Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 1. Why are Sith trying to bring back Nadd when he's destroyed? Meaning that Nadds force presence was obliterated by Exar Kun. Nadd isn't even on the force map anymore. 2. A Basilisk War droid doesn't look like a Virago Star fighter from SOTE. Silly or not, continuity is continuity. Plus the Silly Basilisk War Droid can lay waste to fleets. 3. Naga Sadow is ALSO one of the Sith Lords not entombed on Korriban 4. The Nagai shouldn't be mentioned in anyway shape or form. They are a race in hte unknown regions. Who don't make themselves known for 4000 years, when they start the short War with the New Republic. 5. Valley of the Dark Lords, yes,yes, yes. My fav. Now I thought Chris did his research, not even KOTOR made this many mistakes. KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 1. Why are Sith trying to bring back Nadd when he's destroyed? Meaning that Nadds force presence was obliterated by Exar Kun. Nadd isn't even on the force map anymore. 2. A Basilisk War droid doesn't look like a Virago Star fighter from SOTE. Silly or not, continuity is continuity. Plus the Silly Basilisk War Droid can lay waste to fleets. 3. Naga Sadow is ALSO one of the Sith Lords not entombed on Korriban 4. The Nagai shouldn't be mentioned in anyway shape or form. They are a race in hte unknown regions. Who don't make themselves known for 4000 years, when they start the short War with the New Republic. 5. Valley of the Dark Lords, yes,yes, yes. My fav. Now I thought Chris did his research, not even KOTOR made this many mistakes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1 - The Sith were not trying to bring back Nadd. They were using Nadd's tomb as a venue for the ritual which held control over the Dxun beasts that they were using on Onderon. They sought to benefit from the power of the tomb, not revive the inhabitant. 2 - Having never seen a Basilisk War Droid parked at Wal*Mart, I cannot verify this point. 3 - The tomb of Naga Sadow can be found on Korriban, in the lower right corner of the Valley of The Dark Lords. 4 - It's an easter egg. Weapons and armor have no plot significance, the names and descriptions are for titillation only. 5 - The Valley is in both Kotors, and plays a much more important part in the first game. I thought it was somewhat contrived too but then I realized that I was playing a videogame and quickly got over it.
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 Naga Sadow isn't entombed on Korriban, his Body is on Yavin 4. KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Naga Sadow isn't entombed on Korriban, his Body is on Yavin 4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh dear, are you debating the factual accuracy of a videogame? And basing your argument on a hack EU story? You may want to delete this thread, in the interests of ever getting laid again.
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 Nah, just having a bit of fun. Obsidian did all this research and still made enough mistakes. Quite funny, to someone who KNOWS his Star Wars. KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Nah, just having a bit of fun. Obsidian did all this research and still made enough mistakes. Quite funny, to someone who KNOWS his Star Wars. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think they'd get out of it by saying "Kotor II is 4000 years before the material that you're quoting, Sadow could have been moved since " Besides, all SW material outside of the movies - hell, including the movies - is suposed to be treated more as folklore than fact, I think.
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 Actually 700 years BEFORE KOTOR 2. And there was no one to move Naga Sadows body on Yavin 4, all the Massassi had know way of transport, and were all killed years later. So Naga is still there. Revan never went to Yavin, nor did any of the Sith. I believe it was even Bioware who said that Naga's tomb should be looked at as a Memorial for the Dark Lord. See they fixed the mistake, Obsidian just remade it. KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Actually 700 years BEFORE KOTOR 2. And there was no one to move Naga Sadows body on Yavin 4, all the Massassi had know way of transport, and were all killed years later. So Naga is still there. Revan never went to Yavin, nor did any of the Sith. I believe it was even Bioware who said that Naga's tomb should be looked at as a Memorial for the Dark Lord. See they fixed the mistake, Obsidian just remade it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, there's the answer to your question You figured it out for yourself!
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 No, like I said the mistake WAS fixed, but now it's remade in KOTOR 2. Either Way Sadow isn't on Korriban. Also this is a Basilisk War Droid http://www.galacticholonet.com/Droids/Basi..._War_Droid.html KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 No, like I said the mistake WAS fixed, but now it's remade in KOTOR 2. Either Way Sadow isn't on Korriban. Also this is a Basilisk War Droid http://www.galacticholonet.com/Droids/Basi..._War_Droid.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh good God, the Basilisk in the game looks so much better. Where is the picture from? That Basilisk wouldn't be any use in the game, as you use it for interplanetary travel. On that monstrosity you'd be burned to a crisp. I'd definately go with Obsidian's version any day. It's far more aesthetically pleasing.
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 That Basilisk IS a Basilisk War Droid. With enough power and weapons to take out entire fleets, Canderous rode these kind in the Mandalorians proven by his discriptions. Also there is Close ****pit design for the Basilisk that could have been used in the game. Also your right a regular Republic military man could get burt up in the atmosphear. Though these are made by Mandalorians, who HAVE traveled through the atmo on these Basilisk with just their armor as protection. Canderous did this in one of his tales. That Virago looks stupid as hell, with hardly any fire power, and weapons. Long live the SILLY kind that could actually KICK ASS. KOTOR 2 must be completed
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 That Basilisk IS a Basilisk War Droid. With enough power and weapons to take out entire fleets, Canderous rode these kind in the Mandalorians proven by his discriptions. Also there is Close ****pit design for the Basilisk that could have been used in the game. Also your right a regular Republic military man could get burt up in the atmosphear. Though these are made by Mandalorians, who HAVE traveled through the atmo on these Basilisk with just their armor as protection. Canderous did this in one of his tales. That Virago looks stupid as hell, with hardly any fire power, and weapons. Long live the SILLY kind that could actually KICK ASS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here's a thought though; The Basilisk in the game is known to be lacking it's weapons systems and other parts. Perhaps the arms/tail are meant to be missing? I know it still wouldn't look the same if you added them, but it's a consideration. Also, you're right about Canderous' descriptions. They do seem as though he's describing a machine more similar to the Basilisk in the picture. Of course, those descriptions were in Kotor 1, prior to Obsidian's design
Darth Nuke Posted January 7, 2005 Author Posted January 7, 2005 Only thing is, according to the Mandalorian, the Basilisk is a salvaged one from the Mandalorian Wars. Which still had the animal form, according to Canderous. So obsidian is wrong again. KOTOR 2 must be completed
Ostkant Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Naga Sadow isn't entombed on Korriban, his Body is on Yavin 4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You may want to delete this thread, in the interests of ever getting laid again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You make little sense than he/she does. Keep your mouth shut, droid. But how is Naga Sadow not entombed on Korriban? Who's body was there in his sarcophagus then? And god that Basilisk War Droid on the picture looks so much like a huge piece of bantha poodoo.
Ostkant Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol If you were laughing at what I wrote to HK-74 I was just joking with him so don't think I go around and tell people to shut their mouths because their breaths smell like "bantha poodoo"
HK-74 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Only thing is, according to the Mandalorian, the Basilisk is a salvaged one from the Mandalorian Wars. Which still had the animal form, according to Canderous. So obsidian is wrong again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On one hand, we have aesthetic criteria. On the other hand, we have Mandalore's ramblings. On yet another hand, we have accuracy to the EU. Now, as anyone who owns a clock knows, the first hand is Hour, the second is Minute and the third hand is Second. This means we have two second hands, so we're one hand too many. All of us only have two hands so to have a third hand we'd have to ask someone to lend us a hand, and that's just asking for a slap in the face. So we're down to two hands, we're left with aesthetics and Canderous, right? And I see no need for the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. Problem solved.
PlagueWielder Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 The Tomb of Naga Sadow is on Korriban and it was also in the first KOTOR.
Darth Nuke Posted January 8, 2005 Author Posted January 8, 2005 Yes, but Sadow isn't in it. It's memorial, Sadows Body is on Yavin. It can't be found, because there is still the possibility that he is still in stasis after training Nadd. Therefore he technically in Continuity isn't DEAD, yet. KOTOR 2 must be completed
ryan12177 Posted January 8, 2005 Posted January 8, 2005 A hack EU story? Technically you could say that the KOTOR universe is based on that hack story. ...
Idunnowhattochoose Posted January 8, 2005 Posted January 8, 2005 KOTOR is EU. So are all the other games. Only the movies are canon.
HK-74 Posted January 8, 2005 Posted January 8, 2005 A hack EU story? Technically you could say that the KOTOR universe is based on that hack story. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could say just about anything you like, it's an almost-free country after all. The point is that absolutely nothing is "canon", not even the exposition in the movies. We're not talking about actual events, we're talking about fantasy tales created in the name of entertainment (and the mighty dollar!) and so anyone can bend the "facts" anyway they choose and be just as "right" as the next person. And if Lucasarts has entrusted you with the franchise (and is watching over your shoulder most of the time anyway) then you have a certain amount of poetic license to say "this is what is RIGHT... for right now."
Grooben Posted January 10, 2005 Posted January 10, 2005 LucasArts is pretty much the biggest **** for continuity to exist. If it's in the game LucasArts probably accepts it as legit, even if it's completely retarded and lacking in continuity. Personally, I'd been wanting to see a Basilisk since Canderous first told me about it in KOTOR, I was severely disappointed with KOTOR2's pretend vessel called a basilisk. We can't help that LucasArts is about as intelligent as your common rock.
General_Veers Posted January 10, 2005 Posted January 10, 2005 LucasArts is pretty much the biggest **** for continuity to exist. If it's in the game LucasArts probably accepts it as legit, even if it's completely retarded and lacking in continuity. Personally, I'd been wanting to see a Basilisk since Canderous first told me about it in KOTOR, I was severely disappointed with KOTOR2's pretend vessel called a basilisk. We can't help that LucasArts is about as intelligent as your common rock. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. Lucasarts IS stupid. Most people place the blame on Obsidian for the outcome of the game.
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