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Curious here. Have you had problems with game freezes, workbench glitches, broken quests, or errors concerning T3? If yes, specify which type.  

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  1. 1. Curious here. Have you had problems with game freezes, workbench glitches, broken quests, or errors concerning T3? If yes, specify which type.

    • Yes, game freezes (black screen, freezing, etc.).
    • Yes, workbench issues.
    • Yes, broken/uncompletable quests.
    • Yes, issues concerning T3.
    • Nope, mine works fine.

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for me it is locking up on my return to dantooine im ds and killed all the jedi masters. i go to the room were you are suppose to meet them and the game locks up during the little scene showing you walking in.beat the game on ls and had no problems with it.


so if any one knows a way a round let me know i could use it

Well, the only glitch I experienced in the Light Side was in Korriban when you reach Kreia and are faced with fighting her or your party. After I fought off the rest of my party, she's supposed to disappear, but she didn't, so I talked to her again, and the scene repeated itself. So I got double the light points.


But the biggest glitch I've found is in the DS. My brother just told me about this yesterday. He said that once he got to Dantooine where you are supposed to meet the Jedi Masters (provided you play LS), the game just focuses on a blank space as if they Masters are supposed to be there, but will do nothing else. I'm guessing this is a DS only glitch, as it didn't happen to me, but I really need to know if it's just my disc that's messed up, so I can return it, or if the game itself is suffering from massive bugs.



Your brother's black screen glitch on Dantooine is not because of DS. My brother played LS and it happened. After 59 hrs played he had to stop and start a new game to see if it happens again.


same thing to me would hate to do it over agian thou did your brother get past it on his second try through on ds?


We're all talking about the same Dantooine glitch apparently. I eventually got past it by just repeatedly turning off my Xbox and reloading my last game save. It finally just... worked. Go figure.


I have about 12 hours done, and I had major chopping in the forests, and in other certain areas. During the time my Xbox sounded like it was dying, and eventually it either cleared up, went blank/white (on one occasion), or told me my disk is unreadable.


I also get the normal dying in FPS and dialouge that doesn't work etc. etc.


My Xbox isn't modded or anything, and my disk is not copied or anything.


Even once my saved game got crapped out, but I use two slots...because it says to in one of the little loading messages....hmmm...wonder why.


(Game is fun nonetheless, but still a disappointment)

:p I had one that no one else has posted yet...I think...it was in the Gaseous Bar on Nar Shaddaa...after you get your invitation from the exchange....anyway it was with Mira...I went to open a large locker...she walked right through some boxes...then wouldn't get out of the boxes...trapped like a rat...and hadn't saved in awhile...so...had to reboot.......only really bad one I've encountered so far



That might not be a glitch. There is supposedly a "cheat room" in that section of the game, and you might not have crossed over enough.


I just had the game lock up on me twice yesterday.


I was running low on save space, so I decided to go back via the in-game load menu and delete some of the old saves from previous characters. I'm one of those people who save alot so a run through a game like KotOR or KotOR2 usually lands me at around 150 saves.


Anyway: I go into the menu, select the appropriate character and start to clean up the old saves. I manage to delete three saves, before the game and the console locks up completely. I had to reset it.

I tried the same thing a second time and once again: It was three saves that I could delete before the Xbox locked up totally.


I seriously hope Obsidian fixes this for the other versions.


hmmmm the only major problem (besides the occasional frame rate slow down) is my game locking up and that brain melting buzzing sound.


infact when i was on Korriban on my second (or was it third) time through, the damn game froze in the same spot 3 times in a row <_<


I have the same problem, Darthmicro. On top of not being able to view my journal logs (the brackets/parenthesis appear but no text), I cannot use any workbenches, and I'll have to restart my game (or eventually swap for a new copy of it) because I cannot progress in the Secret Academy on Telos because an event/script does not occur that should and therefore forcing me to restart or try a new copy of the game.


I got a glitch in Korriban.

I didn't get to get the datapad from the Jedi Master and the creepy dude started to fight me. Kreia told me to run because I'm not ready so I have to and end up locked out of the academy without the pad. I didn't know I needed it because I thought it was part of the story line so I go to the other planets and find the rest of the masters. I only need Korriban's and Telos's and now I am stuck.

I wasted 35 hours on that profile...


I had errors right away with mine. It would freeze at the "Press Start" screen everytime until I finally deleted my Kotor1 save files. Now it just rarely freezes during loading screens.


I've had many bugs...


1) Nar Shaada in the T3 missions, when I was trying to open the door with the sliders I was pushed out of the room and into a black zone. I could see the game space a little farther out but could not reach it. I had to reload to fix.


2) In dxun with Mandalore, when the invisible warrios show, the screen became corrupted and I couldn't move. I had to press start and B, several times. After a while I regain movement but you could see the menues and the dialogs wouldn't go away. Eventually the game stabilized but I reloaded from a previous game just in case.


3) In Telos I couldn't complete the blaster quest, I talk to the dirty brother but and he asks for three items. But Green doesn't acknowledge this and the only way to solve it is going dark.


4) I had some party members loose their weapons mid fight a couple of times


5) Dialogs sometimes skip without prompting (and without letting you read them) - thank god for the message center


I had some more but I am playing and want to get back to saving the galaxy


I, and a lot of people on LucasArts Forum, have trouble loading the game. I press start but it just makes the noise and sits there. It doesn't matter whether I use the A button or the start buttion. I also have the problem of the black screen on Nar Shadaa? where I can cycle through but nothing happens. I finally got it to go so I could go to the other side.


I only had the black screen at the beginning of the game and that the red eclipse never boarded my schip.

"Nothing's perfect. This world is not perfect, but it's there for us trying the best it can. That's what makes it so beautiful."


I have only had a couple minor glitches with the game, nothing game stoping.


1) a broken dialoge tree in the tunnel leading to the hidden tomb on Dxun just before the mine feild. Only happened the once when Handmaiden was leading the party.


2) minor warping of characters.


3) Characters switching their equiped weapons (I.e. going from melee to blasters) when i switched between my characters. Easy fix for this though pick a type of weapon (lightsaber for instance) and not choosing another type of weapon to equipe in the second weapon set.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"




Of those who are having broken quests are you so certain that due to your role playing choices for your character that you just didn't botch it up? In some games you can actually fail quests.


I got lock ups; one such lock up occurred while saving my game which rendered the file corrupt. Luckily I always back up my saved games although most people don't. Had I not backed up my game I would have had to restart after already investing twenty plus hours. I wonder how many novice gamers who don't backup their games had this happen to them.


The workbench would eat weapons and armor as I was trying to upgrade them from time to time.


Dialogue that skips randomly.


Poor AI and pathfinding. Oops my bad we are only talking about glitches in this thread.




I have played the game through 3 times now and I am currently playing my 4th. I am currently on Nar Shaddaa and I am having problems with quests that can not be completed. Dialog options that should appear, do not. Cut scenes that should appear do not. Thus preventing me from completing a quest. I have done everything necessary to complete the quest but the game won't let me. The only way to complete it is to load an earlier save and do it all over again (and before anyone comments, I run through the same way as before and can complete the quest).


I have also had numerous freeze-ups at various places in the game and numerous black screens, some while trying to save a completed level. Luckly I learned to make numerous saves at certain key points so I can reload when this happens. These Bugs/Glitches are not due to a back-up copy, I purchased my game. I believe they are due to rushing the game to the market and not fully testing the game.


I have never played a game this good, that had so many problems. Suggestions to Obsidian and Lucas, test your games before you release them. These problems will play a major role in my decision to purchace any game develeped by Obsidian in the future.


Something I forgot to mention yesterday, but since it just happened to me again I thought I would. While saving it freezes and the only thing to do is to reboot my x-box. Then when you go back to the save, it's damaged and I have to go to an earlier save and do everything I just did for the last 20 or 30 min. Man I love this game!



there's some possible answers about the game ending glitch on Nar Shaddaa that may help. and in the post right above urs is a like to a topic about this over at GameFAQS.



Thanks Mookeylama, I've read the thread at gamefaqs the other one here was new to me. Tried numerous ways to get around the glitch on Nar Shaddaa with the exchange, even tried going to another planet and coming back (didn't work). The only thing I could do was reload an earlier save and start over. I am experiencing a different glitch with the Seeking Passage Quest. Will Work For Fuel Quest ended fine, can't finish the Seeking Passage Quest. Going to Dantoonie when I finish there, I'm going back to talk to Geeda and then I'm going to see if I can finish the Seeking Passage Quest.


My game just freezes alot. It seems to start when I swoop race on Telos. From there on out, it's hell trying to get the game to load. The deleting everything on my hard drive worked once, so I'm gonna do it again. This'll be the third time. VERY frustrating devs. Please send some sort of fix out there.


Hmmm, kinda makes you wonder if they even have Quality Assurance.


Quality Assurance to them is just playing the game through and not even attempt to search for bugs.


True Quality Assurance means making every effort to search for bugs and think of what could go wrong. If need be, do an open beta or something. Others like Blizzard have done it and while their games are not totally bug-free, they don't suffer from as many showstopping bugs.


And yes, I do believe they were rushing it out for the holidays. But then, isn't that the hallmark of a poor developer/publisher.

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