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Everyone I meet on the Internet is a Mensa member :huh:


In any case, I'd go for some extreme rule that Hades suggested.


When it with a weapon (in particular lightsaber), if you are hit for greater than your constitution you must make a save of some sort or die ;)


Thats a d20 Modern rule. If you take damage of any kind greater than your Constitution Score you have to make a DC 15 Fortitude save. Next campaign however I am going to make the DC equal to the damage taken.


I'm too lazy to do it myself, but somebody ought to start an IQ measuring technique thread in WOT... ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

How would you measure the IQ though?

That would be the point of the thread, discussing how to do that ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


Hades, if they listen to what we say at all they will make the max difficulty really hard (btw I have only dabbled in KOTOR 1 hard mode is it hard?). If they listen to anything on this thread, difficulty is probably the most commonly demanded and easiest to implement of all.


I want it done smartly, and not just the usual double hitpoints/double damage from the foes. I want the enemy AI act smarter at the higher difficulty.


I agree. Games where higher difficulty has the same enemies with more health or you fighting the same battles with less have nothing to do with difficulty. The enemies should probably be higher level with higher difficulty. They should also use strategy (Imagine malak force speeding to attack you or an enemy decently healing themselves). The enemies probably would be able to beat you (or be harder) if they used the resources they have.


One reason I hated the malak fight was that his difficulty was dependent on a repletishable health (no the bad spellingness!!). That means he really was an easy opponent that they multiplied the health of. He was no harder, but alot more annoying.


Man that's cheap. Either way, that's cheapness not skill determining the final encounter. I hate it when that is a funcional option. Tsk tsk hades. You dissapoint me. After all that complaining about how easy the game is you make it even easier.

No they sould be like this:


- Xbox player.

- BioWare developer.

- Casual gamer.

- RPG player.

- God.


and if we die 3 times the "Cheerleadier Bush jr." mode is unlocked.

I find this list laughable.


I'd like to hand you a copy of Ninja Gaiden. I'll bet you $100 you can't beat it.


You're mindless hatred of the X-Box is rather funny. Many so-called RPG players think Diablo is the greatest game on earth. And most dungeon crawls are ridiculously easy.


I haven't come across a HARD RPG in ages. Can you name one?


I agree, I haven't considered a CRPG to be difficult ever since I matured enough to be able to put some useful thought into them.


Not that I mind......getting stuck because I die all the time to a boss or something is generally just frustrating. RPGs are like interactive stories....and I hate it when a story has the protagonist die and reload 20 times in a row....waste of paper.

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