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Best weapons for a crit based build melee/ranged build. Or just a ranged build.

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Scoderos (sp?) and Rusts are a favorite, but Stalkers and Scoderos or Stakers and rusts are also fun (and look cool).


Put this combo on a Paladin (your choice, but like Bleak, Gold, and Steel) and Rogue (Trickster or Streetfighter if you want to live more on the edge and do more damage).  Equally entertaining on a Monk(Helwalker)/Rogue(Trickster).


Lastly, twin Flails are fun...  had Ball & Chain + Endres for a optional Blunt beat-downs.  Also, it makes a nice theme of an escaped slave (ball and chain) and took the flail (Endres) of his/her taskmaster...


Yes, I prefer melee.

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Just updating a bit here...


I found monk/ranger to be not so good I really lacked passive penetration until lvl 11 and since I shot so quickly mainly AA buffs seemed stronger


I'm currently doing a helwalker/devoted now and have much better results at lower levels. The bonus pen from devoted is a God send, I have really great accuarcy through devoted and dance of death. I am missing the 20% reload from ranger though and eventually driving flight.

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Helwalker/Ascendant Heath Orlan.  Essence Interrupter.  Hunting Bow Modal and Dance of Death. 


One of the top DPS builds in the game.  


Monks synergize better with Ascendant than almost anything else as the Turning Wheel +10 int bonus boosts Ascend, Echoplastic Echo, and Disintegrate times.   You can easily hit 35 int and 30+ might with this multiclass for 75 second ascensions! 

Edited by Marigoldran
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Erm... you wrote that already. On the first page.  :ermm:


It's def. not one of the top dps builds in the game.

Where exactly comes the dps from? Disintegration has not very high dps nor has a hunting bow + lash in the hands of a Trascendent top dps potential.





Last time I checked Ectopsychic Echo's duration was fixed and not influenced by INT. Did that change?

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Amplified Waves and Mind Blades (early game).  


Disintegrate is one of the highest single target (spammable) DPS spells in the game.  Unlike other DPS spells, it continues on and on with only a single cast.  


Heck, even you agree Echoplastic echo is one of the most OP spells out there.  

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No it is not. You confuse damage per second (DPS) with damage pet hit. Disintegrate has not very high dps. 


Amplified Wave is nice but pales if compared to some other abilites that do more dps (damage per second). Luckily it also has a CC component that is nice.




I find Ectopsychic Echo pretty mediocre because it's a fiddly thing. I usually waste too much attention and time on managing it which could be used better with other stuff.
The dmg is ok. The fast ticking is better (Death of Thousand Cuts, Combusting Wounds).  But since when does INT prolong its duration?

Edited by Boeroer

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As with about 1/3 of the posts I read on here this inspired a new build for me. It is a riposte and crit build with lots of attacks coming from disengagement attacks incoming and outgoing. I haven't hashed out all the details yet, but here's what I've managed to come up with so far. There's a fair number of extra attacks. We aren't worried about base penetration because we're relying on a high crit chance.


Hearth Orlan for party based. In theory any human or wood elf would be more optimal for solo which I have not tested. Testing as always is upscale potd. I'm currently trying turn based as I feel obligated to test it.


Shattered Pillar/Trickster


The goal is to reach as high of accuracy/crit as possible while maintaining a high deflection and disengagement defense. The retaliation comes from disengagement and or gear.


20 perception and 19 resolve on hearth orlan.


Both two weapon fighting and sword and shield (see below for gear.)


Key monk features are..


Swift Flurry, Blade Turning, Heartbeat drumming, and Stunning Surge.


Key trickster features are all of the trickster specials and...


Escape, Fast Runner, Riposte, any crit based passive, any damage passive, and Persistent Distraction. The actives are flexible.





Griffins Blade: 50% chance to daze on crit.


Shield: The best defense: Shaken on crit. Pierce/Crush bash. % Frighten on kill.


Armor: Nomad's Brigandine: Great disengagement protection.



Head Fair Favor or Champion's Helm: crits with swords and riposte respectively


Neck: Bonesetter's Torc: Crits


Ring of Minor Deflection and Entonia Signet: Both for deflection


Boots of Speed: Disengagement defense and speed


Back: Champions Cape: riposte and attack speed and damage


Hands: Gatecrashers: 15% knockdown on crit and +1 might


Waist: Undying Burden


Pet: Pes: melee damage and crits  or  Socrates: 20 health on kill and 3 deflection


I almost forgot skills...



A few points in athletics for the 2 second winds.

Explosives for the nice debuffs.



For now I'm just pumping Bluff for the rp. I'm sure there's a more optimal distribution...

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/30/2019 at 4:57 AM, Boeroer said:


Another nice crt build was doing Karabörü (Bloody Mess) with a Fighter/Helwalker: Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming and Clear Out and Mob Stance. All enemies in reach will have a chance to trigger Bloody Mess.


Do you have this build posted anywhere?

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If you want to stick to Great Sword at all times pick Devoted. Then Disciplined Strikes, Swift Flurry, Raised Torment, Mob Stance, Turning Wheel, Thunderous Blows, Enervating Blows, Enduring Dance*, Armored Grace, Clear Out, Instruments of Pain*, Heartbeat Drumming. Rest what you like.

Enduring Dance is great once you get Instruments of Pain: you can use melee attack from range and thus won't get hit a lot. The added ACC and wounds from End. Dance come in handy, especially with a Swift-Flurry build. 

Clear Out targets fortitude, so you should use Raised Torment and Enervating Blows in order to debuff fortitude by 20 to raise the chance of crits.   

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Just now, Boeroer said:

If you want to stick to Great Sword at all times pick Devoted. Then Disciplined Strikes, Swift Flurry, Raised Torment, Mob Stance, Turning Wheel, Thunderous Blows, Enervating Blows, Enduring Dance*, Armored Grace, Clear Out, Instruments of Pain*, Heartbeat Drumming. Rest what you like.

Enduring Dance is great once you get Instruments of Pain: you can use melee attack from range and thus won't get hit a lot. The added ACC and wounds from End. Dance come in handy, especially with a Swift-Flurry build. 

Clear Out targets fortitude, so you should use Raised Torment and Enervating Blows in order to debuff fortitude by 20 to raise the chance of crits.   

Awesome; I will go this route for the main character.

Now, is there a way to generate a consistent Wound flow with a vanilla Monk? I don't want to try other sub-classes, as their maluses all seem to outweigh the bonuses for me! ;)

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I think every Monk subclass is better than vanilla except Xoti's, but you do you. :)

The most consistent wound flow you would have with a Nalpasca by the way. 

You can use the following stuff to gain wounds as a Fighter/Monk:

  • Mortification of the Soul (don't know if it's a free action in TB)
  • Dance of Death/Enduring Dance: 1 wound every 3 secs as long as you don't get hit (several times). 
  • Hylea's Talons: puts a mild DoT on you which will generate wounds. They do not end Dance of Death (no self dmg does).
  • Parting Sorrow: if you engage an enemy and he breaks engagement you gain a wound. This can also be forced with terrify effects. Terrified enemies will crawl around like headless chicken, disengaging in the process

Usually Hylea's Talon's and the hits from enemies are enough to let you not starve. 

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2 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

I think every Monk subclass is better than vanilla except Xoti's, but you do you. :)

The most consistent wound flow you would have with a Nalpasca by the way. 

You can use the following stuff to gain wounds as a Fighter/Monk:

  • Mortification of the Soul (don't know if it's a free action in TB)
  • Dance of Death/Enduring Dance: 1 wound every 3 secs as long as you don't get hit (several times). 
  • Hylea's Talons: puts a mild DoT on you which will generate wounds. They do not end Dance of Death (no self dmg does).
  • Parting Sorrow: if you engage an enemy and he breaks engagement you gain a wound. This can also be forced with terrify effects. Terrified enemies will crawl around like headless chicken, disengaging in the process

Usually Hylea's Talon's and the hits from enemies are enough to let you not starve. 

I like to keep things simple and micro-management-free! ;)

Mortification of the Soul is free! I will also grab Hylea's Talons; I thought I have to be hit to get the bleed? But is it if I hit someone instead? The wording is not clear. I guess I can also have the Chanter terrify enemies.

Finally, is Mortification renewable other than during Stunning Surge crit?


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For Hylea's Talons you have to hit the enemies, not the other way round. They also add a 5% slashing lash to your melee attacks which is awesome to have anyway. 

As a Fighter/Monk you only can gain Mortification via Stunning Surge (as a refund) and the Brilliant Inspiration (see Cipher's Ancestor's Memory for example). You can get +2 Mortification from Mortification Bindings (gloves) and +2 from Devil of Caroc Breastplate.

Mortification of the Soul only costs health, nothing else (its costs are listed as 0 Mortification). 

Edited by Boeroer
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9 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

For Hylea's Talons you have to hit the enemies, not the other way round. They also add a 5% slashing lash to your melee attacks which is awesome to have anyway. 

As a Fighter/Monk you only can gain Mortification via Stunning Surge (as a refund) and the Brilliant Inspiration (see Cipher's Ancestor's Memory for example). You can get +2 Mortification from Mortification Bindings (gloves) and +2 from Devil of Caroc Breastplate.

Mortification of the Soul only costs health, nothing else (its costs are listed as 0 Mortification). 

Wow, Hylea's Talons sounds awesome indeed then for a Monk!

Wait, so if Mortification of the Soul is a free action and costs 0 resource, then can't I spam it and have 10 Wounds the 1st turn? It sounds very abusable.

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19 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

As I said I have no idea how it works in TB mode, but if you spam it 10 times you also get damaged 10 times. At higher levels that may work, at lower levels if may mean you knock yourself out. :)

ROFL, I really think all free action abilities should have been limited to one use per turn for turn-based. Otherwise some of this stuff is ridiculously over-powered - as well as lacking in realism/verisimilitude. (I am not one of those guys who believes all common sense should be abandoned because this is a "fantasy game.)

Just one more question on this build:

It seems like I need 14 Intellect to give an ability with a duration an extra turn and 20 Intellect to give it two extra turns. Is it worth going to 20 Intellect in this context? Or is 14 sufficient? So with 14 Intellect, a default single turn duration ability would last two turns; with 20 Intellect three turns.

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4 minutes ago, Ivanfyodorovich said:

14 is the magic number, I think. With +1 from gear and any INT inspiration, you can hit 20. That's very achievable. You are probably getting INT from Duality, as well. 


Yeah, I am leaning in that direction, too. 20 Intellect is a lot to invest on a character that needs to max Might and Perception. Good thing I don't need to worry about Dexterity as much in turn-based for melee! ;)

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18 hours ago, Boeroer said:

I think every Monk subclass is better than vanilla except Xoti's, but you do you. :)

  • Parting Sorrow: if you engage an enemy and he breaks engagement you gain a wound. This can also be forced with terrify effects. Terrified enemies will crawl around like headless chicken, disengaging in the process

It also triggers when you an enemy you engage is killed (whether by this char or another). So its actually much better then it sounds!

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