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Colour of lightsaber

What colour did your lightsaber have?  

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  1. 1. What colour did your lightsaber have?

    • Red
    • Blue
    • Green
    • Yellow
    • Purple
    • Black

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That is one of the statements most repeated by pseudo-scientists and psyche-gurus. There is no way to thoroughly check how much of the actual brain capabilities are being wasted. Maybe it's true that sentience only takes up to 10% of total brainpower, but nature doesn't give freebies. If the rest of the brain served no purpose or wasn't being used, it would not be there. Sorry, I don't think we'll be force-choking each other to death anytime soon.


SW is NOT sci-fi. It's futuristic fantasy. There is no point in trying to methodically explain everything Lucas comes up with.

In truth there are a number of dead zones in the human brain which to date nuorolgists(sp?) can't understand what they do, at best they guess that at one time they were used for somethig that is no longer relevant. As to meausring the ammount of brain being used while not percise enough to say that joe uses 3.21% of his brain and suzie uses 9.25% it can gauge roughly the amount by studying how active the brain is while performing mental tasks such as figuring out mathimatical problems, or doing art work. And while the Human species is in a constant state of evolution so its not impossible that while we wont be able to do anything like what we see in starwars anytime in our life times its not out of the realm of possibility that sometime in the not so distant future (exspeacialy with DNA modification on the horizon - also by "not so distant future" I mean in the next 500 years or maybe more) that it could be possibile.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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In truth there are a number of dead zones in the human brain which to date nuorolgists(sp?) can't understand what they do, at best they guess that at one time they were used for somethig that is no longer relevant.

Right. Dead zones which neurologists can't figure out what purpose they serve. That's a long way from saying they don't do anything. As you say yourself, they guess they are an evolutionary leftover and have no real function.


As to meausring the ammount of brain being used while not percise enough to say that joe uses 3.21% of his brain and suzie uses 9.25% it can gauge roughly the amount by studying how active the brain is while performing mental tasks such as figuring out mathimatical problems, or doing art work.

Since there has never been a recorded human being which used 100% of his brain, there is nothing to compare to. Thus, it's impossible to know exactly how much of the brain is being used.

There are two other issues regarding this:

First, a substantially greater electrical activity in the brain would raise the temperature inside the skull, effectively cooking your brains. Not pretty.

Second, there is no evolutionary explaination for 'unlocked potentials' within the human brain, since we evolved from simpler beings, not from more complex creatures.


And while the Human species is in a constant state of evolution so its not impossible that while we wont be able to do anything like what we see in starwars anytime in our life times its not out of the realm of possibility that sometime in the not so distant future (exspeacialy with DNA modification on the horizon - also by "not so distant future" I mean in the next 500 years or maybe more) that it could be possibile.

That, however, is true. There is no way to tell how far can genetic engineering take us. But I don't think it will be through unlocking dormant capabilities, anyway.


All of this is going to be cut & pasted elsewhere... :ph34r:

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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3)Science and Physics.


A)The Force.


It's Impossible according to science and physics to:


-Lift objects with your mind.

-Choke someone with your mind.

-Blast high energy bolts from your hands.


B)The Lightsaber.


The weapon itself is against the laws of science and physics.


umm.... who says the laws of science as we know them are correct from the prospective of the univerese? I mean for a species that only in the last 100 years managed to split the atom, whos to say that we aren't wrong on alot of things? I know there are going to be people out there who are going to say because science is infalable, well thats not exactly true because it was created by humans and as such is inhairently(sp?) flawed. Humans have a tendency to rule out or dissmiss entirely what they don't understand. While I am not saying that a lightsaber is possible right now but who says it couldn't be in another 1000 years? Another thing is the adverage human only uses between 3 and 10% of the full potental of their brain, meaning that its entirely possible that someplace in our brains lies the possibility to do such acts (move objects, crush thing, shoot lightning with our thoughts), just at the present time we are either haven't reached a highenough evolutionary level or have already lost the ability to access thoses parts of our brains.



It's true that science isn't flawless. But the proven things are the 'truth' untill proven otherwise. So right now you really can't explain SW with science.


BTW, i used to be a little against black lightssbers, but because of SilverSuns' post i'm starting to see the other way around :blink:

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