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I have planned to make a consular character...


Can anybody give me any suggestions on starting attributes?

and Which attributes should i spend points on later??

I have planned to make a consular character...


Can anybody give me any suggestions on starting attributes?

and Which attributes should i spend points on later??


I've completed the game twice as a consular, once with high Constitution + Wisdom and the other with High Charisma + Wisdom (Both Dark Side). I found cont + Wisdom fairly easier, but could need some fixing up.


What I suggest is that you give Cont, Wisdom and Charisma all 16 points at the start and then build up on Wisdom and Constitution evenly throughout the game. This'll make your opposite alighnment (I know, I can't spell :ermm: ) force powers easier on your force points.


However, if you choose to go all out constitution + Wisdom, towards the end of the game the penalty of using an opposite force alighnment will be barely noticable due to your large amount of Force points. So, if you want an easier starting as a Consular, go 16 Charisma, 16 Cont and 16 Wisdom, and build up on your cont + Wisdom from there. If you want to be insanely strong at the end, go Wisdom + Cont.


Hope this helps your decision a bit.


Another option - for male Exiles - is to go for an 'untouchable' character. With the Lightsabre Finesse feat, DEX adds to both defense and sabre attack. With Battle Recognition (lvl 18 at the earliest, I think), WIS adds both to Force oomph and defense. By emphasizing DEX and WIS you get a character that even bosses have a hard time scratching, yet you have excellent Force abilities and you are fairly good with a lightsabre and with blasters.


Another consideration is that even an untouchable Consular will probably want natural CON of 18 in the later parts of the game, for the ability to use high-grade implants.


For such a character, DEX/CON/WIS should probably start out with no less than 14, STR and INT can be left at 8 without any loss. This leaves 12 creation points, with several options for spending them to emphasize different aspects during early times. E.g. 4 more points into DEX (to 16) for higher defense, 6 points into CHA (14) for high Force DC early and the rest into CON (to 15) in order to get implants a bit earlier. With the Duelling feat series and good DEX you'll be good with blasters, for early soloing ventures. Or you could bring both DEX/WIS to 16 and CHA to 12 (leaving CON at 14), for emphasizing the 'Consularity' a bit more.


I usually go with


Str 10

Dex 14

Con 8

Wis 16

Cha 14

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

Another option - for male Exiles - is to go for an 'untouchable' character. With the Lightsabre Finesse feat, DEX adds to both defense and sabre attack. With Battle Recognition (lvl 18 at the earliest, I think), WIS adds both to Force oomph and defense. By emphasizing DEX and WIS you get a character that even bosses have a hard time scratching, yet you have excellent Force abilities and you are fairly good with a lightsabre and with blasters.


Another consideration is that even an untouchable Consular will probably want natural CON of 18 in the later parts of the game, for the ability to use high-grade implants.


For such a character, DEX/CON/WIS should probably start out with no less than 14, STR and INT can be left at 8 without any loss. This leaves 12 creation points, with several options for spending them to emphasize different aspects during early times. E.g. 4 more points into DEX (to 16) for higher defense, 6 points into CHA (14) for high Force DC early and the rest into CON (to 15) in order to get implants a bit earlier. With the Duelling feat series and good DEX you'll be good with blasters, for early soloing ventures. Or you could bring both DEX/WIS to 16 and CHA to 12 (leaving CON at 14), for emphasizing the 'Consularity' a bit more.


So Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma are the most important attributes for consular?


Could you tell me what you think(exactly) how the attributes should be like when i start?


Wisdom and Charisma are the most important. Wisdom gives you more fp and makes them harder to resist and charisma makes them more potent as well as allowing you to use force power of the opposite alignment.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


In a way it does because it helps with the persuade skill.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


Wis and Char, are the most important attributes, but what is most important of Con and Dex for a consular? Should i have high Wis, Char and Dex or high Wis, Char and Con?


I would go with high wis, cha and dex, but i'm sure others would say different.


Dex adds to your defense and if you are male you can get the battle precognition so by the end your defense is 40+.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


The importance of attributes changes a bit over the course of the game; for example, once you have Battle Precognition (males only, not before level 18) both DEX and WIS add to your defense; before that it is only DEX. And DEX is also your only means of doing physical damage (blasters, lightsabres). Another example, the fact that CHA decreases the cost of powers of the opposite alignment means nothing during later parts of the game, because then even a Guardian/Weapon Master has enough Force points to spam powers of the wrong alignment until the cows come home.


Concentrating on qualitative aspects may help with 'rating' the attributes.

WIS: Force points, Force DC, defense

DEX: defense, physical combat (blasters, lightsabres)

CON: ability to use high-grade implants, vitality

CHA: Force DC


Note on CHA: this attribute also makes your party members hit harder (by adding a bonus to their attack rating) and during early levels the cost decrease for powers of the opposite alignment may be somewhat useful. Therefore it may be worth it to use 14 CHA at creation, but don't waste any attribute points beyond that.


Note on CON: eventually you'll want 18 natural CON, for high-grade implants, but those implants do not become available until later in the game. As a rough guide for implants, 14 CON should be plenty enough during the single-digit levels, 16 during the teens and 18 from the twenties to the end of the game. A high-grade implant will typically give you 6 points total on various interesting attributes (2x3 or 3x2) and you enjoy the benefits of the higher CON in any case. So the trade-off is usually more than worth it.


So the basic template would look like 8/14/14/8/14/14, leaving 6 creation points that you can use to put emphasis where you want. Beyond 14 it takes two creation points to get a one-point increase, beyond 16 it takes three. If you want to get the most bang for your buck and you want to go the high-defense/implants route then you could do a lot worse then using 8/14/15/8/16/14 (numbers in the usual order, STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA). Over the course of the game there will be roughly 8 opportunities for increasing attribute points at level-up (ever four levels); round out CON slowly so that you have 18 by the mid-twenties, otherwise pump the points into WIS where they do the most good.


P.S.: "DC" means "difficulty class" and "Force DC" describes how hard it is for enemies to 'save' against your spells. Your Force DC is typically (5 + level + WIS/CHA modifiers), and enemies make a saving throw of the appropriate type (Fortitude, Reflex, Will) by adding the result of a d20 roll to the base save + mods.


I prefer a higher Int over a high Con because of skill points IMHO.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


Implants don't have much use in the game except for minor stat boosts, I find.


For a Consular/Jedi Master build, I usually focus on Intelligence and Wisdom during character creation, with a few points in other stats depending on how I want to build my character.


Wisdom should be your main concern, but don't worry if you don't have enough in the stat. There's more than enough items in the game to boost your Wisdom (especially the keeper robes and the circlet and your Crystal if you're going LS).




In my opinion, going above 14 is a waste of points during creation.

Start like this. You'll want CON yo reach 18 by the end for the best implants. All others should be put in CHA and WIS. Search these forums for others ways of increasing your stats besides leveling up.

Implants don't have much use in the game except for minor stat boosts, I find.


There are various interesting implants that do not boost attributes. One is something like a 'total immunity' implant (criticals/poison/mind-affecting, I think), others grant plenty of combat feats or tons (+6) of skills. But even the attribute boosts can be interesting.


High-grade implants tend to give you about 10 points' worth of attribute boosts; for example, the Universal D-Package boosts every attribute by 2. Not all of the attribute boosts from an implant are always useful, but you tend to get at least 6 points' worth for your favs from high-grade implants; e.g. three important attributes boosted by 2, or two important attributes boosted by 3. This compensates the 'cost' of diverting attribute points into CON and you get the high CON essentially for free.


Another aspect is the increasing creation point cost for attribute values higher than 14 (double cost) or 16 (triple cost). If you keep attribute scores at creation at 14 or lower then you get the most 'attribute worth' out of your creation points and you can trade some of this back via the CON/implant route; by constrast, setting a single attribute to 18 costs more than half of your points.


Yet another aspect is that the attribute point trade via CON/implants allows you to get higher attribute scores for important attributes. It is impossible to go higher than 18 at creation and (without exploits) you get at most 8 attribute increases at level-up; but you can set CON to 16 at creation which is enough for a medium implant that can give an additional +3 boost for your favourite attribute (e.g. Bavakar Strength System).


In fact, that is what I am doing with my current Marauder campaign. So far I have always played sensible, balanced builds (e.g. Guardian with more natural INT/WIS than STR) and now it is time for something utterly silly. :D By the time my Exile reaches Malachor she will have 50+ STR (18 + 7 = 25 natural, rest from stat boosts). :lol:


A high Charisma also gives your party members a bonus to their combat rolls ... I dunno how much for how much, though.



The importance of attributes changes a bit over the course of the game; for example, once you have Battle Precognition (males only, not before level 18) both DEX and WIS add to your defense; before that it is only DEX. And DEX is also your only means of doing physical damage (blasters, lightsabres). Another example, the fact that CHA decreases the cost of powers of the opposite alignment means nothing during later parts of the game, because then even a Guardian/Weapon Master has enough Force points to spam powers of the wrong alignment until the cows come home.


Concentrating on qualitative aspects may help with 'rating' the attributes.

WIS: Force points, Force DC, defense

DEX: defense, physical combat (blasters, lightsabres)

CON: ability to use high-grade implants, vitality

CHA: Force DC


Note on CHA: this attribute also makes your party members hit harder (by adding a bonus to their attack rating) and during early levels the cost decrease for powers of the opposite alignment may be somewhat useful. Therefore it may be worth it to use 14 CHA at creation, but don't waste any attribute points beyond that.


Note on CON: eventually you'll want 18 natural CON, for high-grade implants, but those implants do not become available until later in the game. As a rough guide for implants, 14 CON should be plenty enough during the single-digit levels, 16 during the teens and 18 from the twenties to the end of the game. A high-grade implant will typically give you 6 points total on various interesting attributes (2x3 or 3x2) and you enjoy the benefits of the higher CON in any case. So the trade-off is usually more than worth it.


So the basic template would look like 8/14/14/8/14/14, leaving 6 creation points that you can use to put emphasis where you want. Beyond 14 it takes two creation points to get a one-point increase, beyond 16 it takes three. If you want to get the most bang for your buck and you want to go the high-defense/implants route then you could do a lot worse then using 8/14/15/8/16/14 (numbers in the usual order, STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA). Over the course of the game there will be roughly 8 opportunities for increasing attribute points at level-up (ever four levels); round out CON slowly so that you have 18 by the mid-twenties, otherwise pump the points into WIS where they do the most good.


P.S.: "DC" means "difficulty class" and "Force DC" describes how hard it is for enemies to 'save' against your spells. Your Force DC is typically (5 + level + WIS/CHA modifiers), and enemies make a saving throw of the appropriate type (Fortitude, Reflex, Will) by adding the result of a d20 roll to the base save + mods.


You sure know alot...


so i should start with 8/14/14/8/14/14?? and then put points in con so it reach 18, and the rest into wis??


And i have anther question too...Should i give him the Lightsaber finesse feat?

so i should start with 8/14/14/8/14/14??


No, the 8/14/14/8/14/14 is only an intermediate step, a kind of baseline or common denominator for certain ways of making a powerful Consular. There remain 6 of the 30 creation points and they can be used for putting emphasis; one good way of spending them would be 8/14/15/8/16/14. There is no single 'best' way for selecting a Consular's attributes but several good ways that represent different trade-offs and that have different strengths.


and then put points in con so it reach 18, and the rest into wis??


Yes. But remember, attractive high-grade implants that require 18 natural CON tend to become available only in the second half of the game, and even the middling 16-CON implants usually don't start appearing before the teen levels.


So the 18 CON is more a long-term goal, you can take your time about it. E.g. you could boost WIS at level 4 and 8, CON at 12/16/20, WIS at 24/28. The early WIS boost (lvl 4/;) gives you the most bang for your buck but the rest is pretty much a wash; at this point it is impossible to say which equipment you'll have and which other attribute boosts (e.g. mastery), and these factors can make it desirable to switch the order of attribute increases around a little, in order to even out odd attribute values.


And i have anther question too...Should i give him the Lightsaber finesse feat?


Yes, that would be a very good idea.


Without Lightsabre Finesse DEX only contributes to defense and you would have to equip STR-boosting items in order to hit tougher enemies with the sabre reliably. If you have the feat then any DEX boosts will increase both defense and lightsabre attack at the same time.


The passive Battle Precognition power works in a similar fashion (it makes WIS contribute both to Force power and to defense), which is why it is so attractive for Consulars in particular. So, be nice to the last of the Handmaidens. :D

so i should start with 8/14/14/8/14/14??


No, the 8/14/14/8/14/14 is only an intermediate step, a kind of baseline or common denominator for certain ways of making a powerful Consular. There remain 6 of the 30 creation points and they can be used for putting emphasis; one good way of spending them would be 8/14/15/8/16/14. There is no single 'best' way for selecting a Consular's attributes but several good ways that represent different trade-offs and that have different strengths.


and then put points in con so it reach 18, and the rest into wis??


Yes. But remember, attractive high-grade implants that require 18 natural CON tend to become available only in the second half of the game, and even the middling 16-CON implants usually don't start appearing before the teen levels.


So the 18 CON is more a long-term goal, you can take your time about it. E.g. you could boost WIS at level 4 and 8, CON at 12/16/20, WIS at 24/28. The early WIS boost (lvl 4/;) gives you the most bang for your buck but the rest is pretty much a wash; at this point it is impossible to say which equipment you'll have and which other attribute boosts (e.g. mastery), and these factors can make it desirable to switch the order of attribute increases around a little, in order to even out odd attribute values.


And i have anther question too...Should i give him the Lightsaber finesse feat?


Yes, that would be a very good idea.


Without Lightsabre Finesse DEX only contributes to defense and you would have to equip STR-boosting items in order to hit tougher enemies with the sabre reliably. If you have the feat then any DEX boosts will increase both defense and lightsabre attack at the same time.


The passive Battle Precognition power works in a similar fashion (it makes WIS contribute both to Force power and to defense), which is why it is so attractive for Consulars in particular. So, be nice to the last of the Handmaidens. :D


Right...8/14/15/8/16/14 to start with...That sounds good :D


Thanks for the help! The only thing i need to worry about now is Which face i should choose :)


Edit: Which skills exept persuade is good for a consular?

  • 2 months later...
about skills... if a consular has only 8 INT there are just 4 points for the skills. is there a solution for the problem?

Yes: increase your INT. The number of skills you receive is dependent on two things: your current class and your intelligence.


A consular receives two skill points, modified by his/her INT modifier. Since your intelligence is 8, your INT modifier is -1. So the total number of skill points you receive is one for each level. At character creation time you receive 4 times more, so in your case 4 skill points.


You can't have a low INT and many skill points at the same time.

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