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The KOTOR community pulling a Carth?

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"Your not collecting four of anything in KOTOR II so perhaps you should drop the trolling before someone gets report button happy."


Go ahead. You are just embarassing yourself. You are collecting 4 jedi on 4 different planets. Stating that isn't trolling; but stating a fact.


Report my post; I'll report yours for trolling and making uncalled for threats.


Just because you don't like the facts; don't come whining about it.



Then again, you shouldn't be making it perosnally. I never flamed anyone. I discussed the game. You should stick to the same instead of making threats.


P.S. This entire topic is trolling as its intial design was to flame fellow posters. :thumbsup:


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I don't know about whining. I have yet to defeat the end boss so I don't know what happens exactly in terms of the ending.


I do think it's a little odd that the game shipped with something as weird as GO-TO destroying Bao-Dur's remote aboard the Ebon Hawk only to later see that the Remote is perfectly fine...

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"do think it's a little odd that the game shipped with something as weird as GO-TO destroying Bao-Dur's remote aboard the Ebon Hawk only to later see that the Remote is perfectly fine..."


That's just an anomaly. Ita ctually didn't destroy the tiny droid. Just zapped him good.


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"Your not collecting four of anything in KOTOR II so perhaps you should drop the trolling before someone gets report button happy."


Go ahead. You are just embarassing yourself. You are collecting 4 jedi on 4 different planets. Stating that isn't trolling; but stating a fact.


Report my post; I'll report yours for trolling and making uncalled for threats.


Just because you don't like the facts; don't come whining about it.



Then again, you shouldn't be making it perosnally. I never flamed anyone. I discussed the game. You should stick to the same instead of making threats.


Your not collecting Jedi, you are searching for and meeting them,big difference. Your post is intentionally misleading and you should therefore stop.


You dont go around and put them in a box like items you collect.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Your not collecting Jedi, you are searching for and meeting them,big difference. Your post is intentionally misleading and you should therefore stop.


You dont go around and put them in a box like items you collect."


No. You basically do 'collect' them. Afterall, the game will not progress until you collect.. err.. meet all 4. It works exactly the same way as it did in KOTOR1 with the Star Maps. And, I have a hunch that was intentional to give the player a reason to visit all planets. Nice try. Nowhere did I post that you put them in a box. Talk about misleading as that's exactly what youa re doing putting words in my post that weren't there.


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No. You basically do 'collect' them. Afterall, the game will not progress until you collect.. err.. meet all 4. It works exactly the same way as it did in KOTOR1 with the Star Maps. And, I have a hunch that was intentional to give the player a reason to visit all planets. Nice try.  Nowhere did I post that you put them in a box. Talk about misleading as that's exactly what youa re doing putting words in my post that weren't there.


You dont collect Jedi in the same way that you collect StarMaps.


And no it dosnt work exactly the same because a Star Map wont try to kill you if your on the wrong side. :thumbsup:

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"You dont collect Jedi in the same way that you collect StarMaps."


Pretty much, you do. You need the Star Maps to progress the game. You are 'forced'; to go to 4 random planets to find 4 things. You do the same exact thing with the Jedi. If you cna't see the obvious connection between both scenarios; that's not my problem.



"And no it dosnt work exactly the same because a Star Map wont try to kill you if your on the wrong side."


Well... The Star Maps do have their 'protectors' if you try to grab one...


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"You dont collect Jedi in the same way that you collect StarMaps."


Pretty much, you do. You need the Star Maps to progress the game. You are 'forced'; to go to 4 random planets  to find 4 things. You do the same exact thing with the Jedi. If you cna't see the obvious connection between both scenarios; that's not my problem.



"And no it dosnt work exactly the same because a Star Map wont try to kill you if your on the wrong side."


Well... The Star Maps do have their 'protectors' if you try to grab one...


Except that the Jedi are a whole lot deeper than clicking on map yes? Their reaction will depend on your character ? A map on the other will be a static object regardless.


Those "protectors" don't have differing views of youpending on which side you are on.So it's not the same as the jedi. How you go about locating and interacting with the Jedi also has story implications, where as the maps are just maps. The only point of the maps is to get to them.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Ahh.. You are just trolling for a reaction. That's ok. The bottom line here is that you collect 4 items.. err.. Jedi to pregress the game much like KOTOR1 with the star maps. It's the same exact concept. The fact that the Jedi can talk is irrelevant here.


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Ahh.. You are just trolling for a reaction. That's ok. The bottom line here is that you collect 4 items.. err.. Jedi to pregress the game much like KOTOR1 with the star maps. It's the same exact concept. The fact that the Jedi can talk is irrelevant here.


Actually I'm pointing out the inacuracy of your "collect four things" simplification.


Now thats done.


How can things that add depth to the story be irrelevent in an RPG? If they had all been dead like Vash, then I would have agreed , but they are not and your interaction with them alters has significant implications on the story.


So if you still think there is no difference between that and clicking on 4 static maps thats entirely upto you.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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The concept of go around and "collect stuff" applies to most RPG's doesn't it?  It's just that the "stuff" can be whatever, people, info, items...It's just done in different ways and in different environments.


Yes, thats why the how it is done becomes important.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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The concept of go around and "collect stuff" applies to most RPG's doesn't it?  It's just that the "stuff" can be whatever, people, info, items...It's just done in different ways and in different environments.



They haven't gotten to the part whether NWN is a good game or not yet :thumbsup:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The concept of go around and "collect stuff" applies to most RPG's doesn't it?  It's just that the "stuff" can be whatever, people, info, items...It's just done in different ways and in different environments.


Yes, thats why the how it is done becomes important.


Exactly! But Volourn does have a point when he says that the games are quite similar: Both games follow almost exactly the same pattern! Start here, meet the mentor figure, find out a bit of whats going on, go "collect stuff" to get the whole picture, then go to some previously unknown destination where the game is concluded.

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Exactly!  But Volourn does have a point when he says that the games are quite similar:  Both games follow almost exactly the same pattern!  Start here, meet the mentor figure, find out a bit of whats going on, go "collect stuff" to get the whole picture, then go to some previously unknown destination where the game is concluded.


Just refer back to the original post.


"but I thought they did an excellent job making KotOR 2 more immersive and less generic, (not talking textures here  )"


That explains the 'Go Collect 4 Items' main plot in KOTOR2. R00fles!


As for the content patch. Obsidian shoudl throw the plan in the dumpster, and concentrate on learning from KOTOR2 to make their next games even better.


(Aside from the last sentence which I happen to agree with). Go collect four items is no way representative of the main plot of KOTOR II is it?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"then I would have agreed , but they are not and your interaction with them alters has significant implications on the story."


Not really. In the end, all the Masters are dead, and they basically tell ya things you already knew - you got kicked out of the Order for betraying it. Ooo... The story goes on the same no matter what.



"Go collect four items is no way representative of the main plot of KOTOR II is it?"


Just as much as the Star Maps have on KOTOR's story. Afterall, whenever you collect the Star Maps in KOTOR1 you get a aprt of the story as well. Same poo; different pile.



"Exactly! But Volourn does have a point when he says that the games are quite similar: Both games follow almost exactly the same pattern!"


You are a genius. Be careful though; agreeing with me may lead SP to press the 'report button' near your post. :D


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"then I would have agreed , but they are not and your interaction with them alters has significant implications on the story."


Not really. In the end, all the Masters are dead, and they basically tell ya things you already knew - you got kicked out of the Order for betraying it. Ooo... The story goes on the same no matter what.


Just as much as the Star Maps have on KOTOR's story. Afterall, whenever you collect the Star Maps in KOTOR1 you get a aprt of the story as well. Same poo; different pile.



"Exactly! But Volourn does have a point when he says that the games are quite similar: Both games follow almost exactly the same pattern!"


You are a genius. Be careful though; agreeing with me may lead SP to press the 'report button' near your post. :D


It still had significant implications on the story though regardless of how they end up. It would have been a very different story if all you did was click four dead jedi (like you clicked 4 starmaps).


Your "point" is on such an abstract level that it is essentially pointless.


Are NwN and KOTOR the same because both revolve around collecting four things?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Not as much as KOTOR1, and KOTOR2 are the same plot advancement wise.


Only real difference is that you are collecting four things (really collecting as they go in your inventory) multiple times.


Now at least the criteria for your collect things is put into context.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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KotOR I: You need to go to 4 different planets in search of 4 <insert objects/persons> in order to gather enough information to go to a previously unknown world to settle it all.


KotOR II: You need to go to 4 different planets in search of 4 <insert objects/persons> in order to gather enough information to go to a previously unknown world to settle it all.


No, the stories aren't *exactly* the same. But close. I think ShadowPaladin is just being overly obsessive with the exact wording of saying so. Give up already, I think it's clear to anyone else... :)


Not that I complain about this kind of story. It works fine for me. I just don't think it's fair to bash one game for using it and at the same time praise another for doing the same.

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Ahh.. You are just trolling for a reaction. That's ok. The bottom line here is that you collect 4 items.. err.. Jedi to pregress the game much like KOTOR1 with the star maps. It's the same exact concept. The fact that the Jedi can talk is irrelevant here.


I think the Obsidian progression works a little better because it gives you more control over when you progress.

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"I think the Obsidian progression works a little better because it gives you more control over when you progress."


How does it do that? It' the same method. You find the different items (Jedi) and the main story progresses from that. The 'End Game' only begins when you find all four. You get the same amount of control in both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 in this regard.


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