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Lazenby's Bond was a much more believeable character... which is why he wasn't exactly the true Bond. I wasn't aware that it was Lazenby's first role, but I think he did a really good job.


And it's one of the few Bond movies without a happy ending, which makes it pretty unique in its own right.

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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...in me opinion, Brosnan was twice the Bond that Dalton e'er was an' almost as good as Connery...isna Pierce's fault that the Bond movies o' the last 10 years all sucked donkey...as fer who'd make a good "younger Bond", it sure as Hades wouldna be Justine Limbertail...what're the maroons thinkin' on that???... :blink:




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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(it's my fave, though that might be 'cause I have a thing for Teresa)

Hey, I had a thing for her too! (But that wasn't why I thought it was the best one...)


Brosnan wouldn't be bad if they wrote the damn character right. Bond's all soft now- and the new movies are like BMW Films, except with more advertising and ridiculous plots...


About Dalton? I don't know... He always seemed a little sinister looking to be Bond. When I saw him in the Rocketeer, I didn't think, hey that's Bond! Of course I probably was too busy looking at Jennifer Connelly...

Heh, we have similar tastes in women...


Dalton did a great job at portraying the Bond of the novels. In fact, when he took the part (which he did 'cause Brosnan, one of his good friends, asked him too when he couldn't take it due to contractual obligations with Remington Steele) he read through all the novels and short stories. The Bond of the books is pretty cold-hearted, not really a nice guy at all. He is totally focused on achieving his goals, and will do anything to ensure that they are accomplished. He is much more a "real" operative than the Bond of the movies.

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The Bond of the books is pretty cold-hearted, not really a nice guy at all. He is totally focused on achieving his goals, and will do anything to ensure that they are accomplished. He is much more a "real" operative than the Bond of the movies.

Yup, I was just watching a Roger Moore bond movie the other day, and he was slapping around a scantily clad girl to get information out of her. They would never let Brosnan do anything close to that, unless the said girl was trying to kill him.

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as i recall, roger moore got out of them because he felt the same as i do... the damn bond movies (and books i suppose) are just too waaaay over the top cheesy (ala cheese and macaroni cheesy). i've never been a bond fan though if i had to choose i'd say i liked connery the best, moore second, hated both dalton and brosnan (never liked either in the first place). niven will always be the pink panther evil to me :)


oh, and the only purpose brittany spears has for me is... oh, this isn't the right place for that discussion.



comrade taks... just because.

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i like connery and lazenby. dalton and moore were ok.


but pierce brosnan is full of cheese. his acting sucks, the stories of his movies suck, the technology and gadgets are completely ridiculous to the level of insanity, and the bond girls suck too!

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I don't really like James Bond. I liked the really violent one and goldfinger though. Otherwise they're pretty boring and similair, and the main character isn't that intresting either. All he seems to do is use gadgets, drive fast cars and get semi-good looking women. How deep.


I'd like to see a final James Bond movie where he dies at the end. Or something to explain all the different actors, like Dr. Who?


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It was rumoured that Clive Owen was to be the next Bond, but that unfortunately turned out to not be true. Which is a shame as he'd be so good.


As for the ever-popular ranking of the Bonds, I have to put Connery in the top spot followed by Lazenby. I think if Lazenby had done more Bond movies, he'd have proven to be the best of them, but I can't honestly say he was the best Bond based solely on one film.

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Zantesukin: No complaints there; but not the only reason. I just thought it was good road movie compared to most fo the trash that passes in hat genre. i espicially liked how they handled one of the main story archs (the reslution with the mother). Not too many movies (espicially movies like it) would dare to do soemthing like that.


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Everyone seems to think that all of Brosnan's Bond movies sucked, true most did but I rather enjoyed Goldeneye, except that it was totally technologically unsound. As far as Bond's go, you can't beat the classic hairy chested Connery

Gotta agree with you there..


Goldeneye was pretty good (in a cheesy way), and the fight between Peirce Brosnan and Sean Bean at the end was brilliantly done.

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