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Found 13 results

  1. Xbox 1 single player and multiplayer I have an issue where in an anthill it causes the game to lag severely and ends up crashing. Also when trying to acquire weedstems in dry grass towards the rake, my game lags severely. Both multiplayer and single player have this issue. Keep in mind the anthill I mine Quartzite in is in the same area as the rake so it could be just that area? I have no problems going anywhere else.
  2. There is a HUGE flaw in whatever system keeps count of the total number of insects on the map. its now gotten to the point where anytime I go near a larvae pod, there’s at least 30-50 in the area and it works my GPU to its limits, which shouldn’t be happening seeing as I spent $2000 on this PC. It also causes both my friend on XBOX and me on PC to have a crazy amount of lag anytime we go near a cluster of larvae. Please introduce a more realistic food chain, have some of the bugs attack each other so my game doesn’t continue to get overloaded from the number of bugs on the map. It would even make more sense for the spiders to eat some of the bugs, like they do in real life! I really enjoy this game, but not at the cost of my PC.
  3. Hi, so I finished the hall of the unseen on that vulcanic island and as I want to leave the temple, the game crashes. This happened 3 times in a row now and I'm afraid I can't leave it anymore. Repairing the game and reloading on the auto save at the last room does not solve it.
  4. Hey, I've got a bit of a problem when trying to load out of my ship deck into world map. POE2 keeps crashing any time I try to load out of my ship deck (I can easily load between top and bottom deck without any problems) and honestly it's beginning to frustrate me. Is there any way to fix this? I haven't had any previous problems with loading into World map before now so I have no idea what the underlying problem could be. (I've also tried reinstalling the game and it's still an issue).
  5. Hey, I tried to look for a similar issue in the forum but I couldn't find anything. Sorry if this is a duplicate. The crash occurs during the "All Aboard" quest line. On what I believe is the last map, right after the scripted transition involving pirates and Huanas. The game crashes a few seconds after I've entered the area. I loaded a previous save just before that map, the game does not crash. But I am still stuck though, I can't get out of the area and / or finish the quest. Thanks 2019-03-26_220400.zip
  6. Just bought today the POE II the package with all dlcs thru steam, and as soon as i install it wont run, it gives the following message: The game crashed. The crash report folder named "2018-12-19_201838 next to game executable It would be great if you'd send it to the developer of the game! please help, to what e-mail should i send those files and how can i get this fixed ? thanks
  7. Hello! The above is my main problem! 1) After having installed the patch and the Expansion (now currently have v2.00.0706 PX1), I tried to travel to Caed Nua - and the game crashed. It might be that my save is full of bugs though and the problem might be aggravated because I used the console, too (just fiddling with Godmode and attributes. And I had to use teleport once because of the 2nd problem below). 2) Regions I have already visited appear as new when I go back (i.e. fog of war is there again), although my diary entries still show every quest as finished. This happened a while ago (before patch 2.0, maybe even after the patch before that) and I hoped a new patch would fix it, but alas it didn't. But that's also why I don't remember if I can go back and re-do the quests (there was only one similar case to this IIRC, there was no solution though AFAIK). 3) I haven't noticed much else than stat bonuses from inns appearing to linger for too long (which was supposedly fixed) and Eder wanting to talk to me although he has nothing to say. 4) I also have to wait veeeeeeeery long (especially when I load up the first game it takes like 2 minutes) for the game to load, afterwards about 40 - 60 seconds for transitions (read Roby's post though, so hopefully that might fix it). Sorry I took so long to get to you guys with this, but I thought I could get through with all of it This .rar file contains a few save games both from 2.0 and the same from the 1.x version, as well as the oldest save game I still have. All the crash reports and the system diagnosis is in there too. Would be cool if you can figure it out, though too many problems might have come together for that to happen =D Reever-logs-and-saves.rar
  8. yo your game does nothing but randomly crash every time i enter or leave a building or travel to a new zone and its pissing me off i 'cant even play the ****ing game =(
  9. Hi, my game crashes every time I want to travel to gilded vale. I slowly need to get to a tavern, so I'd really appreciate a fix Best viel_leicht output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  10. So I've been happily (and sneakily) exploring Raedric's Hold. Was slowly making my way in the Hold's interior when I went up the Siege Platform exit. Due to my ever-loving danger sense, I saved... about thrice. So when I saw it's safe, looted the place, and returned back inside... the game crashed. Right now I'm stuck and can't re-enter the castle... which makes me a sad regicide If there is any information I need to give, feel free to ask. I'm just hoping i'm not permanently stuck
  11. Hi My game crashes when i try to enter Raedric Castle from the main gate. I was already inside of the castle but didnt finish the end fight because i was too weak. Cant attache any files but i have them if anyone needs them. Edit: Game also crashes when i try to enter the throne room from the temple. There isnt by any chance a third way in which i could check out? Kind regards Naradin
  12. When trying to exit Raedric Hold castle, dungeon through the sewer, game crashes. Tried this 4x even after restarting my computer. Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU960 @ 3.20GHz Graphics: 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti RAM: 8 GB Windows 7
  13. I have 3 crash reports, my DxDiag and my save to upload, but this forum won't let me attach files. The upload always fails. I've tried both the flash version and the basic uploader. Is there another way I can get you the files?
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