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Was just doing the Sith Tomb on Dxun and was trying to get into the terminal with the equation. It comes up (6_2)_8_9_1=13. If you enter (6*2)-8+9/1=13, which is correct mathematically, you get a negative response, ie. zapped and can't get in. You have to enter (6*2)-8+9*1=13 to solve the puzzle and it only accepts this response as far as I can see.


Only a very minor point but still..... ;)

Was just doing the Sith Tomb on Dxun and was trying to get into the terminal with the equation. It comes up (6_2)_8_9_1=13. If you enter (6*2)-8+9/1=13, which is correct mathematically, you get a negative response, ie. zapped and can't get in. You have to enter (6*2)-8+9*1=13 to solve the puzzle and it only accepts this response as far as I can see.


Only a very minor point but still.....  ;)


Nope, you were right about dividing the final digit, and it worked for me that way...didn

Was just doing the Sith Tomb on Dxun and was trying to get into the terminal with the equation. It comes up (6_2)_8_9_1=13. If you enter (6*2)-8+9/1=13, which is correct mathematically, you get a negative response, ie. zapped and can't get in. You have to enter (6*2)-8+9*1=13 to solve the puzzle and it only accepts this response as far as I can see.


Only a very minor point but still.....  >_<

You do realize that it works out either way right, so really its correct (because anything either divided or multiplied by 1 will always equel itself).

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neither 6*2-8+9/1 nor 6*2-8+9*1 works for me, game says "INCORRECT" and blows the terminal up either way


they better release a patch for that ridiculously bugged game soon :angry:

neither 6*2-8+9/1 nor 6*2-8+9*1 works for me, game says "INCORRECT" and blows the terminal up either way


they better release a patch for that ridiculously bugged game soon :angry:


Amazing...three postings and everyone


I have american unpatched KOTOR II and I did this computer terminal thingy in Nadds's tomb during Sith Raid mission, with 3 members.


I initially did the divide first but the terminal blew up. Like 3 different times I tried. Eventually "light goes off in head" I multiply and it works.


No explanation by me. I cant imagine why only one worked for me. I figured lol that the programmer only knew of one way or just only applied one way to work.


After so many tries I was just tired and frustrated. The prize is meaningless, was lightsabre crystal +1-10 cold, +? wisdom I think. Never used it. Eventually found another somewhere shortly afterward.


The real ballbuster that I think I got lucky with was the droid warehouse, where on my third try I got it right.


1-Rotate center block counter-clockwise

2-Rotate left most block counter-clockwise

3-rotate right most block clockwise


That was pure luck I didnt even understand it after I did it. Supposedly you can blow it up, the terminal.


The divide or multiply is random on every game, but it only accepts one. This is stated in the Gamefaq's guide, and judging from the responces here it is correct.


The blocks? That's easy.


a b

c d-first block


b e

d f-second block


e g

f h- third block.


Those are the three blocks, essentially.


rotate 1st block to the left will give you:


b d

a c


While to the right will give you:


c a

d b


Any clearer now?

The divide or multiply is random on every game, but it only accepts one. This is stated in the Gamefaq's guide, and judging from the responces here it is correct.


actually I tried both ways - so I found the 3rd random option, ie. the game decided that it won't let me solve this puzzle at all? Seriously, I tried hard to find that solution myself, and when I finally got it I was pissed that it didn't work - thought I hit the wrong answers but after double- and triple checking and trying divide as well as multiply, the game still wouldn't accept the solution. So I left that room for good, not that I felt like I missed something, but it's a bug nonetheless...


KotOR2 beats the original in almost every aspect, including bugs and technical issues, so while I enjoy the game a lot, it's annoying how often the game crashes, "minor" quest bugs like the one mentioned above just add to that.

Both work, and the game picks one before you do it. If the one you chose

didn't work, reload and do the other one. Even that isn't guaranteed, but

it will work eventually.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

The real ballbuster that I think I got lucky with was the droid warehouse, where on my third try I got it right.


I was squinting my way through the dungeon at 2 a.m. when I stumbled onto the equation. I had no desire to stop and think, so I just randomly clicked my way through the options. It solved the equation correctly and I got two crystals for it: green and blue.


The puzzles were a lot easier in this one than the first one... I just didn't get the other one in the Dxun Tomb... The letters? I got confused.


It worked either way with me on the multiplication/divide way...

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