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Alexander the Movie (spoilers)


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Finally the homosexual elements of the story probably repelled a lot of the traditional key audience for such a film (testosterone laden young men).


Actually, the target demographic for such films has been women ever since studies showed that more women saw Gladiator in cinemas than men.

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Well guys i am from greece and i think i can help you a bit with those movies :rolleyes: .


Let's start with the film TROY. I t has really good battles bad a really huge problem with history.

What i mean, first there was NOT a war between the Greeks and the troyans. What i mean. That time was city states not a country with the modern way, there was much greeks tribes like dwries, axaioi, Iwnes. The troyas was a ionic tribe, a hellenic one, so the war was a civil.

Second there are NOT ports in sparta and micinnes :rolleyes: .

Achilles was a King of Thessali NOT a warrior of Menelaus and he did not fight in thessali.

Menelaus and Ajax hasn't really die in battle. Both of them Fight to reclame the dead body of patroclus, from who Hector remove the armor of achilles. Well Ajax was my favorite hero in Illiada and the first time i saw the movie i get so agry that i left from the cinema :) .

Hector's character wasn't the real that showed in the film. It was much closes to achilles.

And a last one. Paris was killed from Menelaus when the citie fall and Helen was captured and drived back to sparta. Ofcaures we can't have Orlado dead can we.. :rolleyes: .


There are much more mistakes in the film but i think that it was saved as a movie from the really good battles.



Alexander now. Historically was good, with no huge mistakes like troy, but it was annoying and it's battles sucks really bad.

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Let's start with the film TROY. I t has really good battles bad a really huge problem with history.


Huh? Some of the one-on-one battles were OK, but the army battles were terrible...especially the one where two entire armies in hand-to-hand combat stopped in mid-swing just to watch Hector and Archille's cousin duke it out...and then retired immediately from the field after one of them was killed.


Alexander now. Historically was good, with no huge mistakes like troy, but it was annoying and it's battles sucks really bad.


I thought Gaugamela (the first battle) was well done...maybe some people didn't like it because of all the dust but I thought it demonstrated pretty well just what the Macedonian phalanx could do and you got a good idea of how a small disciplined force managed to beat a much larger but disorganised rabble. Also, I loved the technique with the eagle flying from one side of the field to the other to give you the "eagle-eye" view.


I agree that the Indian battle was probably not to everyone's taste with the strange pink/yellow sepia techniques used but I thought it captured the chaos (plus fear) of an elephant assault pretty well.

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Never mind that, how can he (Darque) use Selphie as an avatar pic, that's like... SICK.  :shifty:

What makes you think I'm a "he" fool? ;)


He/She who cares this is an internet forum, That was never the point in my post.


But Selphie.....

oh well, it could've been Rinoa *shrugs* (good thing it wasn't)


Besides I'm now convinced that you're actually an experimental A.I. program, and therefore neither He or She but It. :p





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bah, you're so wrong it's almost crazy. jfk, wall street, born on the 4th of july and nixon. jfk is the best movie ever; end of discussion....


Opinions are nice things...


You have yours, I have mine...


I don't much care for yours.



"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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And I don't care much for people(if you can call them that) who state their opinions as if they were facts.


Of course, it gives me a reason to do the same. JFK isn't even Stone's personal best(Platoon is), and was made bearable only by the cast, not by his no-feeling-for-pacing directing. And most of the stuff he's done lately is nothing but glorifying self-mastrubatory bull****. U Turn? Any Given Sunday? Work any hack could do.


And fact is, the best movie ever is A Clockwork Orange. Oliver Stone will probably die before he reaches half Stanley Kubrick's skill.


Thank you for bearing my sarcastic hypocrisy.

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And I don't care much for people(if you can call them that) who state their opinions as if they were facts.


Of course, it gives me a reason to do the same. JFK isn't even Stone's personal best(Platoon is), and was made bearable only by the cast, not by his no-feeling-for-pacing directing. And most of the stuff he's done lately is nothing but glorifying self-mastrubatory bull****. U Turn? Any Given Sunday? Work any hack could do.


And fact is, the best movie ever is A Clockwork Orange. Oliver Stone will probably die before he reaches half Stanley Kubrick's skill.


Thank you for bearing my sarcastic hypocrisy.


1.it was a joke...

2.have you ever watched south park...?

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Well guys i am from greece and i think i can help you a bit with those movies  :) .


Let's start with the film TROY. I t has really good battles bad a really huge problem with history.

What i mean, first there was NOT a war between the Greeks and the troyans. What i mean. That time was city states not a country with the modern way, there was much greeks tribes like dwries, axaioi, Iwnes. The troyas was a ionic tribe, a hellenic one, so the war was a civil.

Second there are NOT ports in sparta and micinnes :blink: .

Achilles was a King of Thessali NOT a warrior of Menelaus and he did not fight in thessali.

Menelaus and Ajax hasn't really die in battle. Both of them Fight to reclame the dead body of patroclus, from who Hector remove the armor of achilles. Well Ajax was my favorite hero in Illiada and the first time i saw the movie i get so agry that i left from the cinema :) .

Hector's character wasn't the real that showed in the film. It was much closes to achilles.

And a last one. Paris was killed from Menelaus when the citie fall and Helen was captured and drived back to sparta. Ofcaures we can't have Orlado dead can we.. :devil: .


There are much more mistakes in the film but i think that it was saved as a movie from the really good battles.



Alexander now. Historically was good, with no huge mistakes like troy, but it was annoying and it's battles sucks really bad.



D00d. Get off this forum before I CALL THE POLICE on you. :p

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And I don't care much for people(if you can call them that) who state their opinions as if they were facts.


Of course, it gives me a reason to do the same. JFK isn't even Stone's personal best(Platoon is), and was made bearable only by the cast, not by his no-feeling-for-pacing directing. And most of the stuff he's done lately is nothing but glorifying self-mastrubatory bull****. U Turn? Any Given Sunday? Work any hack could do.


And fact is, the best movie ever is A Clockwork Orange. Oliver Stone will probably die before he reaches half Stanley Kubrick's skill.


Thank you for bearing my sarcastic hypocrisy.


1.it was a joke...

2.have you ever watched south park...?


1: Oh, okay. Apologies then. Sarcasm really doesn't come through well on screen.

2: Couple of times, but not often. I don't watch much television besides films.

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Well guys i am from greece and i think i can help you a bit with those movies  :) .


Let's start with the film TROY. I t has really good battles bad a really huge problem with history.

What i mean, first there was NOT a war between the Greeks and the troyans. What i mean. That time was city states not a country with the modern way, there was much greeks tribes like dwries, axaioi, Iwnes. The troyas was a ionic tribe, a hellenic one, so the war was a civil.

Second there are NOT ports in sparta and micinnes :blink: .

Achilles was a King of Thessali NOT a warrior of Menelaus and he did not fight in thessali.

Menelaus and Ajax hasn't really die in battle. Both of them Fight to reclame the dead body of patroclus, from who Hector remove the armor of achilles. Well Ajax was my favorite hero in Illiada and the first time i saw the movie i get so agry that i left from the cinema :thumbsup: .

Hector's character wasn't the real that showed in the film. It was much closes to achilles.

And a last one. Paris was killed from Menelaus when the citie fall and Helen was captured and drived back to sparta. Ofcaures we can't have Orlado dead can we.. :devil: .


There are much more mistakes in the film but i think that it was saved as a movie from the really good battles.



Alexander now. Historically was good, with no huge mistakes like troy, but it was annoying and it's battles sucks really bad.



D00d. Get off this forum before I CALL THE POLICE on you. :p


Dood, you are too late (w00t) , the police has allready catch me for play NWN in a net, and i spent 2 hours in a police station :D . So i don't get afraid of that :p . I tell you how it happend. It was a cold friday , it was raining and the air blow outside. I was playing with my Paladin and i was ready to face a Colossal Red dragon. I pray to Kelemvor (my favorite deity) to give me strength against the evil dragon, when sundenly a voice speak to me. The voice said: You bastard, you are braking the law. Kelemvor i said, what i have done wrong?. <<Who is Kelemvor? >> the voise said, << i am not Kelemvor, i am Robocop and i am here to arest you (w00t) >>. So that's how i end to Police station :(

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That article is both over-over-over exagerating ("use gameboy, go to jail"? OMFG!!!!) and ancient history BTW. That law was indeed brought into the parliament 2-3 years ago, but fortunately most people realised how gay and anti-democratic it was so it was banished down to the fiery pits of Hell.


As for Troy...It looks more like the Barbarian invasion than Greeks going to battle. You certainly wouldn't find gigantic skinheads dressed in crudely-sawn leather armor among the Greek ranks, that's for certain. Not to mention the chaos that is historically correct weapons and armor. Christ, Trojans were wearing PERSIAN helmets and armor in most of the battle scenes.


Alexander could have been quite good if not for some minor details (Hefaistion wearing eye-shadow??? WHY OH GOD WHY??!!!), but generally it is a hymn to Greece so I guess I shouldn't complain :shifty:

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Is it true Rosario Dawson goes butt nekkid in Alexander? I watched Troy at home a couple of months ago, thanks to the internet, but the dialouge track was off a little bit. I turned on the subtitles, and they were like cliffnotes that someone made. When Achilles' cousin dies and he starts wailing, it just said 'sh*t' at the bottom of the screen.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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