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Hello, I have some experience from PoE 1 and decided to make a monk - but I heard some stories that after a patch pure monk is not as good anymore. Would it be better to do monk/rogue or monk/paladin?



Also, I do understand that they reach their power level later but do multiclass get locked out of tier 8 or 9 even with DLCs?



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Hello, I have some experience from PoE 1 and decided to make a monk - but I heard some stories that after a patch pure monk is not as good anymore. Would it be better to do monk/rogue or monk/paladin?



Also, I do understand that they reach their power level later but do multiclass get locked out of tier 8 or 9 even with DLCs?



Well, i would say, pure Monk is still Tier 1 on Single Class. But a multiclass is most of the time better, because you have two pools with ressources to use and some powerlevel VIII and IX talents are just not good.


Monk is pretty good with goldpact paladin or bleak walker.


MC only reach PL VII at Level 19, no access to VIII and IX.

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Single class characters not only reach PL 8 and 9 but also get all abilities (except from PL 1) a lot earlier.


Most abilities scale with Power Level. For example Flames of Devotion's base damage scales with Power Level. So a single class Paladin (who has more PL at the same level as let's say a Paladin/Chanter) does more damage per (pure) FoD use.


Monks are especially good as single class characters because their fists scale with Power Level as well. Also their high level abilities (PL 8 & 9) are really great.


I personally don't think that SC lacks power compared to Multiclass in general.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Actually I find Ranger single class quite good. Whirling Strikes is not bad (try Amra with Bleeding Cuts).


Barb also. Especially with dual mortars single class Barbarian is a beast due to Heart of Fury. Counterintuitive, I know because it's ranged. But SC Barb Serafen with his dual mortars just annihilates mobs.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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The Single Classes above don't belong to the bad Tier, but to the meh Tier.


And they don't belong there because their abilities are bad but because their ressource pool is so low that they can't use them more than a couple of time.

I think the low ressource pool is a consensus.

I actually like ranger abilities. Twinned Shot is cool, Whirling Strikes is one of the best melee ability of the game (probably the best if Heart of Blunderbuss is not counted), the new Heart Seaker Shot is great too.

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Top Tier Single Class :




Good Single Class :




​Okay Single Class :





​Meh Single Class :





I'm actually playing a single class Trickster now but I just started. Up to this pt I've been a big advocate for it being a top tier multi. We shall see...

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I'd say sc ranged ranger is good as well. Not like a wizard, but certainly good. Completely underrated class. Loads of great weapon options with plenty of crowd control or dps. Twinned shots is great. Only issue is pet probably needs more buffs for PoTD. But on any other difficulty they are actually very useful.

SC rogue and barbs are also good, and by the easiest ( most boring) playthroughs has been with a sc beckoner which I reckon comes close to wizard. Obviously nowhere near as flamboyant but so good, steady and easy. It's the only class I can start a high level fight, go make some coffee, read a book, and I know that there is no possibility that I lost the fight. Course a wizard would finish the fight waaay quicker, but that takes actual effort. So it chanter v wizard really depends on how you value efficiency (wizard) v amount of effort required (chanter).

Edited by rheingold

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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^^^ yeah it does, but I'm finding the weapon summoning invocation on a beckoner absolutely insane. Really all that is needed for a chanter. And sadly more effective than the dragons which are just unimpressive all around.

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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I meant generally for Chanter. Since empowering summons doesn't do much. ;)


There's a compromise : use the other upgrade of the scimitar (complete refund of phrase cost).


Then you can cast empowered eld nary at the beginning and then use the weapon summoning invocation.


Sure, you won't be able to do it each fight since you don't refund the empower point but you can still do it when it matters.

So if we're speaking about raw power for a Single Class Chanter, that's probably the best solution  :yes:

Sure it is a bit less fun for common fights.



Oh well, I'm whining a lot but what I'm really thinking is that the game is quite close from "perfect enough" Class Balance.

Which is really impressive considering Obsidian had to cope with Multiclass balancing. 

Edited by Elric Galad
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