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Serenity trailer (aka the Firefly movie)


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OMG! IT MIGHT NOT BE DEAD! O please o please o please o please



Josh talks about stuff and Serenity



*has himself a shindig*

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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OMG! IT MIGHT NOT BE DEAD! O please o please o please o please



Josh talks about stuff and Serenity



As they say in Greece: Tehos Roxoroi!

If it's true that is. I hope so.


I'm on to the last DVD in the set now, and I find that I can't bear to watch it, simply because I don't want it to end.


This happened with Serial Experiments Lain, too. I bought the boxed set and didn't watch the last episode for ages. And then I cried after I finally did watch it. :'(

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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As they say in Greece: Tehos Roxoroi!

If it's true that is.  I hope so.


I'm on to the last DVD in the set now, and I find that I can't bear to watch it, simply because I don't want it to end.


This happened with Serial Experiments Lain, too.  I bought the boxed set and didn't watch the last episode for ages.  And then I cried after I finally did watch it. :'(

Y...you cried? :huh:


I know the feeling...but that powerful a response is beyond me.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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As they say in Greece: Tehos Roxoroi!

If it's true that is.  I hope so.


I'm on to the last DVD in the set now, and I find that I can't bear to watch it, simply because I don't want it to end.


This happened with Serial Experiments Lain, too.  I bought the boxed set and didn't watch the last episode for ages.  And then I cried after I finally did watch it. :'(

Y...you cried? :huh:


I know the feeling...but that powerful a response is beyond me.


Eh, well, the crying thing wasn't really to to with the series being over so much as how it ended.


I only cried a little anyway. Nothing like at the end of the Green Mile, when I had tears streaming down my face. But then, that film was the saddest thing ever. I get choked up just thinking about it. :'(

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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OMG! IT MIGHT NOT BE DEAD! O please o please o please o please



Josh talks about stuff and Serenity




From MoviesOnline interview with Joss Whedon:


The Dude: You did. I have to ask the inevitable, is the fate of Serenity sealed? Are there going to be more adventures?


Joss Whedon: The DVD sales will have a lot to do with that.

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Yea, he's said a few times that DVD sales will clear the picture up.


He has also said direct-to-dvd might be a possible way to continue the series, which seems realistic, as he is pressing to do a Spike movie direct to DVD right now.

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He's just giving hope to the fans and hoping the statement will increase the dvd sales (and thus his own profit)  :)


Don't be so shortsighted. He's hoping that that statement will increase the DVD sales (and thus both his and Universal's profit) so that another DVD will be justified, which will increase his profits more! It's a never-ending cycle of money and DVDs! I bet at this very moment, the only noise that can be heard from Chateu Wheedon is a maniacal "Bwhahaha!"



Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Whedon doesn't strike me like that type of guy.


Everyone, ultimately, is in it for the money. Not solely, of course, but when you have the choice between doing what you love and doing what you love and getting a lot of money for doing it, few choose to do it just for the fun.


There's no shame in it. As long as another DVD gets made, I'm quite happy to see Joss Wheeeeeeee!don get a Whole Lot of Money

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Everyone, ultimately, is in it for the money.  Not solely, of course, but when you have the choice between doing what you love and doing what you love and getting a lot of money for doing it, few choose to do it just for the fun.


Sure ya, but Whedon always seemed to be the type of guy, if he is going to pimp something, you know he is trying to pimp something. He makes it clear. That "Kevin Smith" type of self-depricating promotion.

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I bet at this very moment, the only noise that can be heard from Chateu Wheedon is a maniacal  "Bwhahaha!"




That's just the doorbell.


I have to say I reckon the wee man is interested in getting a few more DVD sales. BUt as also said, he wouldn't mind making another film. Probably because the fething thing is already written.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Not everything is all about the money. Well, maybe for some people ... and even Whedon for some projects. Got to put food on the table. (Wonder Woman comes to mind--flattery, chance at the big time, $$). But a real storyteller has to write, and would whether or not it made him any money. Things get muddled because Whedon's venue is video, not the written word. There's no way to actually do it without financial backing.


I think that Whedon is the genuine article, and that Serenity was one of those stories he had to tell. He believed in it very strongly, and it won't let him rest until it's told. There are some like that--characters that are always sitting on a shoulder, nudging, no matter what other things are going on. He might not be ready to make another segment because this one was a huge emotional drain--might not even want to think about it--but he will get back to it. It would be nice to have backing by a big movie house, but in the end it doesn't matter. As long as the story gets told.

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Not everything is all about the money.  Well, maybe for some people ... and even Whedon for some projects.  Got to put food on the table.  (Wonder Woman comes to mind--flattery, chance at the big time, $$).  But a real storyteller has to write, and would whether or not it made him any money.  Things get muddled because Whedon's venue is video, not the written word.  There's no way to actually do it without financial backing.


I think that Whedon is the genuine article, and that Serenity was one of those stories he had to tell.  He believed in it very strongly, and it won't let him rest until it's told.  There are some like that--characters that are always sitting on a shoulder, nudging, no matter what other things are going on.  He might not be ready to make another segment because this one was a huge emotional drain--might not even want to think about it--but he will get back to it.  It would be nice to have backing by a big movie house, but in the end it doesn't matter.  As long as the story gets told.



I buy this angle.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Just saw the film. What's up with all the lines in Chinese mandarin? :p Is that some inside thingie that you must watch the TV show to fully appreciate?


Good movie, btw. I'd like to see a sequel made.


I don't think it's properly explained in the film, but The solar system that Firefly/Serenity is set in was colonised by an alliance between the US and China, making mandarin a second language for most of the characters. Curiously (at least, from what I've noticed in the show and film), it seems that while most spoken word is English (with Chinese swearwords), most written word is Chinese.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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I don't think it's properly explained in the film, but The solar system that Firefly/Serenity is set in was colonised by an alliance between the US and China, making mandarin a second language for most of the characters.  Curiously (at least, from what I've noticed in the show and film), it seems that while most spoken word is English (with Chinese swearwords), most written word is Chinese.

Thanks for clearing that up. There's a lot of written Japanese as well, but you really can't expect the actors to master a whole new language just for a film now, can you?

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