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Cipher's Whip abilities are supposed to turn off at full focus (except for Ascendant).


But Draing Whip does not turn off at full focus for Vanilla Cipher, Soulblade and Wild Mind. You still get +20% weapon damages (focus drain bonus is of course irrelevant).

This is clearly an oversight since it does turn off for Soul Whip and Beguiler's Draining Whip. (ascendant does not turn off but this is normal and it's a different ability).


Note that the error in the data file was pretty obvious once the issue was spotted, so it will be corrected in next BPM version.

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On 1/3/2023 at 6:29 PM, thelee said:

something i discovered with my last run, which was using Effort + Avenging Storm at times. Pollen Patch is weird. It triggers the inspiration bonuses of Ring of Clenched Muscle (10% chance when hit with a weapon to get an inspiration). I swear I didn't have Effort equipped at the time, which is the main way I would trigger fake weapon attacks, so the periodic healing effect on yourself must count as a weapon attack each time. It also meant that when I would empower Pollen Patch with my least unstable coil, i'd frequently get a jumble of Tier 1 and Tier 3 inspirations (though the Tier 3 ones would override the Tier 1 if they were the same).

I wonder if you could trigger other "hit by a weapon" effects with Pollen Patch?

Actually the ring is not working as described : both Experimentation and Subject work on any hit, even with the Footsteps of the Beast I think. 

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1 hour ago, Constentin Lévine said:

Actually the ring is not working as described : both Experimentation and Subject work on any hit, even with the Footsteps of the Beast I think. 

ooo that's a good find.

so that means my favorite chanter/druid build will be able to apply tons of afflictions on enemies via chants and druid aoes?

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Super niche interaction that's probably more useful for modding than playing the game, but console added abilities can't be empowered for some odd reason.

Tested it by adding Far From Defeated... to my chanter via console command, which grayed out the ability when I tried to empower it.

Removed Far From Defeated..., added Their Champion Braved..., leveled up my chanter and picked Far From Defeated... and I could empower it.

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On 2/15/2024 at 10:32 PM, thelee said:

ooo that's a good find.

so that means my favorite chanter/druid build will be able to apply tons of afflictions on enemies via chants and druid aoes?

Probably he should! The afflications cant crit anyway, so if Hemmoraging could proc Experimentation, the reciprocal couldnt.. But the hit taken by subject will proc the Auroch's horns frost lash.

I dont remember how the Experimentation interact with friendly spells (chants and healing). I think i made a test with Pollen Patch that make me the life harder but I'm not sure (I loose all my save few month ago)..

19 hours ago, Testlum said:

Tested it by adding Far From Defeated... to my chanter via console command, which grayed out the ability when I tried to empower it.

With the unity console mod, every abilities and spells added from the general addability column (where everyone are listed) cant be empowered too. But from the Spell or Chant column, the same spells worked. (if i am clear)

My guess is the Addability console command is not the good way to get them with the good entry, maybe. 

By the way, if you want the good "py" file for this mod, i find it in the comment section of the mod, and can publish him here I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have Deadfire installed at the moment, so if anyone could answer these questions for me, I'd be grateful:

  1. According to the wiki, Curse of Mortality from Sigil of Death applies Gaping Wound — does it apply the actual Gaping Wound injury; or does it instead apply a differentially implemented, but identically named debuff? If it is the latter, how would the malus to incoming heals function as the debuff reaches 5 stacks (if it can even attain 5 stacks)? Do incoming heals just end up damaging you, then?
  2. Is it possible for a non–Ghost Heart Ranger's pet to get gibbed or disintegrated? If so, does the Ranger just get screwed over with a permanent Bonded Grief?
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3 hours ago, Sympetrum said:

does it apply the actual Gaping Wound injury

Yes - and if you get hit twice you will not have two stacks of Gaping Wound but instead you'll get an additonal "Major Injury". When hit a third time you will get another "Critical Injury". After that you will die instantly if you get hit again by the Sigil. So it's very dangerous. 

4 hours ago, Sympetrum said:
  1. Is it possible for a non–Ghost Heart Ranger's pet to get gibbed or disintegrated? If so, does the Ranger just get screwed over with a permanent Bonded Grief?

Animal Companions cannot have injuries, cannot die and cannot be destroyed - so there's no danger of permanent Bonded Grief.

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3 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Animal Companions cannot have injuries, cannot die and cannot be destroyed - so there's no danger of permanent Bonded Grief.

And you can't eat them with your corpse eater either.


There was something so dumb about a Corpse Eater / Ranger eating their own pet that I had to try.

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There are some items that summon creatures that are beast or wilder - and when those die they won't disappear but you can consume their bodies as a Corpse Eater. For example the wurms from Dire Talon (chance to summon wurms on crit). That way you can bring your own food to any Flesh Communion. ;) 

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Wow, this open new worlds to explore to me, I can't wait to try these discoveries... and the next trial I want to face is just Xaurip Chronicles! 😄

How many times without eating those poor drakes and wurms from dragon pendant... 😄

Edited by Chaospread
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I haven't tested the summons from Dragon Pendant - I think some summons from items "die" properly like with leaving a corpse and all - and some just disappear like the summons you call with your abilities. Iirc the summons from Essence Interrupter also leave corpses. I tested and wrote about items that work for a Corpse Eater in the past but unfortunately I already forgot which ones I tested successfully. 🫣 

If Dragon Pendant worked that would be great. 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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On 2/27/2024 at 5:57 PM, Boeroer said:

I haven't tested the summons from Dragon Pendant - I think some summons from items "die" properly like with leaving a corpse and all - and some just disappear like the summons you call with your abilities. Iirc the summons from Essence Interrupter also leave corpses. I tested and wrote about items that work for a Corpse Eater in the past but unfortunately I already forgot which ones I tested successfully. 🫣 

If Dragon Pendant worked that would be great. 

I've just tested now: sadly, Dragon Pendant doesn't work, summons doesn't remain "eatable" on the field when they die :(

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  • 5 months later...

So apparently spell echoing effectively works with Flame Shield such that it can hit multiple times per hit on your character.

I need to test more, but my initial testing suggests whether it echoes or not (and how many times if you have multiple sources of echoing) is determined on casting the spell rather than on being hit.

EDIT: Further testing showed that the echoing is determined on hit, NOT on cast. I apparently got a lucky string of echoes in my testing.

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1 hour ago, hansvedic said:

So apparently spell echoing effectively works with Flame Shield such that it can hit multiple times per hit on your character.

I need to test more, but my initial testing suggests whether it echoes or not (and how many times if you have multiple sources of echoing) is determined on casting the spell rather than on being hit.

EDIT: Further testing showed that the echoing is determined on hit, NOT on cast. I apparently got a lucky string of echoes in my testing.

neat, so there actually is a benefit to the evoker echo and a magran marux amanth echo on flame shield. not exactly a ton of damage but still something

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1 hour ago, thelee said:

neat, so there actually is a benefit to the evoker echo and a magran marux amanth echo on flame shield. not exactly a ton of damage but still something

Probably applies on each attack roll (casting and damages). 

But echoing on Flame Shield casting itself probably does nothing (maybe can remove a nice spell and still applies if echoed on cast?). 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Knocking out a Ranger's animal companion fuels the stacking damage buff of The Red Hand; I've tested this with the base No Rest for the Wicked, but not its upgrades. (Guilty Conscience possesses a new meaning if so!)

From now on, I'll have Maia do some 'target practice' with Ishiza regularly — 20 Gouging Strikes every morning should be enough.

Tested with Community Patch Bug Fixes Only.

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14 minutes ago, Sympetrum said:

Tested with Community Patch Bug Fixes Only.

Will also work with the complete Community Patch. 👍

Imagine if we had a vessel summon that could be summoned out of combat + Red Hand's "Double Tap" enchantment... 😄

PS: do not try this with Ydwin I guess. 

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Apparently one need a double deflection roll to Hit with Cleaving/Mob Stance extra attack (as for CLear Out secondary attacks that require double successful roll vs fortitude to hit something - only 1 roll still applies the push and prone part though).

The first roll vs deflection just allow the attack to happen.

From what I get, if it misses, the game check a new target untill one work.

So that probably only matters when you have a single/couple valid target(s).


BPM corrected it (as part of the stances rework), but I didn't bother to explain it in the mod note because of how obscure it is.

Edited by Elric Galad
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