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I was looking on www.lucasarts.com and noticed the "screenshot of the week." If you look at the guy's saber hilt, it isn't the regular smooth silver hilt seen in KOTOR I and in other screens for KOTOR II. Someone let me know if I'm just seeing things....


(and yes, I realize after posting this that I should've posted in the Kotor 2 general discussion... so let the flaming begin...)

  guns1inger said:
I was looking on www.lucasarts.com and noticed the "screenshot of the week." If you look at the guy's saber hilt, it isn't the regular smooth silver hilt seen in KOTOR I and in other screens for KOTOR II. Someone let me know if I'm just seeing things....


(and yes, I realize after posting this that I should've posted in the Kotor 2 general discussion... so let the flaming begin...)

*begins flaming*

This should have been posted in the Kotor 2 general discussion.

There. Feel flamed. :D :huh:

  guns1inger said:
I was looking on www.lucasarts.com and noticed the "screenshot of the week." If you look at the guy's saber hilt, it isn't the regular smooth silver hilt seen in KOTOR I and in other screens for KOTOR II. Someone let me know if I'm just seeing things....


(and yes, I realize after posting this that I should've posted in the Kotor 2 general discussion... so let the flaming begin...)

No pic! No link! Consider yourself flamed :rolleyes:


To be honest I cant remember, put a link up! :unsure:


Does not really look much different, if no difference at all.


Faith! :lol:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


You guys really don't see the difference? This hilt looks to have some sort of pattern going down it.


Maybe I'm just seeing things...


Also, who is the guy in the "Sith Armor" I keep seeing in all the screens? His armor looks to be a bit different than the Sith Armor from Kotor I...


You ARE just seeing things.......

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

  guns1inger said:
You guys really don't see the difference? This hilt looks to have some sort of pattern going down it.


Maybe I'm just seeing things...


Also, who is the guy in the "Sith Armor" I keep seeing in all the screens? His armor looks to be a bit different than the Sith Armor from Kotor I...

No, I think you are imagining things...


Yes, you are...


He's an NPC...


I am assuming you are talking about number 2 of 48 of the screen shots.... and if so: you are an idiot. That saber isn't customized, the resolution is just low enough that it is causing the image to distort and look zig-zaged. Damn son...

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