusterating. And to be honest, that's one of the main reasons I didn't like LOTR: TTA.


Being spoiled by the KOTOR games, I had forgotten how annoying Star Wars games can be. Not only is the AI spectacularly stupid, but your enemies are so damn annoying that sometimes you want to put your fist through the television set. This is mainly because in combat (which is real-time of course) if your character gets knocked off his feet, it can be extremely difficult to get back up and flip out of the way. Your enemy will just continue to pound on you even if he is about to be incinerated by one of his own gunners standing behind him shooting indescriminately at anything that moves. Including his own men. This happened frequently. Especially on Mustafar.


And another thing about combat, you don't have the multitude of Force Powers that the commercials would have you believe. It is nowhere near the Obi-Wan video game where, even though that game sucked, it was fun to use the legion of force powers you had at your disposal. In this game, you primarily have Force Push, Throw lightsaber, and when your playing as Anakin/Vader, Force lightning.

And you also pick up objects and throw them at your opponents. But this feature really only works on droids and Clone Troopers. When your fighting against other Jedi they will flip out of the way or they won't take nearly as much damgage from throwing objects at them.


Also, throwing your lightsaber or other objects requires you to aim at your target. This is horrifyingly annoying because of the terrible camera view. It's not third person from behind like most action games. It's third person from where ever the hell we feel like putting the camera. Sometimes its at your side, sometimes it's behind you, sometimes it's in front of you, and sometimes it's at a funky 45 degree angle ensuring that the player as absolutely no chance of killing anything whatsoever.


And if you don't aim PERFECTLY AND PRECISELY , you not only will not hit your target, but you'll waste valuable Force points as well. The good thing about this, though, is that your FP build up rather quickly so it won't take long to have a full blue bar of FP to utilize. It's just too bad that you don't have alot of Force powers to use. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to use Stasis Field or Force Wave to combat a room of bad guys standing in my way. But that would have made this game REALLY easy.


The only real fun parts of this game that I found were playing as Anakin. If the movie shows him half as dark as he is in this game, we're in for a real treat. Anakin in this wipes the floor with anyone standing in his way. As the player controlling him, you have to fight Dooku, Mace Windu, a score of Jedi when you march on the Temple and a few Jedi Masters as well. They are all no match for Anakin.


Also, it's just fun being so dark. :) You not only see Anakin mowing down a bunch of innocents, but you as the player, have to do this, too. You get to kill a bunch of cowering Seperatist leaders on Mustafar who tremble as you approach.

And the sound quality is great. It rattles and rolls as this happens so you feel like you're in the movie. That was a plus.


Playing as Obi-Wan wasn't nearly as fun IMO. He wasn't as fast or as strong as Anakin and didn't have the deadly combos that Anakin did. And BTW, the combos are pretty easy to execute. Just hit the x button repeadedly for fast attacks, the y button for charging attacks, and the b button for slow but really strong lunging attacks. Very similar to Jade Empire in this regard. And yes, you can flip around all you want this game. That was cool.


I didn't experience any framerate issues in this game but I have to say, though the characters look like the actors from the film, the graphics looked kind of blockish. Maybe it was just me but I can't remember anything visually from the game that stood out. Nothing that makes me want to write about it. The combo moves looked good during combat but there wasn't any real texture to anything I was seeing. It really just kind of underscored the feeling that this game is little more than hack and slash action. No real story at all. Which is kind of unusual because the game is based on a movie. It takes no time at all to wrap this game up as it's just basically kill as many bad guys as you can, beat the end boss, and then move on to the next round. The only thing in this game remotely resembling an RPG is the leveling up aspect of it. But even this is really shallow. You gain experience depending on how well you dispatch your enemies. During combat, you'll get an indicator that will tell you if you've done fair, good, impressive, or masterful in how you killed a bad guy. This determines how much XP you get which you can then spend on your ability skills or Force powers.


All these little missions you've been hearing about in the commercials are nothing more than, "Find a way across the bridge", or "Defeat Clone Gunships", and then the game proceeds to tell you EXACTLY HOW TO DO THIS by highlighting a panel on the wall that you have to cut through which will then expose a cable or something that you cut, which then activates the bridge. Mission accomplished. There's some secret areas you can try to find, but unlike Jedi Academy, you don't get any goodies. You just get an increase in FP and health.


Finally, one real nice touch to the game was the really cool nod to KOTOR. When your playing as Anakin slaughtering Jedi in the temple, the music that plays is the Onderon combat music from KOTOR 2. In fact, alot of the music used in ROTS is from KOTOR 2. And they mix it in seamlessly with John Williams score. It was just really cool that the devs of this game, possibly on orders from LA, decided to highlight the kindred spirit between Revenge of the Sith and The Sith Lords.


Nicely done as it seems to basically say, Star Wars is ONE UNIVERSE. Interestingly, the only time the KOTOR 2 music seemed to play was when you were playing as Anakin. I could be wrong on that, but thats when you really seem to notice it.


But other than that cool tie-in, the game leaves alot to be desired.

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Most reviews of KOTOR II were a 9.0+ which is insane to me, since the game was clearly unfinished. It's just another example of how you can't always trust reviews. Moral of this story: No more LA games... ever!

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So in other words get Lego SW :)


Well this was to be expected...SW games based on the movies have produced some spectacular misses :rolleyes:

Lego SW was on the latest PC Zone demo disk. (I haven't installed it yet.) Their review said it was loads of fun but too short (like 4 hours long).


No surprises about the RotS game: I guess we should expect the game to be aimed at the tweenies demographic: they, after all, are much more forgiving of blatant rip-off plots and techniques. (How many kids watch movies start-to-finish and then again, again, ad nauseum?)




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I have yet seen a good game to movie conversion..

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :D

I call "cheat"! The only reason the movie is better than the game is because the game was a pale implementation of the books / radio plays.


The film is apparently okay (haven't seen it yet), but not in the same league as the books. I'll let you know my opinion when I see it. :cool:




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