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Something I don't understand...

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make since, just seems like a waist to me.


May I assume that you mean "waste" there? :shifty:

Anyway, I kinda think so too. I mean, it kinda makes it all seem too... simple if you can just make Dark jedi out of people like that in a few minutes or so <_<. But then, again, I, at least, don't know what possible consequences there could be by doing that. Perhaps, among Dark Jedi this method isn't preferable expect for in emergencis for several reasons; perhaps the subjects become instabile or risk death because of the sudden and complete corruption or perhaps they will not be as strong in the Force as someone with proper training would have been... Or soemthing else.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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and they have also only done that in the new republic when there was a low supply of sith. but there is not know the sith out number by a tone to 3-5.


It's like Jedi academy, Tavaion could make people that had little or no affinity with the force into dark jedi (or at least neo-phyte apprentices who had some mastery of the basic powers) that and lightsaber training and you can make anyone a jedi if your strong enough in the force! It's like battle mediation, if you are strong with the force and can affect the minds and states of thers through the force you can do almost anything!


The same view of darkside reasning is stated in Medstar volume II: Jedi healer! Well worth a read plus it's more secretive and tense and surprising, taking a break from NJO and constant fighter and saber combat.

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But Tavion used the Scepter of Ragnos to give regular grunts force power.


She did that, yes. But a strong Dark Jedi could probably do the same without a powerful relic such as the Scepter of Ragnos.


But the question is: Will we be able to do soemthing simialr or not? I shouldn't think so, but why else the "dark side"-appearence of the party members on the homepage? ... Of course, it could all be just symbiolic...

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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I think some of you might be reading too much into the images. They likely showed the other (non-Force sensitive) characters as being physically corrupted simply to emphasis how your stance in the light/dark affects how they feel about things.


I think it's simply something done for effect in the wallpaper's and adverts... not something to be taken literally.

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Yes non-force users can be "tainted"


Yes, but as the physical changes have allways been atributed to channeling the corruptive energies of the Dark side the Non-force users physical appearence shouldn't change...


So i'm betting it's just a gimmick to make the wallpapers and feature art "cool".

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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Yes non-force users can be "tainted"


Yes, but as the physical changes have allways been atributed to channeling the corruptive energies of the Dark side the Non-force users physical appearence shouldn't change...


So i'm betting it's just a gimmick to make the wallpapers and feature art "cool".

Yes it owuld, would you be smiling if you want to kill everyone?

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"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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The darkside is basically like a disease. Those who are force sensitive or had training can fight off the corruption better then one not protected by the force. Its a lot like real life. One person who has a vaccine for a disease can last much longer and not let the disease phyisicaly corruput you because you have what it takes to fight it off. Now those around you can also get sick, itll happen to them much faster since the dont have the vaccine. Just because the disease did not originate from them doesnt mean that they can't be corrupted by it from someone who already has it......i hope that made since. if not my apology. But like that other guy said: we are giving this too much thought.

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But like that other guy said: we are giving this too much thought.


Hehe, we might be doing that indeed :cool:. But it has still created an interesting discussion, hasn't it? :D.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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