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Found 6 results

  1. Hey, Really love the first PoE game. I think the writing was amazing which is so rare to see in RPG games nowadays. However I would like to suggest something and excuse me if this was already commented on. If having everything with voice over by pro actors is not within budget - obviously that's expensive, could we just have an option next to the text to click and have someone (anyone) just read out the line with just a plain reading voice. I like reading even more than the next guy, but I find reading on a computer monitor really straining on my eyes and I already get a lot of that since I'm a digital artist. So just any option to let me hear the text would be very appreciated. Thanks!
  2. So I was wondering: new portraits is easy enough, but is it possible to add additional voice sets to the game? I will be fairly naked in my ambitions: what I want to do is add "female_fighter_3" from Icewind Dale to the game. That is more or less my favorite "protagonist voice" ever in a game like this (and more to the point, the game is strangely lacking in higher-register lady voices for protagonists/custom-mades in general). Seeing as how I own IWD, I could "construct" the sound-set myself if need be... if it's possible. Which is why I ask: is there any capacity for new voice sets in Pillars? Unlike the portraits, I didn't see any obvious place in PillarsOfEternity_Data to drop a new voice set. If it isn't currently possible, has the idea been discussed? I'd love to expand protag/custom-made character voice options a bit.
  3. Just started playing and I'm excited. But I'm getting hung up on something little at first, and looking for advice. To start with I see this for dialog. BUT I HEAR the voiceover start reading immediately starts talking and so I hear: ...while I'm trying to read the first part. So then I have to wait until the talking is done and re-read it from the start. I assume it will do this the whole game? I feel like this is going to take me out of the experience. I just wish it paused a little to let me read.
  4. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir with you guys, but it needs to be said: The superb voice acting made the Baldur's Gate 2 characters really come to life. Jon Irenicus, Minsc, Aerie, Jaheira...I remember that dialog to this day. Please don't make your voice talent an afterthought. I suspect you already intend to make it awesome, but just in case you weren't? Don't make Pillars of Eternity sound like Divinity: Original Sin. That is all.
  5. Dearest Obsidian: Whatever decisions you may take designing the game, be they more or less popular, the thing you must keep up with is not doing a full voiceover for the game. Some important sentences for important NPCs, like in Planescape: Torment are enought to make the player read the rest of the conversation with the right voice in mind. An alternative may be to record some random nonsense babbling with different emotions for each character, to show it's predisposition towards you. Not having a full voiceover lets you, developers, way more resources (both time and money) to spend on making the game objectively better. You can make: - Way more conversation choices. - More flexibility on making adaptative changes on text (depending on less important things like your sex or name, or more important things like factions, friendships, quests done/failed). - More valuable text with more different characters. - Forget about complains about having only 6 voice actors for 500 npcs (the Oblivion Effect), having spent on that half your money, development time, effort and most of the release delay. - Late moment changes So, whatever you may choose to do for Project: Eternity, the thing that MUST NOT be even remotely contemplated is having a full voiceover. Maybe you guys already had this in mind, nevertheless I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for the attention, A caring fan. --- As a reference: http://www.reddit.co...wards_for_rpgs/
  6. Hello, Personally I would like to see (or rather hear) voiced NPCs. For me it is convenience thing, because I read a lot of tech literature for my studies and I hate reading from a monitor. This is probably the main reason why I haven't finished Planescape: Torment. Other question would be, does it fit in the budget? I have don't know how much does it cost to voice a game or make it in a first place (It only cost a lot of time in my experience). In case it doesn't fit I wouldn't mind little sacrifices just not in the story department. What is your opinion on this mater? Do you like to see voice-over in Project Eternity? What are your feelings about voice-over in general?
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