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what would be a good new chariter feat or fpower

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vrike u shouldve known this would happen when we go prolonged periods of time without info we make stupid jokes and well honestly it happens in EVERY thread so who cares lighten up(and i know i might sound a little harsh but im mad about the lack of info)

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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I would like to see use of more force telekinetic abilities that are not limited to opponents but to objects and terrain and the use of force sensitivity other than a passive +2 defense bonus.



Force Levitation: (Rank 1)

Through the force you send a single object at high velocity at an opponent inflicting xDy points of damage.

Force Telekinesis:(Rank 2)

Through the force you send unattached objects into orbit around your person for 30 seconds, inflicting xDy points of damage to characters who come into physical contact with the objects and have a 33% chance to block blaster bolts and other ranged attacks.

Telekinetic Storm:(Rank 3)

By focusing the force objects inanimate and animate alike (including enemies) are caught up in a ferocious telekinetic storm which acts as a barrier against physical and ranged attacks with a 66% chance at deflection and inflicting xDy points of damage. Duration 60 seconds.


Force Acclimation:(Rank 1)

Entities who are strong in the Force are indicated by a marker on the area map.

Force Sense:(Rank 2)

Entities which are force sensitive appear on the area map.

Force Balance:(Rank 3)

All major life forms appear on the area map.


Force Empathy:(Rank 1)

Through the Force influence non-sentient life forms to act on their instincts, e.g. flee in front of an opponent to cause a distraction or entice predatory instincts to attack opponents.

Force Connection: (Rank 2)

Influence both sentient and non-sentient life forms in manner similar to Force empathy. Sentient life forms can begin conversations and other plausible actions.

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Yes an expansion on the lightsaber combat would be nice, including new and more animations, and of coarse being able to add kicks and punches while using a lightsaber would be nice.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

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OK...this may have already been stated in this thread....who cares. I want to be able to fight two or more enemies at once. For instance, while I'm fighting off someone with my lightsaber (to my right), I would like to (at the same time) force push someone on the other side of me. Some people say it would change the RPG nature of the game....I disagree. A character could recieve this "feat" only after they have gained a great deal of exp in lightsabers and the force. This could also be done with two blasters. Also, doing this could cause them to be more open to attacks but they would be able to fight a larger group of people....also, if need be, it could drain their force a little faster since they would have to concentrate more. When the player masters this skill....of course they would have to master the lightsaber and be great with the force....he or she could be quite unstoppable. Just an idea...but you KNOW it would look cool.

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This will never happen whilst the D20 system is used...physically immpossible, though i am as great supporter of fighting two people at once like Maul/Obi-wan and Qui-gon


That's not exactly true... in D&D 3.5 there are several ways you can fight multiple opponents at once. As you base-attack-bonus goes up, you gain extra attacks that can target separate opponents. Feats like Circle Kick for Monks (this means that if you hit an opponent, you can automatically make an attack on a separate opponent) Eyes-In-The-Back-Of-Your-Head (which means you cannot be flanked, i.e. opponents do not get a bonus for attacking you from two opposite sides), and Elusive Target (which allows you to cause a flanking opponent to miss you and hit their ally) are all used in a D20 system to create a character skilled at fighting multiple opponents.


The difficulty with implementing targeting more than one opponent in one attack in a semi-realtime setting could be worked around by simply having two separate options, one for full attack/flurry on one person and one for full/attack flurry on as many people as possible, and the computer would simply autotarget as many people as you could reach.

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