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No, Colon is a very prominent Star Wars name

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


I somehow have trouble imagining anyone cringing in fear at the thought of a Sith Lord named Dath Chunkinator.


Dang! Okay I'll quite derailing my thread now and go back to business as usual :\


Wow. 5 posts in a row. Is that a record or what? :)

On official Sith business.


Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

Mao Tse-Tung


Well, I have created two Jedi who's story starts out about 5 years prior to Geonosis...


Alaric Qel-Droma is a Jedi Guardian turned Sith Lord after the Clone Wars begin, but he decides to operate in the Deep Core, far away from prying eyes and the wars of the mainstream galaxy. He starts a mission with his long-time friend and student, Jorias Kell, to build a large colony system in a relatively large star system called Alteria System, and this gets done while the Clone Wars go on, Jorias becomes the General and leader of the Alteria System Defense Force, while Alaric continues to work on his masterful engineering abilities in designing new ships and weapons for the Alteria System to use against the endless pirate raiding and other threats that enevitably get thrown at the ASDF.


Jorias Kell is about 5 years younger than Alaric, he was trained by Mace Windu mainly, but also learned from Yoda about the deeper mysteries of the Force, while Mace taught him combat tactics and how to master the arts of Lightsaber Dueling. He was also one of the most talented fighter pilots that the Order produced in those days, right up there with Skywalker himself in terms of experience and sheer innate talent, but unlike Skywalker, Jorias's true abilities were more geared at fighter piloting, Lightsaber mastery, and being able to lead others.


Alaric saw Jorias's strengths and so conveniently placed himself in a position to rescue Jorias when he got overwhelmed in a long series of running fire-fights with Seperatist forces near the edges of the Core. Jorias saw how powerful Alaric was with the Force, and also saw how good it would be to have a private home away from the Republic's war that was slowly being lost battle by battle.


Jorias by that time became very tired of the constant fighting in the galaxy, and decided to join the Alteria System Defense Force as a Commander. Alaric had always been the military leader until that point, as he was a very capable starship commander, and had been given the rank of Commodore by the Alteria System High Council, which was led by Jorias's older sister, Aspi Kell, and of course Alaric had befriended her years earlier.


Basically the Alteria System faces threats from constant pirate raiding from a nearby nebula cluster that is chocked full of asteroids, and naturally the pirate's base is located deep inside the asteroids somewhere, but Alaric and Jorias did not find a way through the rocks until a certain point in the XWA campaign I'm making for this whole story, when the Empire started their Byss colony...


I won't reveal the rest of the story since it is heavily rooted in the XWA storyline, and the player will reveal those details as he plays through.


Alaric is basically an older Jedi Guardian who became a Sith Lord, and he has a wonderous depth of knowledge about the Force, light and dark, but he decided not to involve himself with the outside galaxy because he just did not want to. He is a masterful engineer of starships and weapons, and is a very experienced starship commander.


Jorias is younger, he is a Jedi Guardian as well, but since the player in my mod takes on the role of Jorias as the tale of the Alteria System is woven, I cannot reveal too much...Suffice it to say that he learns about the Force from Alaric. He is a master of lightsaber combat and starfighter piloting, and a very good leader, although he can get a little abrasive with his people at times...


There is also a MUCH deeper mystery to Alaric which gets revealed as Jorias learns more about his new Master. Suffice it to say that Alaric is much older than the Order's history of him says he is, and there is a very huge mystery between Alaric and the Sith Wars 4000 years prior.


Alaric's family name is NOT a co-incidence. The Order never speaks of Alaric because of this huge mystery, suffice it to say that Alaric created his history with the current-day Jedi Order, and only Yoda had any inkling of what was going on with him...Much will be revealed as the player goes through Jorias's life and the story of the Alteria System :)


Windu will play an important part in the beginning of Jorias's story, the prologue of the mod...Windu *IS* the bigtime leader-boy of the Order anyway, right? ;)


The Clone Commandos will also be in the mod, and the Empire will be pivitol to the story after the Clone Wars end...The Emperor will make a cameo, but only for one piece of the Byss Colony storyline.


The Rebels will make a few appearances towards the end, as the end of the story takes place about 2 years after Luke kills the Emperor's clone at Byss...Yes, Rogue Squad will be involved in things, and I intend to make that fight as realisitic as I can...I wish I had voice actors for the various squad members...sigh...doing a mod of this size that has taken all of these years to come up with, and I still don't have everything I need to make my dream-mod complete...

  AlaricQelDroma said:
Well, I have created two Jedi who's story starts out about 5 years prior to Geonosis...


Alaric Qel-Droma is a Jedi Guardian turned Sith Lord after the Clone Wars begin, but he decides to operate in the Deep Core, far away from prying eyes and the wars of the mainstream galaxy. He starts a mission with his long-time friend and student, Jorias Kell, to build a large colony system in a relatively large star system called Alteria System, and this gets done while the Clone Wars go on, Jorias becomes the General and leader of the Alteria System Defense Force, while Alaric continues to work on his masterful engineering abilities in designing new ships and weapons for the Alteria System to use against the endless pirate raiding and other threats that enevitably get thrown at the ASDF.


Jorias Kell is about 5 years younger than Alaric, he was trained by Mace Windu mainly, but also learned from Yoda about the deeper mysteries of the Force, while Mace taught him combat tactics and how to master the arts of Lightsaber Dueling. He was also one of the most talented fighter pilots that the Order produced in those days, right up there with Skywalker himself in terms of experience and sheer innate talent, but unlike Skywalker, Jorias's true abilities were more geared at fighter piloting, Lightsaber mastery, and being able to lead others.


Alaric saw Jorias's strengths and so conveniently placed himself in a position to rescue Jorias when he got overwhelmed in a long series of running fire-fights with Seperatist forces near the edges of the Core. Jorias saw how powerful Alaric was with the Force, and also saw how good it would be to have a private home away from the Republic's war that was slowly being lost battle by battle.


Jorias by that time became very tired of the constant fighting in the galaxy, and decided to join the Alteria System Defense Force as a Commander. Alaric had always been the military leader until that point, as he was a very capable starship commander, and had been given the rank of Commodore by the Alteria System High Council, which was led by Jorias's older sister, Aspi Kell, and of course Alaric had befriended her years earlier.


Basically the Alteria System faces threats from constant pirate raiding from a nearby nebula cluster that is chocked full of asteroids, and naturally the pirate's base is located deep inside the asteroids somewhere, but Alaric and Jorias did not find a way through the rocks until a certain point in the XWA campaign I'm making for this whole story, when the Empire started their Byss colony...


I won't reveal the rest of the story since it is heavily rooted in the XWA storyline, and the player will reveal those details as he plays through.


Alaric is basically an older Jedi Guardian who became a Sith Lord, and he has a wonderous depth of knowledge about the Force, light and dark, but he decided not to involve himself with the outside galaxy because he just did not want to. He is a masterful engineer of starships and weapons, and is a very experienced starship commander.


Jorias is younger, he is a Jedi Guardian as well, but since the player in my mod takes on the role of Jorias as the tale of the Alteria System is woven, I cannot reveal too much...Suffice it to say that he learns about the Force from Alaric. He is a master of lightsaber combat and starfighter piloting, and a very good leader, although he can get a little abrasive with his people at times...


There is also a MUCH deeper mystery to Alaric which gets revealed as Jorias learns more about his new Master. Suffice it to say that Alaric is much older than the Order's history of him says he is, and there is a very huge mystery between Alaric and the Sith Wars 4000 years prior.


Alaric's family name is NOT a co-incidence. The Order never speaks of Alaric because of this huge mystery, suffice it to say that Alaric created his history with the current-day Jedi Order, and only Yoda had any inkling of what was going on with him...Much will be revealed as the player goes through Jorias's life and the story of the Alteria System :(


Windu will play an important part in the beginning of Jorias's story, the prologue of the mod...Windu *IS* the bigtime leader-boy of the Order anyway, right? ;)


The Clone Commandos will also be in the mod, and the Empire will be pivitol to the story after the Clone Wars end...The Emperor will make a cameo, but only for one piece of the Byss Colony storyline.


The Rebels will make a few appearances towards the end, as the end of the story takes place about 2 years after Luke kills the Emperor's clone at Byss...Yes, Rogue Squad will be involved in things, and I intend to make that fight as realisitic as I can...I wish I had voice actors for the various squad members...sigh...doing a mod of this size that has taken all of these years to come up with, and I still don't have everything I need to make my dream-mod complete...


Wow. Now here is a reason to shout "read the first post". Hey, at least you have creativity. My name is Kelis Dav-Esjo/Dav-Esjos. I think the last name is below average on the cool factor. Although I think Dav-Esjos is the stronger of the two.

  FaramirK said:
Wow.  Now here is a reason to shout "read the first post".  Hey, at least you have creativity.  My name is Kelis Dav-Esjo/Dav-Esjos.  I think the last name is below average on the cool factor.  Although I think Dav-Esjos is the stronger of the two.



I concur, where's Saint's sexually repressed hostility when we need it?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


Yeah, well, I needed to tell the story of my SW chars, I couldn't just post names without saying why in the hell I called them that :(


Anyway, has anyone ever thought that Palpatine might be hundreds (if not thousands) of years old? He might have found a very secretive race in the Unknown Regions that had a way to drastically slow down the aging process, or he could have discovered cloning like 2000 years prior to EP1...I don't think it'd be too far a stretch..


There is that lag-time between the Sith Wars and EP1 that lasts about 3000 years or so, a LOT could happen in all that time...


I wonder...Could the Exile discover how to make a clone of himself and then use Palpatine's Force/Soul/Memory-transfer trick that he used at Byss?? Or maybe Revan? Because that would make a great twist for K3, and if it happend like that, it would mean that K3 would NOT be the end of KOTOR ;)


^ I think you will make a fine edition to the long and respected line of SW authors .. *cough* .. :-

Fortune favors the bald.


Yeah, dude. Are you KJA's favored pupil or what?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I don't really care for KJA much...I am definately a Zahn/Stackpole guy :p


I am a pilot IMHO, so of course I default to the only two authors who have come even halfway close to making the flying portions of SW realistic ;)


KJA...Meh...He theories on Jedi/Sith were flawed in so many ways, I don't even know where to start explaining all the ways in which he was wrong.


Everyone thinks Jedi cannot master both the Light and Dark sides of the Force and use them both to attain Force Mastery, this is the fiction that KJA led most of us to beleive, and what subsequent authors have perpetuated ;)


I really hate the other fiction in that Jedi cannot be skilled engineers, starship commanders, or pilots. This is COMPLETE and TOTAL BULL**** ;)


Whoever made up that Jedi must never use technology crap needs to be shot repeatedly by a bb-gun until he bleeds from every oriface, then healed in kolto/bacta, then shot again and again ;)


Even Luke used tech stuff, especially after the films ;)


Mara was another great example of how Jedi can also be skilled in MANY other areas, and proof-positive that not every force sensitive has to join the Jedi or Sith.


Many Jedi families and other force sensitives in fact cut themselves off from the Order after the Clone Wars, and many deadened their connections with the Force itself to avoid detection by Palpidious's Jedi Hunters...Hence the Jedi who were left after the Civil War ended ;)


So, it's not a real stretch to be able to create a couple of Jedi from the Clone Wars era who decided they'd had enough of the blasted Republic and their warmongering, and wanted to make their own lives somewhere else where they would not be hunted or even bothered. Because Alaric is so powerful, and because of his uh..."Dark Status", Palpidious never does anything to the Alteria System because he knows that he'd have a major war on his hands if he attacks, and the last thing he needs is more enemies on top of the remaining Jedi and the Rebellion ;)


Besides, the ASDF never interferes with Byss, so the Emperor wouldn't give a crap about what goes on outside his borders ;)

  Laozi said:
  FaramirK said:
Wow.  Now here is a reason to shout "read the first post".  Hey, at least you have creativity.  My name is Kelis Dav-Esjo/Dav-Esjos.  I think the last name is below average on the cool factor.  Although I think Dav-Esjos is the stronger of the two.



I concur, where's Saint's sexually repressed hostility when we need it?


Sexually repressed??! Now there's a snap judgement with no basis whatsoever in reality.


The part that really amuses me about Alaric is that he still hasn't read the first post. I mean the guy actually posted the prologue to a Star Wars novel in a post whose intentions he never knew!


Also.. in response to:


am a pilot IMHO, so of course I default to the only two authors who have come even halfway close to making the flying portions of SW realistic


Uh.. what? Are you saying you're a pilot in real life and you therefore stick to SW novels that give a "realistic" spin to "flying"? You do realize that they're flying in space, right? Are you some kind of astronaut??

  Saint said:
Sexually repressed??!  Now there's a snap judgement with no basis whatsoever in reality.





Its more of an educated guess, your word seem to radiate virginity :blink:"

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  Lifthransir Bane said:
What do you expect from a college communist.



Communist? Do you want to toss a frisbee or maybe play some hacky sack :blink:

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  Laozi said:
  Saint said:

Sexually repressed??!  Now there's a snap judgement with no basis whatsoever in reality.





Its more of an educated guess, your word seem to radiate virginity :blink:"


*blink* *blink*


Uh okay whatever LOL. Just to put the subject to rest, I've been married for 2 years to a woman who likes to "relate" frequently and is rarely "unhappy" with my service. And as much as I would like to say that she was my first and only, unfortunately due to a lack of self-control on my part during my younger years it is sadly just not the case by any stretch of the imagination.


Anyhoo.. you're a communist? :devil:


Human nature is wrong with being a Communist. A Flawless Utopian communist society is not possible because the people responsible for it are NOT flawless! Anyhoo.. this isn't actually a political debate thread. Come think of it this isn't a virginity debate thread either. Oh well!


Well all threads must be derailed .. and it seems we have arrived at that destination.

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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