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So if Sion is pieces held together by his will... what stops him taking various shapes??


I'm more interested in what happens if you manage to turn him to LS.

He breaks down. :devil:

as it is the Dark Side that is keeping him alive.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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Huh? Anyway she is supposed to be his old master though. I wonder who he is. He could even be somebody we know, what with how disfigured he is.


Thanks gandy! How long is that one?


Well, yours has like 3 times as many posts, but the Dev Question thread's been viewed about 2000 times more.


Regardless, good work! You hit the best thread topic right on the nose! :devil:


Thanks, I guess I did. As for the sion question, it's said that he can bend and morph unnaturally in the game.


Maybe we should make this topic a stikcy one!


I wouldn't object, and I don't think Kazic would be opposed to it. The tricky part is to get the Mods to actually do it!


I would not object in the least. Could we ask a dev to do it, or do they lack that ability?

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Can the devs make stickys or is it just mods?

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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So if Sion is pieces held together by his will... what stops him taking various shapes??


I'm more interested in what happens if you manage to turn him to LS.

He breaks down. :ninja:

as it is the Dark Side that is keeping him alive.


I'm aware of that. I just wonder if Lucasarts will allow such a scene :ph34r:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Can the devs make stickys or is it just mods?


I'm not sure. You can ask and see. First check the forum to see if any mods or devs are online now. Personal Message any that are. If enough people support it, they should be fine with it. That or they'll close the thread because it's too long and ask you to start another one.

"You shall not pass!"
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How do I tell if any mods are on?

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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But how do I tell if they are online?

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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When you are there

Obsidian Forum Community > Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords > General Discussion


at the bottom of the page there are the persons that are online!

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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But how do I tell if they are online?


Yep, at the General Forum on the bottom of the page, there's a huge list of everybody on the forum. Anybody who's name is in a different color is either a moderator, developer or programmer. Liek Chris Avellone, for example.


I don't think any are on right now.

"You shall not pass!"
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