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Hello everyone,


I've been trying to research an appropriate class to play which as the main character that can offer party wide support/utility that can get stuck in for melee (think something like a Bard).


Can anyone point me in the right direction for a class to fill that?


Thank you.

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Chanter, Priest, Druid, Cipher, Paladin and any combination of those with any other class that complements it in either martial prowess or support abilties should be fine. Make sure to take a concentration buff or passive ability if you plan to cast spells on the front line. I do feel that any caster on the front line is wasted, because if it is there it could be at the back while someone more effective can be at the front doing damage.

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Chanter 100% it is essentially a bard at its base.


Rogue would be a combo thematically for a dragon age style bard you'll get some good damage and offensive utility. If you pair it with an arcane trickster you'll get a few illusion spells too.


Paladin is the strongest for a support bard, you get great defenses and an extra aura. Just really good.


Warrior will provide you with some mobility some cc and pretty solid tankiness


Honesty it's hard to go wrong chanter is crazy good. I'd go with troubador since you can either focus on having 2 chants going simultaneously or chanting quickly and spamming invocationa. Skald could work well if you stack for crit greatly but probably not as good.

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Troubadour/Paladin (Herald) and Troubadour/Rogue (Harbinger) are both solid selections.


The former can be really resistant to all forms of attacks, have a plethora of buffs, heal, or do solid damage. It also can be made into a bit of an pbAoE monster with the right build.


The latter gets really good damage, good debuffing, and so on. Both are solid strikers with a mix of buffing/debuffing. It is better vs single targets, but hits so hard you can really take out enemies quickly.

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Herald with the shield that has a healing aura + paladins healing aura + chanters healing aura = no one dies...than you can add hearth defenders mail for additional armor bonus aura and some buff/debuff chants... i used pallegina as my sub optimal herald (since no sub class, stats etc.) but she had all resistances >130 on level 20 and kept everyone alive.... a herald works especially well in a melee focused party where everyone is close together



at the same time once you can shoot out empowered maelstorms on your druid you won the game anyway....and everything explodes

Edited by Nemesis7884
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Herald with the shield that has a healing aura + paladins healing aura + chanters healing aura = no one dies...than you can add hearth defenders mail for additional armor bonus aura and some buff/debuff chants... i used pallegina as my sub optimal herald (since no sub class, stats etc.) but she had all resistances >130 on level 20 and kept everyone alive.... a herald works especially well in a melee focused party where everyone is close together



at the same time once you can shoot out empowered maelstorms on your druid you won the game anyway....and everything explodes



I try to avoid picking Pallegina in my team in fear that i rely on the herald combo too much, it's just too good to not have one in the team. AoE lash, AoE armor, AoE healing, AoE CC, man :)

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