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I Dont Like The Darker Theme

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I like it Dark, just not TOTALLY Dark. It seems that all hope is lost now, with little chance that the Galaxy can see a brighter future. At this point it seems more like a desperate fight for survival, rather than a crusade to save the Galaxy. The Enemy seems unified to a cause and purpose, while the Republic has been shattered and reeling. It's no longer a contest between Good & Evil, it's a full-blown rout, with the Good Guys not only on the run, but getting butchered as they turn to flee (picture ESB, but none of the Rebel defenders survive to make it off Hoth).


I'd prefer it if there was still a Galaxy left to save. With allies still strong and able, yet battling a Darkness that seems all but invincible (kind of like making a determined stand, yet being forced to give ground). That way there's a fighting chance, and you'd get to glory in the front-lines of combat.


Now it feels like I've just come back after a short hiatus, and told that the place is wrecked. :ermm: And now I have to go in and fix it?! :huh:  Darn, I just cleaned up the place too! :) It's no longer about saving the Republic, we're being asked to Resurrect It! :blink: As it is, it seems like it would be more favourable to cut our losses and regroup, rather than to stand and fight (and I hate having to abandon people when they may be depending on me :( ).


I can't help but wonder if Revan experienced something like this. It would appear that Korriban was wrecked due to a massive battle. I kind of fancy the notion that it was Revan who did it :lol: (the dude fights like a Demon (!) , at least my Revan does anyways :lol: ). Him travelling to Korriban and wrecking the place, and then later being appalled at the death and destruction he caused, so he decided to go into seclusion. Maybe he figured that if he continued fighting the Galaxy wouldn't be able to survive the collateral damage from the conflict. Perhaps the Jedi did the same, it would seem that's what they were planning to do in KotOR. Take a what and see approach, while assessing the danger and consequences of joining battle.


In anycase, it looks like reckless heroics will no longer be the order of the day. Probably just as well, since Jedi seem to hold more value in critical thought and listening to their instincts than to reacting with emotion.


(I'd still rather shoot for the glory o:) - bet [edit2: but (rather)] then, imagine the accolades we'd receive if we manage to pull this off ... :(:luck: )


[Edit: guess this means I sort of agree with XboxSithLord, although, not quite completely]


I agree with this 100%! You captured exactly how I'm feeling. I think the "you're the last Jedi thing" is just a hook to sell the game though. Things aren't quite as dire as that line makes it out to be.


The good guys weren't slaughtered at hoth, they just all went into hiding to lick their wounds and evil THINKS their dead (with typical over confidence) in this case.

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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i dont like that the game is so dark. Like the whole galaxy is in total chaos. I liked that in the first one it was war, but in this one the republic is almost done, and same with the jedi. Anyone agree?


well then your scwered, because they aint changing it justfor you.

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I can't help but wonder if Revan experienced something like this. It would appear that Korriban was wrecked due to a massive battle. I kind of fancy the notion that it was Revan who did it :) (the dude fights like a Demon (!) , at least my Revan does anyways :( ). Him travelling to Korriban and wrecking the place, and then later being appalled at the death and destruction he caused, so he decided to go into seclusion.


hmm this made me think .. (LS) If Revan joined the battle against the new Sith, s/he must have been constantly afraid of falling to the dark side again, and therefore not be as an effective commander! which would ironically cost more lives! So s/he would probably stop fighting for the Republic and .. well who knows what!? just made me think .. :ph34r:

Fortune favors the bald.

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hmm this made me think .. (LS) If Revan joined the battle against the new Sith, s/he must have been constantly afraid of falling to the dark side again, and therefore not be as an effective commander! which would ironically cost more lives! So s/he would probably stop fighting for the Republic and .. well who knows what!? just made me think .. :ph34r:


Fear of Failure? That's a devastating blow to a would be hero. Self-doubt and misplaced guilt have undone some of the most promising of individuals.


Hopefully Revan hasn't turned into an emotional wreck. But I'm gonna do my best to gather his old buddies from KotOR, ostensibly for leads on finding Revan, but really for insurance just to show there are still people that think highly of him. Well enough to drop what they're doing and join a tortured soul (I'm guessing our TSL character is gonna have some Dark Secret either weighing on his shoulders, or darkening his Destiny - the Devs have stated as much) who's seeking their old friend :luck: .

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I'm sure the almighty Revan has somthing to do with the big plot in TSL...I am kinda expecting the Revan thing in TSL.


yeah I'm sure Revan will play a big part .. But I really think the character was underdeveloped in KOTOR, so I hope Obsidian brings some humanity (or inhumanity if DS :)) into him! flesh out the story and give a deeper understanding of the motives and personality of pre-KOTOR-Revan and Post-KOTOR-Revan .. and I would personally think it would be a good story twist to have LS Revan deal with selfdoubt and a personality crisis, because you are bound to be a little confused if you are given a new personality and have to come to terms with your old one was a Sith Lord .. I mean that must be hard to comprehend!

Fortune favors the bald.

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yeah I'm sure Revan will play a big part .. But I really think the character was underdeveloped in KOTOR, so I hope Obsidian brings some humanity (or inhumanity if DS  into him! flesh out the story and give a deeper understanding of the motives and personality of pre-KOTOR-Revan and Post-KOTOR-Revan .. and I would personally think it would be a good story twist to have LS Revan deal with selfdoubt and a personality crisis, because you are bound to be a little confused if you are given a new personality and have to come to terms with your old one was a Sith Lord .. I mean that must be hard to comprehend!


Throughly agreed with

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I like it Dark, just not TOTALLY Dark. It seems that all hope is lost now, with little chance that the Galaxy can see a brighter future. At this point it seems more like a desperate fight for survival, rather than a crusade to save the Galaxy. The Enemy seems unified to a cause and purpose, while the Republic has been shattered and reeling. It's no longer a contest between Good & Evil, it's a full-blown rout, with the Good Guys not only on the run, but getting butchered as they turn to flee (picture ESB, but none of the Rebel defenders survive to make it off Hoth).


I'd prefer it if there was still a Galaxy left to save. With allies still strong and able, yet battling a Darkness that seems all but invincible (kind of like making a determined stand, yet being forced to give ground). That way there's a fighting chance, and you'd get to glory in the front-lines of combat.

Uh, there's still a Republic out there, you know. It's just they're on the losing side of the war. And you are the last known Jedi. But since you can recruit Kreia, the handmaiden, the disciple perhaps, and we know of Atris, it's obvious you're not the last Jedi. It was much worse in ESB if you ask me, with Luke and his clueless sis being the last hope of the galaxy, and the Alliance taking a serious beating.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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yeah but it was too bad GL didn't really make The Empire look as big and bad as the were .. They alliance seemed quite capable of winning at every turn imo! I would have liked it to be a little more "OH MY GOD!! THEY HAVE A DEATH STAR!!! ARGHH!!!!" :D



Although on a side note, I was cool that he decided to have The Empire kick the Rebellions a** in ESB even without their main baddy weapon .. and seem like a capable force agian!

Fortune favors the bald.

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yeah but it was too bad GL didn't really make The Empire look as big and bad as the were .. They alliance seemed quite capable of winning at every turn imo! I would have liked it to be a little more "OH MY GOD!! THEY HAVE A DEATH STAR!!! ARGHH!!!!"  :D



Although on a side note, I was cool that he decided to have The Empire kick the Rebellions a** in ESB even without their main baddy weapon .. and seem like a capable force agian!



I agree, but when the movies were made at the time the bad guys never won. It was like a big no no in the movie business.

All three movies should have been darker, so i don't agree with the 'topic poster dude'. :p


But he has a point, when he's saying that it can be too dark. That would suck too.

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