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Volourn's NWN Module


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Oh; but it is. It just doesn't know it... :rolleyes:


Anyways, stay on topic, or it'll be locked. :(


Ask any questions about future features, summons, or whatever fancies ya. if not, no worries. :lol:"


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Do you think the Green one would close it? :'(


And we were discusting future plans with the dwarven female :rolleyes:



Um..you did mention this earlier:


Up Next: Planar Summoning, & Undead Summoning spell lists.



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"And we were discussusing future plans with the dwarven female."


To further that, here is some more character info...


Character Name: Klanara Stonesoul of Clan Longstone


Race: Dwarf


Sex: Female


Age: 200


Class: Bard/Fighter


Personality: Inquisitive, friendly, & open to new ideas. The dwarf adventuress absolutely despises betrayal and ddoes not believing and forgiving for ANY sin.


Combat Style: With her twin axes, Klanara likes to show off and will often take chances even when there is no need to. Often times, she may even take out her gem laden crossbow in the middle of melee to make it more 'fair' for her enemies. That said, when it comes down to it, she has a take no prisoner attitude.


Skills of Note: Coming up for taunts for hate foes, and for those she cares about. She also has a great baritone voice, and is probably the only dwarf musician in known existence that actually spends time playing the flute around camfires.


Hometown: Meltoon (small dwarven surface town)


Goals: To save her father from pending slow execution fora crime she belives he never committed.


Description: The dwarf is 3 and a half feet tall, and is completely bald. If it wasn't for her not having gray skin; she could easily be mistaken for a duergar. The most noteable thing physically about her other than the apparant self inflicted baldness is the tatoo of a broken heart on her left arm.


Noteworthy Equipment: Twin handaxes named Soul & Sonic that never leave her sight, and a mysterious mithril ring in the shape of a diamond on her right finger that she will not speak of.


WOW! Too. much. info. (w00t)



"Up Next: Planar Summoning, & Undead Summoning spell lists."


Be a while yet as I'm editing, and balancing other summons as well as continually working on dialogue. expect them to be powerful, and worthy of Heroes & Villains of the Greatest Order... as well, as the sacrifices it takes to cast them...





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Bald :rolleyes: ...Why must she be bald :lol: ..is it a plot thingie?



Are Dwarf females atractive?



I like the equipment too :(


Be a while yet as I'm editing, and balancing other summons as well as continually working on dialogue. expect them to be powerful, and worthy of Heroes & Villains of the Greatest Order... as well, as the sacrifices it takes to cast them...


Hmm...sounds good...curious bout the sacrifices :p

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"Bald ...Why must she be bald ..is it a plot thingie?"


Yes. Definitely plot. It's not a genetic defict. <_<



"Are Dwarf females atractive?"


They can be. There were some pic sof them in the old Complete Guide To Dwarves book from 2E that I did.. certain... things to.. Or did I? Hehe. Seriosuly, there were some HOT ones there! :wub:



"I like the equipment too"


Only way you'll see them up close is if the axes are imbended in your skull; or you loot her corpse... :devil:



"Hmm...sounds good...curious bout the sacrifices"


Gold. Items. Experience. Your soul.


That said, you won't see the more powerful ones in action until at least part 2, if not 3, or 4...


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I said you might want to do it for ultimate power... never said you'd get ultimate power.. <_<


Then, maybe again, maybe you WILL.




:devil: :ph34r: :wub:


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"Well all I want is to seduce the dwarven chick..who cares bout ultimate power"


Heheh. That's if she's seducable. Maybe, she seduces you! :p


And, damn, youa re as evil as the VD Virus. You got me in takative mode, so here is a small features lists of ch3....



Witcheta Chronicles 3: White Blood



- begins with the character at levels 12-14 and takes them into epic levels


- finally journey to the much heralded capital city of Vioroson


- shop at many stores with boith mundane and and magical items. Some can only be entered through individual invites


- join guilds including fighter, rogue, and wizardry ones


- multiple temples to various dieties


- explore the snow covered mountains of the north, haunted graveyards, daunting sewers below the city, & monster invested farmlands


- The Witcheta family fortunes take a sharp twist, and the possibilities of also effecting you is high


- encounter 12 new henchmen inluding a drow hunter who specializes in slaughtering surface elves, & a female cleric who was once dead and is now alive once agin looking for a new purpose in her second chance at live.


- hundreds of magic items


- likely to be more than 3 times the size of parts 1& 2 combined (the city alone will be larger than the first part)


- face the wrath and might of the Great White Dragon Matriarch Ablishoas (her name in the basic human tongue) who has ruled the city of Vioroson with an iron grip from her lair in the White Blood Mountains for centuries or wiser yet pledge your alligence to the White Beast With No Weakness


- Be challenged by Ablishoas' impressive army of Frost Giants, White Panthers, Ice Ogres who are led by her viicous twins Icetooth, & Coldclaw.


- Also encounter peculiar vampires who only attacked if attacked, a small army of slaad, & other assorted beasties


- Everyone has agena, and many are not obvious or in your best interest. It is up to the player to sort through the mess


- Past deeds, both good and bad - are certainly not forgotten and have grave consequences for PC and henchmen alike.


- Will you be the Hero, or the Villain? Or the one who claims to not care? Only you can decide...


WOW! There ya go. The White Dragon Matriach plays a major role; but once again, the main story of the third part is a secret for now...


Do not ask about part 4... The Grand Finale is full of Things. one. Should. Not. Know.


Enjoy. :)


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WOW :):blink::blink: WOW :blink::blink::blink:


That leaves me speachless :)


The size of the chapter 3 seems huge... really huge :)

Is Vioroson as big as Neverwinter,or biger?


- face the wrath and might of the Great White Dragon Matriarch Ablishoas (her name in the basic human tongue) who has ruled the city of Vioroson with an iron grip from her lair in the White Blood Mountains for centuries or wiser yet pledge your alligence to the White Beast With No Weakness


Hmm...dragons :wub:


- Everyone has agena, and many are not obvious or in your best interest. It is up to the player to sort through the mess


- Past deeds, both good and bad - are certainly not forgotten and have grave consequences for PC and henchmen alike.


- Will you be the Hero, or the Villain? Or the one who claims to not care? Only you can decide...


That sounds unbelieveble...the replay value should easely top most recent games like K2...


Well now :p

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That leaves me speachless "


Heh. Now, I have a dug a hole so deep; I dunno if I can ever dig out... :)



"The size of the chapter 3 seems huge... really huge"


It is. The story, and the result of the PC actions are shown to a high degree. Your chocies cna save a city, can keep it enslaved, or make it crumbled into nothing.


By the time I starta ctual work on ch3; all the sub systems like summoning spells, dieties, and the like will be set in relative stone so I cna focus 100% on content. Part 3 will likely use hakpaks though for music, and 'special' tilesets...



"Is Vioroson as big as Neverwinter,or biger?"


As per NWN? Aye. But many mor eshops (though many of these will be common item stores).


Vioroson is in the Center of the Epidemic Storm as well as the fall of the Witchetas. Side note: Vioroson used to be the Royal crown in the Witcheta Kingdom over a thousand years ago... The fall of the family as well as the rise of the drgaon as ruler of the city may not be a coincidence...





Correction. Deadly dragons.



"That sounds unbelieveble...the replay value should easely top most recent games like K2..."







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Witcheta Chronicles 2: Family Feud



- visit and explore an ancient dwarven stronghold, a desolate desert (lol, any other kind? :D ), and a forest haunted by overly aggresive animals

I like the sound of Dwarven stronghold ... good weaponsmiths, those dwarves ... :blink:"

- 6 new henchmen including a dwarven warrior-bard  who wields vicious twins hand axes looking for her clan's lost stronghold and its secrets that can save her dying father

Good NPC with backstory, not enough dwarves in modules, IMO

- battle new monsters including variant golems,  powerful duergar lords, & rival adventuring parties who don't appreciate those who interrupt their treasure hunts

All good news, like new and different monsters, also like to have multiple ways to solve a problem (ie not just brute force).

-  revisit old haunts, and encounter and interact with allies & enemies of the Witcheta Chronicles 1: The Relic

I hope they all appreciate the trouble I've been to ... :)

- at least 3 times the size of part 1

Long time playing fun = good. I hope there are some fiendishly clever puzzles ...

- many more unique magical items

Always good news, I like special magic. (Nice idea to have custom magic items, e.g. a bastard sword for those with exotic, and a heavy flail for that weapon specialization, a good rod/staff for mages ... etc)

- choices made or not made in part 1 will now have unforeseen ramifcations in the sequel

Excellent, I like unforeseen ramifications! Consequences are good. Mistakes maketh the man.

- rated M for Mature as always

As long as the plot is served, I don't mind (obviously gratuitous Baley-sating is not a good idea) :p




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"I like the sound of Dwarven stronghold ... good weaponsmiths, those dwarves ... "


And, trap makers for those who enjoy poking where their fingers, feet, and head don't beong..... :-"



"Good NPC with backstory, not enough dwarves in modules, IMO"


Ha. I love dwarves so I tend to be biased in their favor. that said, in part 1, there are no dwarves in it at all though i might include 1, or 2 if I feel i have the time to add an extra area later...



"All good news, like new and different monsters, also like to have multiple ways to solve a problem (ie not just brute force)."


Absolutely. That said, as the series goes on it gets harder nad harder to avoid violence as the lines in the sand are drawn and choices that cna't be undone are made...



"I hope they all appreciate the trouble I've been to ... "


Heh. They won't if that 'trouble' meant you killed them as they will no longer exist...


I actually have two ways tod eal with.. I can either add tokens in conversations or to be dropped when the PC kills a possible returning NPC or I can do a trust system I have where when part 2 is loaded up; the PC is asked a bunch of questions which serve to fire new scripts to show how the PC interacted in the firts module. Like I said, though, that would invoke trusting the PC to answer honestly even if they 'screwed up'; but it be much easier on me I think.. Hmm..



"Long time playing fun = good. I hope there are some fiendishly clever puzzles ..."


Hmm.. I'll try; but other than horrible typing skills; puzzles are my biggest weakness, imo.



"As long as the plot is served, I don't mind (obviously gratuitous Baley-sating is not a good idea) "


Agreed. :)


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Well, I just hope you avoid leverfest puzzles ala HotU. Boy, did those suck. I'd much rather have a conversation-driven problem to solve (remember the murder case in K1?) than go around the map pulling levers until I hear "click" in the other side of the level. Boring.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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How large a part of the adventure will take place in some sort of dungeon-like enviroment?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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In the first part, over half the module takes place in the mansion which can be considered a 'dungeon' though I doubt you'll get lost in it..


The later modules involve much more traveling so the ratio isn't so extreme...


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Yep, I hated the plethora of levers.


Riddles are always good (can't remember the last one I didn't get).









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No :lol:


I'm sorry but I hate puzzles..especially those,,I've never enjoyed them in that form...



If you actually want puzzles I'd sugest a murder trial puzzle like the ones in NWN...



I liked the haunted castle one myself :blink:

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No >_<


I'm sorry but I hate puzzles..especially those,,I've never enjoyed them in that form...



If you actually want puzzles I'd sugest a murder trial puzzle like the ones in NWN...



I liked the haunted castle one myself :)

What if the clothed woman will undress if you guess her riddle? :-"




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Murder riddles? You like murder riddles?


Here's one:


Who killed the PC?


The gargoyle, the Witcheta, or the golem?


Answer: All three of the above in the mansion, the plains, and the world.







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