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Found 10 results

  1. I've just made the widow armour, and it looks like it's not protecting anything, I suggest that their should be at least something ( shell or cloth ) covering the torso ( eg: all the ant armour, bee, and the spiders). Also I would love to see tier 4 armour, or just more tier 3 armour ( maybe toenails( they're quite tough))
  2. Could we please have a way to downgrade upgraded weapons and armour to get the supreme materials back as they're limited
  3. Upon logging in today i found the rotten bee armour had disappeared from an armour dummy i made. This is irritating seeing as the armour in question is uncraftable and therefore irreplaceable.
  4. The question is how much DR should you have to ensure, that most of the damage you receive is reduced? Let's say, I have a Battle Mage wearing Guardian's Plate, which gives you 13 DR if Legendary, plus 5 from Llengrath's Safeguard, 18 totally, is it worth someting?
  5. The system as I understand it is as follows, but let me know if it's been changed cause it could be outdated: When rolling for an attack, your penetration is checked vs the targets armour for the type(s) of damage you're doing. If its less than their armour, you deal 30% damage, if its equal or greater, you deal full damage, and if it's double or more, you get a 30% bonus. Presuming the system hasn't been changed, is that 30% bonus damage additive or multiplicative? Are the mechanics the same in reverse, when someone hits you?
  6. Hey, I came across a problem which prevents me from progressing with the game. after failing the "Black Fang" mission, i went back to the inventory (card collection) to rebuild my deck. i noticed that something was wrong with the armor cards filter. The armor cards toggle seems to be broken. although i have 3 armor cards in total - only two cards are shown. moreover, the number of available cards is shown as 0/3, even though i moved all the armor cards from my characters back to the deck. I'm unable to fully construct a deck, as i'm missing one armor card. this prevents me from progressing with the game, and also forces me to force-close the app, since i can't return to the main screen Technical details: OnePlus One (Android 6.0.1) Pathfinder adventures
  7. I've been meaning to write this one down for quite some time now : CULTURAL EQUIPMENT I've touched upon this topic before, but I think it warrants a more in-depth look. To start off - I think that many cRPGs make the mistake of rendering magical items utterly mundane; after all, if you practically trip over them since the very beginning of your journey, they do lose their charm a bit, don't they? On the other hand, using nothing but ordinary trappings doesn't sound too exciting either. What if PE offered players cultural equipment, while making magical items truly rare? Instead of finding just another +1 longsword we'd, for an instance find : 1. Aedyran sabre : 2. Glanfathan sword : Both would fit into the same basic category, but there'd be a sense of progression both in their effectiveness (as if you just had replaced a +1 sword with a +2 equivalent) and appearance (as the items could look wildly different). But what of magical items? I think that they should truly extraordinary and rare. Finding them should really feel very rewarding - and their level of power should absolutely reflect that. But there's more that you could do with cultural equipment. Let's use two different PE cultures as examples : Free Palatinate of Dyrwood Due to a long history of conflict, all denizens of Dyrwood are accustomed to constant warfare and to hardships - as a result, they are practical people. They value discipline and uphold strict laws. This could be reflected not only in the equipment they use, but also in the way they fight : 1. They fight as a group, supporting each other, often using reach weapons and trying to keep enemies at bay. 2. They favour heavy armour over mobility. 3. Instead of firearms, they prefer longbows. You'd not only be able to who you're fighting (due to their specific cultural armour & weapon designs you'd be able to spot right away) but also how to fight them. Let's make a second example : Vailian Republics Being merchant people, the citizens of the Vailian city states value style over substance and like to let everyone know that they're wealthy. Their armies consist mainly of well-paid mercenaries, who tend to uphold the same values when it comes to fashion. Vailians are known to be strong ndividualists. 1. Vailians are individualists and this is reflected in their fighting style - they often fight as duellists, seeking personal glory. 2. They eschew heavy armour in favour of mobility. 3. Avid users of firearms. To recapitulate : I'm hoping that Obsidian will go an extra mile with the work that goes towards fleshing out various cultures. Each region should be unique, whether it's in clothing, weaponry or even battlefield tactics. That'd not only make the world of PE a truly immersive environment, but would also allow for very varied combat encounters.
  8. Previous parts : 1) http://forums.obsidi...designs-a-plea/ 2) http://forums.obsidi...a-plea-part-ii/ Opening post :
  9. From the previous thread : http://forums.obsidi...designs-a-plea/
  10. One thing that I highly dislike about modern RPGs are the outlandish and outright ugly armour and designs. If you'd allow me some examples (incoming hyperbole and large images) : This Certainly looks better than this : Second example : In the examples, I've juxtaposed somewhat ornamental and a bit fantasy looking pieces of equipment with ones that look more like toys (which I consider to be a general tendency in fantasy cRPGS). Is the continuing urge for so called "epicness" really worth it? I think there's plenty of historical (and not so historical) arms and armour to draw inspiration from. Non-practical equipment is a real eye sore most of the time, IMHO. And yes, I realize that the game is isometric, and we won't see arms and armour in great detail - but that'll only make the task that much easier. While we're at it, please consider using something similar for item descriptions :
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