The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Who is the Dark Lord in Kotor II? The Sith seem much more like those in TOTJ: Sith War, in that they're different factions working somewhat together. But, in TOTJ, Exar Kun is the Dark Lord, and they're all united under his rule... Who has this honor in Kotor II??? Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
SteveThaiBinh Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 There are several Sith Lords, but I don't know that any of them qualify as the Dark Lord. The Sith are still in chaos after the events of Kotor 1. "An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Author Posted March 7, 2005 That's what I thought... Perhaps there is a hidden Sith Lord somewhere? Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
KingofThieves Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Actually, there are no "Sith lords," nor is there a "Dark Lord of the Sith" in this story. There are sith remnant, left-over from the war. And there are Traya, Nihilus and Sion. Who are more like wandering vagabonds than examples of the conquering sith we all know well... I wonder if the sith remnant who were following Kreia (or was that Sion?... Or was that Nihilus?... What master did they pledge themselves to anyway?) actually had a clue what was going on... I know if I was one of them sith, and my master said that she wanted me and 500 other soldiers to chase the ebon hawk across the galaxy, but that she was going to be on it- travelling with the guy that she wanted me to try to kill. And that she was actually going to try to kill me and the 500 other soldiers while we were trying to kill this dude- I'd be pretty suspicious of her... I might even be forced to make an early play for her spot, because obviously she has lost it- and what the heck can you learn or gain from a sith lord who's halfway across the galaxy from you teaching an exile jedi that he shouldn't give credits to the homeless- even if she can invade minds? Was this sith remnant/new sith regime sympathetic to Kreia's plight? If so, don't you think a universe without the force would seem pointless to the sith- who are basically inclined by their dark nature to manipulate it to their will? I'm guessing these sith remnant forces were being directed by Sion, but that guy has a name that translates to "student"... And what exactly can a self-respecting sith learn from a career student? Especially if your ambition is to one day be dark lord of the freaking sith yourself? I've said it once, I'll say it again: This whole entire story is a paradox... Murder mystery about who killed the force, my foot.
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Author Posted March 7, 2005 Traya WAS the Dark Lord. There are many Sith Lords, two of which being Sion and Nihilus. Traya is the third. But, who is the Dark Lord? Sion controls one faction, Nihilus another... Then again, Nihilus is his own fleet. Traya has no followers. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
KingofThieves Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Traya has no followers? During the later stages of the game you really get the impression this isn't the case... Nihilus: Nihilus has a ship, and he uses this ship to travel around the galaxy so he can feed on force sensitive types... Kreia sends him on down Telos' way, promising a meal. I don't think Nihilus is a sith lord at all. He may have been a sith lord once, at one time, but at some point that hunger for power became just a hunger. Nihilus on the ravager was devoid of any way. He was hunger personified. Now if you were a sith, would you follow this guy? No, you wouldn't, if you were the least bit force sensitive he'd eat you for breakfast. Sion: Darth Traya tells Sion to treat the Exile with every respect when he enters the "Trayus" Academy (named after her, mind you). And he follows that order without question... Kreia wanted the Exile killing sith, Sion gave the Exile every opportunity to do so. Kreia wanted the Exile to kill Sion, Sion stopped him at the chamber to the core (when he could've just bolted for another star system). She was as close to a dark lord as there was in this game, but instead of power she sought the destruction of the force. I don't think anybody she retained knew her ultimate goal. And since she didn't seem to have an alternate goal impressed upon her followers (which by the end of the game the sith remnant proved they still were), we're kind of left shaking our heads about the sith's role in this game. Kreia answered it herself, actually: They were there to make the exile more powerful. If I were a sith, I would've changed the name of Trayus Academy while Kreia was away playing mom.
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Author Posted March 7, 2005 Well, I was trying to avoid spoilers... Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
RoadReaction Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Im guessing the only "true" sith/sith lords would have to be Revan he may have disapperead but i believe the dev's have something planned for him. they may devlop more but there is no true lord of the sith. All the "sith" have their own followers except for kreia. the "power" is divided something a true sith wouldnt allow. There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
KingofThieves Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 You were trying to avoid spoilers... Asking who the dark lord of the Sith is in KotOR II is a spoiler question, dude. Sorry, but spoilers were inevitable.
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Author Posted March 7, 2005 Well, you didn't have to use real names. I put it here, because the Dark Lord involves all of Star Wars. We all know about Nihilus and Sion, but Traya could have remained anonymous. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
The Great Phantom Posted March 7, 2005 Author Posted March 7, 2005 Im guessing the only "true" sith/sith lords would have to be Revan he may have disapperead but i believe the dev's have something planned for him. they may devlop more but there is no true lord of the sith. All the "sith" have their own followers except for kreia. the "power" is divided something a true sith wouldnt allow. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True. If the Sith were not united under a strong leader, then they fall apart. This always happens. Revan was definately a strong leader, as was Exar Kun, to an extent. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Ace Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 I was under the impression that Sion commanded the Sith assassins and Trayus academy after Kreia was banished, and Nihilus had the Ravager's fleet and some other Sith forces that he occassionally used for "culling" planets for food. The one thing I'm not sure of in the plot is why Nihilus would have had a Sith Lord under him be involved with Onderon's rebellion (another question is why would Nihilus have had any force users, I would have assumed that he would have fed on many of them under his command). The impression is that Nihilus' faction is the one that contacted Vaklu. It'd make sense for Sion to do this, to bring Kavar out of hiding so his assassins could finish the job. However, Nihilus may not be really calling the shots in his faction, his underlings who are safely away from Nihilus sucking the life out of them might be doing things in his name in the hopes that he won't feed on them. Traya seems to regain command mainly because the Sith seem to recognize how powerful she has become again, and Sion quickly capitulates to her, reinforcing her control. Anyway as a literal answer on who was Sith Lord when, from what it seems: At the beginning of the game: Nihilus Right after Nihilus dies: Sion When the Exile arrives on Malachor V: Traya
Bless Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Doesn't Kreia say something about the name Traya being adopted by whoever the Lord is at the time? She says that she had the name and that Atris was the new Traya, but that her time was over and that she (Kreia) was becoming Traya again. Or something like that. Lots of name-trading. So Traya isn't just Kreia: it's anyone who takes it. I guess you have to play DS or something to get that? o_O
Barzarel Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Well as i gathered From Traya the sith you fight in Kotor 2 isnt true sith they somewhat a few jedi who turned dark Jedi's and learned some of the sith teachings, the true sith are out in the outer rim gathering strengh. True sith come from the teachings of a exstinct believes as does jedi, learned from one of the planets in outer rim, but i think history said somewhere that the sith destroy or drove the race to exstinction, anyways the sith in Kotor 2 are sith evolved from several remoderated teachings few of the bare anything of the true old teachings, many of the old sith are far more powerful than any of the new ones because much of the old ones teachings has been lost or undergone alot of changes over the decades, most of the old teachings are learned through holocron teachings, but most of the sith holocron teachings are lost. So in a way i wouldnt call the ones you meet true sith or Sithari as the perfection of sith are called. But i am curious to meet the true sith, thou.
KingofThieves Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Sion commanded the sith assassins and oversaw Trayus academy after Traya was banished... I agree with this. Sion appears to be the one physically moving the ebony rooks and pawns about the metaphorical chess-board (while Kreia stands behind him, whispering in his ear), but what is Sion's motivation exactly? This is not touched on, hinted at, explained in the least. Because Sion had no motivation, I think Kreia had never really been banished from Trayus Academy, and her rule in her little circle of deceit had never really been challenged to begin with. The revelation that she had been usurped, which she displayed to the Exile, may have been nothing more than a cunning ruse. I think Sion and Nihilus' beat-down of Kreia at Trayus Core, and Sion's chopping off of her hand aboard the Harbinger, were necessary stepping stones that led to her ultimate goal- Nihilus and Sion participated with her, not against her. Kreia knew what she was doing, but I don't think that Sion and Nihilus were in on the entire game-plan... I do think they were still on her team, however. They were just mis-led to her ultimate goal. The real sith are waiting beyond the outer rim to pounce... I'd like to think that it was Nihilus' goal to exterminate the jedi council, so the real sith could move in to republic space without fear of their interference. This would make sense in the overall scheme of things leading in to part III, but contradict Kreia's involvement in the plot of part II. Maybe Nihilus was sent by the real sith to co-ordinate the Revan/Malak remnant and hunt the force sensitives in republic space to extinction. Or maybe Nihilus' hunger was born of Malachor, as some others have suggested (in other threads). This would of course be pure speculation though. Because Nihilus' role was not explained that's all anybody can do. Same with Atris. You can speculate on Atris' intended involvement in the plot all day, however it's the way she was actually presented in the game that counts. And in the game, she was the fallen leader of the handmaidens, nothing more. To end: I think that "The Last Jedi" would have been a more fitting title for this game than "The Sith Lords." There are sith, but are any of them really befitting of the title "sith lord", or "dark lord of the sith?" Maybe you were originally supposed to hunt down a sith lord on every planet, and the members of the jedi council are just something that came about after the title of the game had already been announced... Once again, that's just speculation. "
RoadReaction Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Well as i gathered From Traya the sith you fight in Kotor 2 isnt true sith they somewhat a few jedi who turned dark Jedi's and learned some of the sith teachings, the true sith are out in the outer rim gathering strengh. True sith come from the teachings of a exstinct believes as does jedi, learned from one of the planets in outer rim, but i think history said somewhere that the sith destroy or drove the race to exstinction, anyways the sith in Kotor 2 are sith evolved from several remoderated teachings few of the bare anything of the true old teachings, many of the old sith are far more powerful than any of the new ones because much of the old ones teachings has been lost or undergone alot of changes over the decades, most of the old teachings are learned through holocron teachings, but most of the sith holocron teachings are lost. So in a way i wouldnt call the ones you meet true sith or Sithari as the perfection of sith are called. But i am curious to meet the true sith, thou. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sithari...WTF?!?! the sith used to be a race. they were trained with the force and had ancient sacred weapons. The people probably slaughtered eachother or someone slaughtered them. my guess we can expect to see the true sith slaughtering soon enough. and by true sith i mean those who follow the ways of the sith as opposed to the race which would be nice to see. There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Author Posted March 9, 2005 Nowhere does it say that the race is dead... NOWHERE. I've reread most of the TOTJ comics in the recent weeks, when I could find them, and the only hint at this is when Sadow's Army is destroyed by Ludo Kressh's and the Republic. Who's to say that some Dark Jedi in Sadow's Kressh's Army didn't survive... say he was sent to secure Zolost (or whatever its name is), and he took a few other Sith with him. The Republic never thouroghly (sp?) explored the Sith Empire for remnants, so the fact that a couple of Sith, in all their glory, were left on an isolated world, waiting for a word from Sadow/Kressh. **Spoilers below** Perhaps Kreia and her plot(s) caused enough echoes to send a beacon. I think Revan heard it, and that means that the 'True Sith' did too. This is insinuated when Carth talks about how he thinks that Revan did not succeed in his task. Something big is about to happen, but what that is, and to what extent, nobody knows yet. All of the Sith as of yet in Kotor have all been followers of the belief... An army of Nihilus like beings would be an ultimate end, I believe... Any more questions? Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
RoadReaction Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 thats true, i doubt the sith are dead. maybe thats part of the suprise. Or is revan seeking knowledge in far beyond galxies to unlock the secrets of the sith to crush te republic once and for all? There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
The Great Phantom Posted March 9, 2005 Author Posted March 9, 2005 I'm going to quote somebody, with an alternation. Speak up if you've posted something like this quote on the forums: "The adversary's best trick is convincing others that he doesn't exist." :ph34r: Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
DarkLordRulius Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 I personally would go with Nihilus if one of them actually *was* the dark lord. However they are merely different Sith Lords leading their own little entourage's trying to kill the Jedi. Nihilus seemed to have the best (and possible only) fleet of the three.
Darth Nihilius Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 There are always be Sith Lords when there is a Dark Lord of the Sith especially when Marka Ragnos was still alive and Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh were Sith Lords and so if the Dark Lord dies there will be decision by the Sith Lords who will be the next Dark Lord including the surviving the deadly insects ritual. I think when True Sith (Ancient Sith) lost the battle in the Great Hyperspace War and travel to unknown place in the galaxy when they retreated that some of their ships didn't join up with Naga Sadow when the Republics were hunting him down.
The Great Phantom Posted March 15, 2005 Author Posted March 15, 2005 That's what I think sorta went on, Nihilius. Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
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