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Found 4 results

  1. I think this subject may interest some people, One of my concern on the 1st Pillars Of Eternity was that we'd get to know & see, every possible Enchantments we could do, like, from the very begining of the Game. And never had the opportunity to find that great treasure containing that awesome new Recipe for Weapons, Armor, Shields or Hats. Pretty sure it was a lack of time and ressources problem for you to make it happen. But now, killing Concelhaut, or Any Archmage should have this feature in Deadfire. Sneaking in his/her own private Library, looking for Unique Spells & Enchantments that only a powerfull Archmage know about. If I'm a Rogue, or have a Rogue, and sees that, an Archmage keeps his personal Grimoire in his desk. I'd like to have the possibility to sneak in at night, and steal it ! Obviously, Yselmir should manisfest & tell the Hero : "Hey, why not steal this Grimoire from him ?". Of course, Aloth, like the p*ssy he is, (I like Aloth...^^) would instantly disagree : "You can't do that ! it's one the most powerfull Mage's Grimoire in Eora, he must have protected it with all kinds of dangerous spells ! Even put a Curse that prevent others to use it !" etc, etc. Ok, all of this to say, I'd like Unique (hidden) Recipes in terms of Enchantments primarily, and maybe Weapons & Stuff in Deadfire. I hope they will be able to push that feature further this time around.
  2. Greetings, fellow Watchers! I found these and thought you might enjoy these as much as I do, so without further ado.... Let's cook Rauatai Pie! Let's cook Vailian Seafingers!! If you have a video or pics, feel free to post them here. Let's cook meals from one of our favorite games together!
  3. I was looking at the wiki page for crafting, and it says you have to find recipes before you can enchant. I've gotten myself up to level 7, and I have yet to encounter any recipe items while playing. There are a very, very small number of recipes in my "known" list, but I don't know how they got there (or if I started the game with them). Am I missing something?
  4. We're approaching the Crafting & Enchanting stretch goal, so I thought it'd be a good time to discuss mechanics. Arcanum, in my humble opinion, had one of the best crafting systems out of cRPGs I have played. For those who haven't played this title, here's a quick recapitulation : The general concept was simple - characters acquired various item schematics by spending of character points in the appropriate discipline. However, some had to be found - either in shops or in various locations in the game (some would be notoriously hard to locate). It was then simply a matter of finding ingredients to create the desired item : But here's where it got interesting : 1) Lots of variation There were eight disciplines (Herbology, Chemistry, Electric, Explosives, Gun Smithy, Mechanical, Therapeutics and Smithy) in the game, with each discipline having seven degrees within it. And that's not counting found schematics. 2) Not limited to equipment upgrades While some of the disciplines offered just that (i.e. better armour), it was not a general rule. That brings us to the next point. 3) Consumables and utility equipment That, I feel, was the strongest part of this system. Most of the schematics were of various consumables or other assorted amenities. For an instance, the player could craft : a) various grenades (stun, flash, fire, acid, smoke etc.), b) substances that could benefit the player (buffs : combat and non-combat) or harm their foes (poisons), c) traps, d) various useful gadgets (better lockpicks, lanterns, projectile reflecting shields, trap detectors etc.), e) resources (bullets, batteries etc.) f) even pets (automatons). In short - all sorts of useful (or somewhat less so) items, with wildly different combat and non-combat applications. 4) Mixed crafting Some found schematics required having an expertise in two disciplines - e.g. machined plate required advanced knowledge in the fields of Smithy and Mechanical. I think these concepts would be a good source of inspiration for PE.
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