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About dialogs


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When i play kotor, i was angry because of one thing, dialogs, especially just before the fights against Calo Nord and the minion of Malak. If you were LS you say :"the force acts for the piece, you shouldn't have kille......" or DS "i'll crush you....". And then they reply "i don't care what you say....". COULD we hace real reply to tell to our ennemy like if he tells you i will kill you "ok". Simple and he won't finish the discussion and i won't be angry because i said something stupid. a wish just like that

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When i play kotor, i was angry because of one thing, dialogs, especially just before the fights against Calo Nord and the minion of Malak. If you were LS you say :"the force acts for the piece, you shouldn't have kille......" or DS "i'll crush you....". And then they reply "i don't care what you say....". COULD we hace real reply to tell to our ennemy like if he tells you i will kill you "ok". Simple and he won't finish the discussion and i won't be angry because i said something stupid. a wish just like that


- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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When i play kotor, i was angry because of one thing, dialogs, especially just before the fights against Calo Nord and the minion of Malak. If you were LS you say :"the force acts for the piece, you shouldn't have kille......" or DS "i'll crush you....". And then they reply "i don't care what you say....". COULD we hace real reply to tell to our ennemy like if he tells you i will kill you "ok". Simple and he won't finish the discussion and i won't be angry because i said something stupid. a wish just like that


do you mean you didn't understand what i said. I speak perfect english : see shell shea sell by the shea sore
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I actually understood what you are trying to say aktus :huh:


I also hated when you have a whole bunch of dialog options and the other person answers with the same sentence no matter what you say.


Bandon did that and it annoyed the crap out of me. "Your words mean nothing to me!" :) Darn I hated that.


I heard there will be the same amount of dialog in TSL as in K1, hopefully it won't turn out like the annoying ones in K1.

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