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At least we agree on something.  ;)


I hope they upped the damage of blasters, not that my character will have any use for them.  <_<


well there has been alot of topics .. odds are that we would agree on one of them! :) (if you were speaking to me?)

I won't use them either .. but I would like to feel it if one shot got through!! instead of a pathetic 9 points of dmg..

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If you want to make the game more realistic, make lightsabers kill in one hit and, depending on where it hits you, blasters one-two hits. But the game is fine the way it is...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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the only thing that was bad about lightsabers was the fact that they always had a white core which sorta made red and blue sabers look pathetic...also lightsaber sounds could be altered to sound a little better but im not too fussed on that....so otherwise im a happy happy happy bunny..............but yes blasters should be doing more damage...not that i agree with hades....

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Blasters should do more damage yes....but also.....one hit of the saber should take out the opponents the way they do in the movies.....if ppl with other sabers block ur shots thats different, thats how duels work in star wars...but just look at any duel in the movies as soon as someone gets hit they either are defeated and open for a fatal blow, or they lose an arm or hand......I'd like it to be more like that...somehow...but I dont know if u can in an rpg...I dont know how they work like all the specific rules like u guys do.....

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All the starwars games I play they always seem to make the lightsaber weaker than it really is.  I know that if they made it that it could cut through almost anything it might take away from the gameplay.  What do you guys think?  Is there a way to make a lightsaber realistic and the game be fun?  Or is 2-16 damage good enough for you guys?


I agree that lightsabers in the game are nothing like the sabers of the movies, and I wish they could be more like the films. The problem is I don't know how they could do that and still make the game fun.


I do like what 213374U said about vitality points and life points though in the D20 system though. But I'm not even sure that would work.

"Working for Davik was like driving a spike in the side of your head. Sure, you got something new up there, but in the end, you've lost something as well." - Canderous


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Well you have some Sith to fight who also happen to have lightsabers and you would look kinda stupid if a guy with a blaster came around and  blasted you to pieces.


it is Star Wars after all.

Watch AotC again.


Anyway, the lightsaber being too powerful/not powerful enough issue is more of a bad conversion from the D20 system than anything else. You see, in the D20, vitality points don't actually represent a character's resistance to damage, but their ability to avoid lethal damage. These increase with levels and are replenished at the end of the fight. The true toughness of a character is represented by his wound points. These have the same value as their CON score, and aren't increased with levels. When a character is hit, the damage is substracted from their vitality points. When a character runs out of vp, they have 'run out of luck', and the next attack causes real physical damage. Considering that the average CON score is around 12, you can see that most characters will be killed in one or two shots from a gun, and will hardly survive a lightsaber blow.


It's interesting how in the D20, only characters which have access to PC classes have vitality points, meaning commoners, stormtroopers, battle droids, and the sort only have wound points, thus reflecting the 1-hit-kill feel from the movies.


I like that! Sounds like it could work in a game.

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