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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, For the past months I've been living in alternate planes and only found out this week about PoE II: Deadfire. Fortunately it's still possible to pledge to the project via Obsidian's portal. I'm thinking on going for the Signed Elite Collector's tier. But it's not clear if the Pillars II DLC is included or not. As described in the site the Pillars II DLC gives: Early Bird access to DLC for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire at a special crowdfunding price. This is a Season Pass for all DLC that will be released for Pillars II. Looking at the, now closed, fig campaign page https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire There isn't any mention of DLCs. Apart from bears So is the "all future DLCs" addon included in any pledge tier? And any idea for how long the backer portal will be open for new pledges? (I'll be backing it during this or next week, just don't want any surprises) Thanks
  2. I completed campaign of first three adventures with 6 chars in normal mode. Filtering to experienced chars, I can now start another campaign from the beginning with them in heroic mode. Questions: 1. The chars starting new campaign have all the power and card feat upgrades filled in just like my chars still in the normal path. Is this correct? If so, won't I run out of upgrade feats for them? 2. Their card stacks includes all the obtained boons, not the basic boons. Is this correct? 3. If both of these are correct, will the things that happen in the new heroic path affect my chars in the normal path (waiting for adventure 4). That would be very undesirable. In short, I was expecting to start heroic path with basic chars, not upgraded chars. Is this not how it works - i.e., is what I am observing the correct behavior? Upgraded chars seems to defeat the purpose of a tougher challenge in heroic mode. Also, I obviously don't want to mess with my original path group chars, if anything i do in the new heroic path would "stay" with the char.
  3. Good Afternoon (AEST) to the collective forum intelligence! My question is this: Is the Sword Coast Legends campaign editor up to the task of making a whole custom campaign that's not set on the Sword Coast or is it just there to add side quests to the game? And is it any good?
  4. Not sure if this has been really addressed before in here, if it has please link to the thread and close this. In many Bioware games, and, indeed, RPGs in general, when rpesented with choices/options in conversation or for resolving quests, the "good" choice is almost always the choice that nets the biggest/best rewards. I dislike seeing this dynamic, and I hope that this game addresses that. Just because the "evil" way can be the quick and dirty, doesn't mean it should quantifiably net less reward for the duration of a campaign. Example: Do a quest to retrieve a clan's legendary sword for them, they offer you some gold and their loyalty. Maybe I want that sword, and the clan's allegiance is nothing to me. So maybe I take that sword, worth 3x as much as the gold, but then the clan tries to ambush me later in the game, as opposed to helping me defeat some Big Bad, or reclaim some player housing option (retake a fortress) Just my two cents from my gaming experiences, but I usually play games through at least twice, once as a good aligned, and once as evil (if allowed).
  5. Hi everyone, My long-in-development Dragon Age: Origins campaign, Thirst is now close to content complete and available for beta testing. This beta is designed to gain feedback from players, to fix any outstanding bugs, and to make tweaks and changes based on suggestions. Thirst is a 10-20 hour campaign containing over 50 new areas, dozens of side-quests, a story heavily sculpted by choice & consequence, 3 companions to bring into battle and interact with, a wide assortment of new items to use, and more. You can download Thirst from the page here: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3496/ Please also keep an eye on the patches, as they will fix issues as they are discovered and resolved. Note that due to the size of the campaign and the amount of new content added, I recommend disabling all mods (and possibly even official DLCs) before playing, in order to avoid conflicts. Thanks, and have fun!
  6. Wondering if people are as interested/excited as I am about the possibility of a physical almanac. If it can't be included at higher tiers like 500 for free, then I am surely willing to pay a little extra in order to secure one. Up to $50 I'm willing to part with for a Physical Almanac. Interested in perspectives of all, but especially higher tiers of 500 and above and their willingness or non willingness to part with a little more cash for a Physical Almanac.
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