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First of all we need Lightsabers that actually cut.

I hate seeing the most powerful weapon known to mankind and all sorts of other creatures go through the aforementioned ones without leaving a trace or making stuff come off. Also "dashing" at a door??? What is up with that??? We stick our lightsaber in and it goes through! Has noone ever seen the movies?

So: Sabers must cut and be very powerfull! Heads should come off!


Second of all: It would be more fun if I could control my charakter better... say like in Jedi Academy. If I click "Attack that guy" and he runs around in cyrcles trying to get to him because there is a piece of chunk on the floor... that stinks!!!

Also I want to fight myself since a lot of the game is fighting! Meaning: if i click and move aroung my guy should swing his sword differently as well! (again... as seen in 1st person shooter star wars games like jedi knight 1 or 2 or academy!!!)


Third "MUST HAVE": I want to be able to choose with which girl I wish to mingle during the game... I should have MORE THAN ONE GIRL TO CHOOSE FROM!!!

One of them must have long black hair!!! And if I am being nice to both girls and both of them dig me... it would be GREAT if one could become jealous!!!


You know... things like that would make this game the best STAR WARS Game there ever was!!!


You better think about all that.... or I might come and haunt you in your dreams!


(I do do that from time to time!)


Sincerely yours,


Lord Darc Line

First of all we need Lightsabers that actually cut.

I hate seeing the most powerful weapon known to mankind and all sorts of other creatures go through the aforementioned ones without leaving a trace or making stuff come off. Also "dashing" at a door??? What is up with that??? We stick our lightsaber in and it goes through! Has noone ever seen the movies?

So: Sabers must cut and be very powerfull! Heads should come off!


So basically you want the lightsaber to cut off an enemy's head on the first strike, to make sure it's "realistic". That would make battles short and quite rediculous.


Second of all: It would be more fun if I could control my charakter better... say like in Jedi Academy. If I click "Attack that guy" and he runs around in cyrcles trying to get to him because there is a piece of chunk on the floor... that stinks!!!

Also I want to fight myself since a lot of the game is fighting! Meaning: if i click and move aroung my guy should swing his sword differently as well!  (again... as seen in 1st person shooter star wars games like jedi knight 1 or 2 or academy!!!)


This is a RPG, not a FPS. What you're asking for won't EVER be part of this game. If you want to be able to control your character's attacks and swings, stick to Jedi Academy. This isn't a twitch game.


Third "MUST HAVE": I want to be able to choose with which girl I wish to mingle during the game... I should have MORE THAN ONE GIRL TO CHOOSE FROM!!!

One of them must have long black hair!!! And if I am being nice to both girls and both of them dig me... it would be GREAT if one could become jealous!!!


Multiple romance options. It's been discussed and I'm not sure what the devs have decided on, but this is the only one of your suggestions that I think would be a good addition.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Ya i remeber in kotor one, i went to mannam and i had to go to the under water base, a door was looked, i tried to chop it down, i missed the door, i missed again, and again................................oh i hit it (after 2 minutes) , one point gone out of 30. I think my charater was blind and he was using a plastic toy lightsaber.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf


chill ghostofanakin!!! :)


it was only a suggestion... :thumbsup:


i ment mainly the "dashing" thing and a little more power in a battle. furthermore i did not say the head should come off on the first strike. Please do read the written word with a little bit more of consideration and mental effort. Then these premature errors in jugdement are less likely to occur.

(btw... its r i diculous.)


the movements could be improved a little bit... I was merely describing the general direction that would intrigue me. As before... please read my comments more carefully.... as the other nice people obviously did.


... anyway you get the idea!

Don't bitch about... make better suggestions. :D


Craigboy.. thanks for your repliy.


Obi Wan Kenobi... you should know that a game is not done until it is released... and even then changes are possible! Guess what a patch is...... and you will be closer to the desired answer.


So long....


Um? I was trying to reply to your post with neither malace nor attitude.


If you can't take constructive comments about your posts, don't bother posting them.


What you described (and you even used Jedi Academy as the example of what the controls SHOULD be like) isn't what this game will ever be.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I definetly agree with having lightsabers remove limbs or possibly more...it wouldn't actualy happen until the coup de grace. They have dismemberment and decapiations in the films..it should be possibly in the game too...Blood isn't really needed though.


Lightsabres were already the most overpowered in the game. What you're suggesting is just plain silly.


Romance doesn't make a game.


KOTOR is still an RPG. RPGs are ment to be better, more interesting, and in the long run more fun than FPSs. They're carefully created.


Take what haircolour romance person you get. <_<





First of all we need Lightsabers that actually cut.

I hate seeing the most powerful weapon known to mankind and all sorts of other creatures go through the aforementioned ones without leaving a trace or making stuff come off. Also "dashing" at a door??? What is up with that??? We stick our lightsaber in and it goes through! Has noone ever seen the movies?

So: Sabers must cut and be very powerfull! Heads should come off!




In response to original poster:


Umm your second idea wont ever work, as it has already been said: "This is an RPG not a FPS."


But I think your First idea may work, perhaps if they just changed the system to add more alot more dodges and blocks then perhaps it might work and of coarse add some more strategic and/or action rpg elements to lightsaber dueling then perhaps it would work but that wont be in KOTOR II.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


Morrowind is a RPG without a doubt, and combat is in first person and you have several moves with your weapons, so I do not think that the second suggestion does not fit.


I specially agree with the idea of improve the movement so the characters do not stick in objects/walls so easily.

I definetly agree with having lightsabers remove limbs or possibly more...it wouldn't actualy happen until the coup de grace. They have dismemberment and decapiations in the films..it should be possibly in the game too...Blood isn't really needed though.


I think that a lightsaber isn't even "sharp", it have a veeeeeeeeeeeeeery high temerature, to it doesn't "cut". So there sholdn't be ANY blood from a lightsaber wound (but a vibroblade is completely another thing :lol: ).

I definetly agree with having lightsabers remove limbs or possibly more...it wouldn't actualy happen until the coup de grace. They have dismemberment and decapiations in the films..it should be possibly in the game too...Blood isn't really needed though.


I think that a lightsaber isn't even "sharp", it have a veeeeeeeeeeeeeery high temerature, to it doesn't "cut". So there sholdn't be ANY blood from a lightsaber wound (but a vibroblade is completely another thing ;) ).



I agree, the lightsaber is very hot so it would immediately catorize a wound. The vibroblades would be.....bloody....violent....bloody.............and er.......there would be blood.


I came up with something for the stealthy kind of char.. Sith Assasin? :ph34r:

Anyway, a single npc stands guard in front of a chest, door, wathever. The assassin sneaks up behind him, puts his/her lightsaber (shut off) against the back of the npc, and turns it on, and the blade pierces the guard silently for high/extreme damage... How 'bout that?


Lightsaber limp cutting:


Well lightsaber cutting limp cut easily be done like in jedi knight there by not creating a difference in gameplay aside from violence level, what i mean by it is that jedi knight would show either a cut of limp or lightsaber marking where you last hit when he died, this way you get violence without making lightsaber more overpowered than it already is.


First person view/JK


Personally i like any if possible JK Rpg version with JK fighting system but more rpg in it to, but i dont see it in Kotor2 since it D&D module and it would be hard to impliment and player playing Kotor2 i think would prefer seeing D&D module.


Romance, flirt and Relationships


To romance i agree romance is nice and cool, but it also a thing that rather sensitive in starwars since any jedi romance would be secret, if masters were ever to discover such a romance you likely be exspelled from the order, so i doubt if romance is in it like id love to see it be hidden romance, or relationship and not Don juan hehe.


Sith it might be easier to have open flirts or relationship since they dont have code that restricts emotion in fact they are in couraged, passion you know :cool:

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