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you can't TALK a wookiee out of an life-debt, it's just not done.



No but you could believe it possible for Revan to convince him to protect Mission instead of him/her to cover the life debt.


Same way Han Solo Convinced Chewy to let him go and Watch over the Princess instead in ESB.

you can't TALK a wookiee out of an life-debt, it's just not done.



No but you could believe it possible for Revan to convince him to protect Mission instead of him/her to cover the life debt.


Same way Han Solo Convinced Chewy to let him go and Watch over the Princess instead in ESB.


Yes but that's not the same thing, now is it ?

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.


They can't of course put Mission in Kotor II b/c they don't know what you did in the first. Like me for instance killed her. Had Zalbaar do it..... hehehee that was loads of fun :o .


Why isn't it?


You basically are telling the wookie that this persons life is more important to you than your own. If the Wookie respects you and your discisions they will agree.


Revan may not have been in love with Mission like Han and Leia were but I can very well see Revan having an older brother/sister relationship or some kind of parental relationship with Mission that Zaalbarr would respect.


I dunno, if you are DS you do take alot of lip from your slaves without any chance of retribution. On Nar Shaada my DS Sith Lord said Visas put this on and go dance for hutty over there.


Visas gave a ton lip and I was thinking here comes a little force lighting to the head but nothing.... WTF? The exhile is the weakest sith lord EVAH!

They can't of course put Mission in Kotor II b/c they don't know what you did in the first. Like me for instance killed her. Had Zalbaar do it..... hehehee that was loads of fun :( .


But you could kill Carth, as far as I know, In Kotor 1...but he is in TSL.

Why not the same with Mission?


If Raven's Lightside Zaalbar and Mission are probably on Kashyyk fixing things. However if raven is evil then their dead.



I wish you could kill people on DS in 2. However I haven't played complete a****** trying just the DS.


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