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  1. This build was created for a collaboration with @Aestus who runs the Youtube channel Aestus_RPG. Here's the video where we talk about this and other builds. This is build 5 of 5 from that collaboration. ----------------------------------------- This build is mainly meant for inspiration. You don't need to follow it in detail to have fun. If you understand the key features - the basic idea what makes this build special - you can usually deviate from my non-core attribute-, skill-, gear- and ability selection and form the build to your own likings and ideas. I do not try to produce the most powerful uberbuilds (often those are the most boring to play in he long run) but to focus on having fun while playing. Usually that means the build is powerful - but it's not the main focus. If you like to read about my personal requirements for "fun to play" builds, you can jump to a list below this post ----------------------------------------- Stefran Johæn Ængelyn Gærmanoða was born into a minor noble family in the Aedyr Empire, a nation steeped in tradition and the grip of authority. From a young age, he was fascinated by power - both the arcane that flowed through his veins and the rigid laws that governed his homeland. His path was clear when he was taken in by the Steel Garrote, an order of Paladins who serve Woedica, the deity of law, justice, oaths, promises, cold retribution... and molten faces. The Steel Garrotes instilled in Stefran the belief that cruelty, when applied with reason, was a necessary tool for maintaining order. He learned to bind his emotions, becoming an enforcer of the goddess's will. His magic, sustained by the rites of Blood Magic, allowed him to fuel his power through sacrifice but also drawing strength from the pain of others. His arcane prowess grew alongside his martial skill, making him both a deadly warrior and a fearsome wizard. In time, Stefran rose through the ranks, his reputation as a relentless but pragmatic enforcer of Woedica’s law spreading across Aedyr. However, whispers of dissent grew in his branch of the order, and Stefran found himself at the center of a brewing rebellion between faction inside the order. It was then that his faith was tested. Rather than defending his reactionary marshal who also smelled of mouldy floorcloth, he chose to enact Woedica’s justice in his own way and asked for a secondment. Now, a self-styled judge and executioner, Stefran roams the Deadfire Archipelago, seeking to restore justice through the lens of his unyielding law - but also with fairness. His path is paved with broken oaths, and the echo of Woedica's will is still guiding his hand and blade. "I won't cry for you I will just deflect the things you do then I'll drain you too See, when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Parry" - Stefran while parrying very offensively - edit: dang! Should've used a song of Katy Parry instead... rolled a miss there =================================== The Bloody Parry =================================== Difficulty: PotD -------------------------------------------------------------- Solo: untested -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Arcane Knight - Steel Garrote/Blood Mage -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Human (or any) -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Aedyr (or any) - Aristocrat (or any) -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (w/o Berath's Blessings, ★=recommendation) MIG: 12 (11 +1 Human) CON: 10 DEX: 10 PER: 14 INT: 15 ★ RES: 17 ★★ (15 + 1 Human +1 Aedyr) -------------------------------------------------------------- the unique icons for all passive abilities are part of the Community Patch mod Abilities | Skills | Proficiencies - (!=important, r=recommended) 00. Garrote (a) + Faith and Conviction (a) + Blood Sacrifice (a) 01. Lay on Hands (r) + Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff (r) | Great Sword + Quarterstaff 02. Flames of Devotion (r) | +1 Athletics (->2), +1 Religion (->2) 03. Deep Faith (r)| +1 Athletics (->3), +1 Metaphysics (->2) 04. Zealous Aura + Infuse with Vital Essence | +1 Athletics (->4), +1 Religion (->3) | Medium Shield 05. Divine Purpose | +1 Athletics (->5), +1 Metaphysics (->3) 06. Sworn Enemy (r) | +1 Arcana (->3), +1 Intimidate (->3) 07. Sworn Rival + Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon (r) | +1 Arcana (->4), +1 Religion (->4) 08. Eternal Devotion (r) | +1 Athletics (->6), +1 Metaphysics (->4) | Club 09. Glorious Beacon | +1 Arcana (->5 ), +1 Intimidate (->4) 10. Exalted Edurance (r) + Essential Phantom | +1 Arcana (->6), +1 Survival (->1) 11. Clear Head | +1 Arcana (->7), +1 Religion (->5) 12. Spell Shaping | +1 Arcana (->8), +1 Survival (->2) | Sword 13. Inspired Beacon + Two-Handed Style | +1 Arcana (->9), +1 Metaphysics (->5) 14. Rapid Casting | +1 Arcana (->10), +1 Intimidate (->5) 15. Iron Gut | +1 Arcana (->11), +1 Survival (->3) 16. Virtuous Triumph (r) + Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst | +1 Arcana (->12), +1 Religion (->6) | Large Shield 17. Mental Fortress | +1 Arcana (->13), +1 Metaphysics (->6) 18. Hands of Light | +1 Arcana (->14), +1 Intimidate (->6) 19. Sacred Immilation (r) + Wall of Draining (!) | +1 Arcana (->15), +1 Survival (->4) 20. Bear's Fortitude | +1 Arcana (->16), +1 Religion (->7) | Pike --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (!=important, r=recommended) Weapon Set 1: Whispers of the Endless Paths (! - +Offensive Parry!, +Run Through, +Legendary) Weapon Set 2: Shattered Vengeance (+Superb, +Blessed Defiance - Woedica theme) or Gladiator Sword (+Sharpened Blade, +Superb) & Nerian's Ward (+Legendary, +Father's Masterwork - it's cool and it's from Aedyr...) Head: Cowl of the Piercing Gaze (r - Woedica theme), later Mask of the Weyc (r - +50 deflection+Wall of Draining) Back: Cloak of Greater Deflection (!), later The Magnificient Escape Cape (r - +50 deflection+Wall of Draining) Neck: Token of Faith Grimoires: Weathered Grimoire (auto), Zandethu's Dragon-Scaled Grimoire (r) - and whatever fits your desired spell selection Armor: Gipon Prudensco (r - +No Fool I, +Paranoid) or Nomad's Brigandine (+Tactical Withdrawal, +Head of the Column, +Leg.) or Casita Samelia's Legacy (+high Intimidate skill, +Ardent, +Leg.) Waist: Sash of Judgment (r - Woedica theme) or Physiker's Belt Hands: Woedica's Strangling Grasp (r - I mean... of course), later Bracers of Greater Deflection Rings: Entonia Signet (r), Ring of Focused Flame (r) Boots: Boots of the Stone Pet: Eviee or Misty --------------------------------------------------------------- What is this build about: you combine healing (e.g. from Lay on Hands and Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon) and the life-draining weapon hits of a Steel Garrote with the Blood Sacrifice of the Blood Mage. Using Blood Sacrifice to gain spell uses will hurt you, but hitting enemies with a weapon will heal you at the same time. Usually you would have to actively attack with a weapon in order to drain health - which doesn’t let you cast during that time obviously. So your action economy would suck. But when you do it the follwowing way your action economy will rock. before getting the signature weapon and key piece of this build, the great sword Whisers of the Endless Paths (which can be optained early), you can use Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff in the very early game. Its health draining feature stacks with the Steel Garrote's passive 15%, giving you plenty of health back from every decent attack. Also the quarterstaff's modal gives you +20 melee defelction which is big in the early game, making you already more durable. by using Offensive Parry - an enchantment of Whispers of the Endless Paths - you will attack enemies who miss you in melee (100% of misses get parried and lead to a counterattack). That attack is instant (no animation, no recovery, just damage numbers pop up) and will daze(!) enemies - which unlocks the Steel Garrote’s life drain immediately. So basically you parry enemies which gives you health WHILE you cast your wizard spells. If you need more spells you use Blood Sacrifice which damages you. But your parries will heal you back up. you need lots of (melee) deflection for this so it’s natural you will be great at tanking - even though you are not meant to be the main tank (you can be later in the game with a few items though. Your defense, obtained via self buffs and passives and items, will be the staple of your build. at some point you want to have lots of bonus deflection items: Bracers and Cloak of Greater Deflection, Entonia Signet Ring, an armor with deflection bonus (I prefer Gipon Prudensco, but Casita Samelia’s Legacy and Nomad’s Brigandine work, too) you welcome melee enemies attacking you instead of fearing them - and you will shower them with whatever spells you like best and which your party needs later you use Wall of Draining to prolong not only your self buffs but also some special items’ effects: Escape Cape’s Escape (+50 deflection) or Mask of the Weyc’s Arcane-Veil-like deflection bonus (+50 deflection) which stack with each other and some of your wizard buffs, giving you insanely high deflection values for a very long time. It can also prolog your Lay on Hands, giving you endless healing. Other benefical effects that can be extended with the Wall of Draining are for example Courageous (Hands of Light), Aware (Eldritch Aim) and also stuff like Avenging Storm from scrolls(!). Avenging Storm + Offensive Parry + Combuting Wounds is an awesome combination. You can also extend the effects of potions of course. at the same time you can be a good healer for allies, too - as any Paladin can be use Inspired Beacon, Sworn Rival and Eternal Devotion to boost your spell and parry damage (for example M’s Piercing Sigil is great with +40% and +20% dmg bonuses as well as a +10% burning lash). If you use Sworn Rival multiple times and then kill the enemies you get all the Zeal for Sworn Enemy back and with a little luck some Zeal on top because of Virtuous Triumph (50% +1 Zeal on kill) Sacred Immolation, paired with "passive" health draining and prolonged healing effects is a nice non-spell-fueled and suddenly risk-free source of damage later in the game, too basically a tank who can heal and deal (AoE) damage, debuff, CC potentially unlimited times you can pick up your own Grimoire collection. There are so many grimoires in the game, so you don't need to pick many wizard spells at level-up. I made do with the starting grimoire, some others in between and the unique Zandethu's Draconic Fury because I liked the unique PL7-spell for this build - but you can def. pick something different and be successful, too. Issues: your reliance on self buffs makes you vulnerable against effects that strip you of those buffs. Arcane Dampeners can screw you up. So a high Will defense is good to have. Whispers of the Endless Paths + Offensive Parry etc. is great against mobs - but not against ranged units and casters. It also doesn’t help much against bosses or single tough foes. In those cases it’s often better to switch to a weapon & shield, just tank for your party and use some cool spells. You are still a full Arcane Knight. Steel Garrote Paladins are cruel and rational - so you need to be a bit of an a*hole at times in order to gain the max benefit from your Faith and Devotion passive. Why is it fun? Arcane Knights are really good right out of the box already - because of their defensive synergies. This draining+sacrifice combo on top improves the action economy and lets you cast more often, unbothered by attackers Blood Mage lets you have unlimited spell uses as long as you pay with health. It’s just very convenient to regain spells and health without having to do much: almost no "downtime". parrying enemies while casting them to pieces is just badass, especially with that giant sword sometimes it can be fun to play a somewhat cruel or even evil guy - although you don’t have to be THAT evil as a Steel Garrote. There are several items in the game that are connected to Woedica which you can use (see item seletion) and that's really nice touch and cool imo Hope you enjoy! Cheers!
  2. Edit 1: Fixed misspellings; took out repetitive information; fixed organization of how information is presented in a linear path of how to progress; added how to obtain figurines early. Edit 2.3: Changed talents level 12-18/ Updated talents to suit new Grimoire and weapon change/ changed level 7 -13 to maximize efficiency Edit 3: Added Neketata content and added spell rotation concept to introduction Edit 4: Changed starting stats for a Nature Godlike Edit 5: Added link of play through video Link to playlist of video walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhNYnbHTHdF6QAlg4Yw8pSHPC6-UTruQV I did not gold dupe enough gold to buy all the equipment that can be obtained when leaving Port Maje to show how to play the early game as if it was a first playthrough. Starting with the 50,000 gold to buy the gear and a proper grimiore will make all these fight a cakewake Hey fellow Watchers, In the first pillars of eternity I completed the triple crown solo as a paladin and I'm back to do the same. Of course I am going Paladin again, but multi-classing with a wizard. I am mainly interesting in the Enchanting abilities of a wizard for self buffs. Enchanting spells do not have a recovery time, so i choose Evoker as a subclass. The double cast proc are awesome when they happen, and it reminds me of the black mage from FFX. The AoE from the Evoker spells are super strong, and can eliminate an entire group of mobs in seconds. The high burst damage is much needed, because the paladin has one damaging spell that i will be using, Flames of Devotion. FoD Combined with Brand Enemy will provide good single target dps. Also, i will be dual wielding for the full attack from FoD, which can kill a mob instantly. Sword and board lacks the necessary damage to destroy a large groups before running out of zeal and, ultimately, running out of resources turning the battle into an auto attack battle. When dual wield, if the first attack from FoD kills the target the full attack still continues and swings at air. Pausing the game while the second part of FoD is casting will allow a new FoD or other spell to be cast with no recovery time. For race, Nature Godlike is the to best choice as you will always have the passive activate in battle, but other races are viable. I complete the run as Wood Elf but the Nature Godlike will be noticeably stronger. In the end, I believe race does not matter; however, some races are not viable in solo play; such as, the Orlan that gains increase stats for attacking the same target as an ally. Unless the figurines count, but i still would not choose Orlan like i did in the first pillars. Instead i went with Elf for resistance to Dexterity afflictions. I also start with a Hunter's Bow for the accuracy bonus and Sabre. But switch to Sword/Sabre and Warbows. Before level 7, using mirror image instead of vital essence for larger groups is need for survivability. At level 7, a huge power spike and god mode starts. The self buffs make you a tank but dps is also really high. Start every fight with Vital Essence, Llengath's displaced image, spirit shield, arcane reflection. Throw a cinder bomb if a large group with high accuracy and use figurine for ranged mobs. Cinder bombs and figurine are not needed for every fight but they are there for a reason. Use Fan of Flames and fireball early for AoE. As you gain higher levels and obtain better grimiore, cast the higher level spells instead while using FoD to clean up low health enemys and get the Zeal resource return. Also, using FoD after self buff to increase damage further (FoD upgrade, Eternal Devotion) to maximize damage. With that said, let's begin! Build Name: Angel Of Death Arcane Knight Subclass: Bleak Walker/ Evoker Race: Nature Godlike Culture: Living Land/ Hunter Author: Sarnael Version: 1.0.2 Difficulty: PotD Solo: Yes Might: 19 ( 18 base + 1 from Living Land) Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 9 Perception: 15 Intelligence: 19 Resolve: 8 Orginal Build as Wood Elf Might: 17 Constitution: 12 Dexterity: 9 Perception: 15 Intelligence: 14 Resolve: 10 Starting Abilities: Flames of Devotion Lay on Hands Spirit Shield Level 2: Deep Faith Level 3: Sworn Enemy Level 4: Vital Essence/ Zealous Aura Level 5: Two Weapon Style Level 6: Divine Purpose Level 7: Llengrath's Displaced Image/ Greater Lay on Hands Level 8: Brand Enemy (Rival is not good with an AoE build; this is better for bosses) Level 9: Eternal Devotion (after self buffs, cast FoD and pause game after first weapon attacks clear to stack extra damage on spells) Level 10: Minoletta's Concussive Missiles/ Exalted Focus Level 11: Inspired Path Level 12: Combat Focus/ Scion of Flame (fill) Level 13: Llengrath's Safeguard/ Righteous Soul Level 14: Rapid Casting Level 15: Uncanny Luck Level 16: Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst/ Virtuous Triumph Level 17: Arcane Reflection Level 18: Improved Critical Level 19: Citzal's Martial Power/ Stoic Steel Level 20: Sacred Immolation (when bug is fixed)(Devs stated that this ability should not do that amount much self damage) Abilities: Mechanics: I max this as it frustrating to not be able to get free loot Explosives: Great choice as i live off cinder bombs ( so OP, nerf inc) Alchemy: Okay choice, but drugs arent really needed Passive: Survival: I start and level till 6 for skill checks Intimidate: I put rest of points in this Gear: Helm: Heaven's Cacophony (Death's Maw Early)(if not Godlike) Neck: Stone of Power (Protective Eothas Charm I used early till 7; when you get the Llengeth's Displaced Image) Chest: Devil of Caroc/ Casità Samelia's Legacy/ Miscreant's Leathers (Need Spirit Shield) Ring 1: Ring of Focused Flame (Ring of the Solitary Wanderer) (Ring of Minor Deflection is used till this is obtained) Boots: Boots of the Stone (Shore-walker Sandals early) Cloak: Cloak of Greater Deflection Hands: Gloves of the Gatecrasher (Killer Glove's, Swordsman bracer, Gloves of Accuracy is the upgrade path) Ring 2: Chameleon's Touch ( might and Int OH MYY) (Ring of protection is used till this obtained) Belt: The Undying Burden (early does not matter much) Grimiore: Ninagauth's Teaching (Grimiore of Spark and Flame) (use starting one till Neketata) I start with Saber/ hunter's bow early for the extra Accuracy; but i go sword then war bow for weapon proficiency (These two weapons add more percent damage which FoD also procs) Weapon 1 Modwyr (Watcher's Blade early) Enchant: Legendary Weapon 2 Min's Fortune (Tarn's Respite) Enchant: Legendary/ Lucky Strike Weapon 2 Resounding Call (For Crushing Damage) Enchant: Bell-Ringer, i think the other one might be better) Bow: Frost Seeker Bow ( OMG OP ASF) Enchant: Legendary/ Garland's Breath/ Garland's Rake Early Game: Strategy is key early, i always try to find a doorway large creatures can block others from engage or a spot on the map where i can not be surrounded. Most maps have a place where only 2 or 3 can engage, then AoE them down while they never touch you. Cinder Bomb is how you will progress early, the merchant upstairs, in Kraken Eye, has 3 stealable cinder bombs. Ingredients can be found from various vendors in dunnage and Neketata; this items makes it so easy mode. I use all materials to make cinder bombs, so buy ingredients when available. Also, Scroll of Ray of Fire is needed for an early bounty quest (3 is plenty). Always use bow FoD to start fights (early, one shots are possible) Then use Self Buffs ( Vital Essence, Llengeth's Displaced Image, Spirit Shield, Arcane Reflection if needed, then throw a cinder bomb, followed by a figurine (if needed for casters and ranged), then Fireball, Fan of Flames (with proper grimiore), Rolling Flame. At level 10 this becomes your opening rotation, healing when needed and using FoD with melee weapons to clean up. Enchanting spells have no recovery time, so if you take damage while buffing, using a heal is perfectly fine. The starting Island is pretty easy, use your bow and Flames of Devotion (apply sickening, followed up by Minor Missile if not dead, missiles can not miss) In the Cave, always kill the pistol users first. Kite the Revenants and Rusted Copper Construct. Sneaking around the latter for nearby ring and to complet helping hands for an easy Level 2 is obtained. Head to Port Maje after collecting the random loot and going around stealing, collecting, and progressing quest. Picking up Death's Maw, Ring of Minor Deflection and Shorewalker Sandals from vendors. At level 3, the vendor upstairs in the Kraken Eye has cinder bombs in the chest, and 2 spices and onyxs for sale. Hit level 4 (obtained by completing available quest and talking to the governor to progress the main quest) before going to Gorecci Street. The Eothas Protective charm is a hidden item in the well, equip it. Use Mirror image for buff instead of vital essence till level 7. Go to the northwest-ish part of the town, ranged stealth attack FoD, Self Buff; careful killing the second ranged mob; Getting the two melee at the same time can be bad (RNG). Do not talk to ilari; instead place a trap under the northern mob, use FoD from stealth (does not always one shot the mob) Cinder bomb, Self Buff, Lay on Hands, one FoD should kill the mobs now with Cinder Bomb damage, and dual wield sabers. The encounter's between Vilario's Rest and Port Maje; At the fork, threaten them, take their goods, and attack. These guys hit hard, Self buff. use your scroll Fan of Flames which can kill one, both or miss both, RNG. Then, use FoD to clean up. The woods with the Ogre Druid has a necklace that he will give; peacefull resolve the encounter. There are 2 spot where you can reduce the number of engaged enemies, one is close to where you start at. Place trap, cinder bomb, self buff, FoD clean up, empower when needed. The Xuarips are really easy, kite backwards, self buff, use a scroll if you have one (use empower for more resource if not) FoD clean up. This should leave you with 1 cinderbomb for spirits at the digsite. At the dig-site; the only fight that is scary, is the spirits right before you find eothas, but kite back to where the copper construct are located, with luck 2 mob will reset; use Mirror Image if all 3 are aggro-ed. Save your empowerment for additional resources. After leaving the Port, obtaining the figurines early can make a hard fight a cakewalk. 1. Laughing Imp Cameo - Slightly northwest of Port Maje is a shipwreck sceen, board the ship, search for loot, then search for evidence of smugglers. 2. Opal Tear Cameo - Bought from vendor in Dunnage, Radiant Court, The Treasure Trove. 3. Clay Grub Figurine - Bought from vendor in Neketaka, Queen's Berath, Hunter. 4. The Obsidian Lamp - Buy or steal from SpinkleMan in Neketata, The Gullet, Delver's Row. Use sparkcracklers to move the SpinkleMan and company to get the lamp for free that is behind him. Head to Dunnage, complete possible quest. The quest, A Tidy Performance, do not pay of the whore's debt at King's coffin till after level 7; which is your current goal. To get there, explore the Islands killing everything, prior knowledge of which island not to venture is needed, do not try to complete the island with the spirits yet, it is very difficult an the neck is not needed. (how i did it at low level, i ran backwards a bit popped an invisibility potion, stealth and pulled the shadow; sometimes i would still aggro all of them but i would use the figurine, kite backwards to split them. If doing triple crown solo it's not worth it early without knowledge and experience. Cinder Bombs are the key to easily defeating the large mob groups on the islands. Using Cinder Bombs is very important at this stage of the game and needed for an easy fight. At level 7 or higher return to Dunnage and complete A Tidy Performance and loot Boots of the Stone from the mobs. Before exploring the Islands, head to Neketata and buy the Gloves of the Gatecrasher and Heaven's Cacophony (If not godlike) from Wanika in northern Queen's Berath. Also, buy Grimiore of Fire and Spark, and steal Ring of Focused Flame in Periki's Overlook. The Undying Burden is from a Merchant in Delver's Row. Talk to Pethi, in The Gullet, to get the harsh medicine quest which opens dialogue options with the inn keeper to find out how to get to Delver's Row. The first Island I would go to is Oathbinder's Sanctum to get the Watcher's Blade. There is a room full of Xuarip's and a body on the east side of the room that contains the Ordinary Sword, Examine it to turn into the Watcher's Blade. In the final room, aggro the cultist and kite them back to room south of where you are and their is a spot on the northwest side of that southern room where only two can engage at a time, summon your figurine on the casters. Place a trap before the scene starts and use scrolls or easy AoE. On the Island with the Sea Trolls, kite them to the north where only 2 or 3 can engage. Use Brand Enemy when targeting the Trolls to cancel their regen; kill them quickly afterwards. Self Buff, cast brand enemy on both trolls, cinder bomb, figurine on the backline, Ray of Fire the trolls, FoD cleanup. Meryel the Mad can be split into two groups by placing a trap to get the attention of the copper construct and running to the east, Meryel drops Stone of Power. Cavern of Xuar Tuk Tuk and Temple of Tanglana Ruins have recruitable ship members. Pūrākau drops the Ring of the Solitary Wanderer After completing the Islands and obtaining the three bounties go to Neketata, turn in bounties at Wild Mare, complete the bounty Nomu the Marauder and loot Chameleon's Touch; as well as, Maukotu's Canopy that is slight southwest of Neketata. Kite them backwards across the lake, be quick or get pulled by the trolls. Loot the OP FrostSeeker from the elf. Also, after clearing the island two island should have been named. Go to Map Emporium to turn the quest in. Be sure to buy equipment before leaving for Fort Deadlight At this point level 10 should be obtained, if not, do bounty ship quest, then head to Fort Dead-light for a easy obliteration of that place. The boss fight, stealth to the west side of the room and set a trap up in the doorway. Use the doorway to funnel the mobs while summoning the Siren (Opal Figurine) on the casters; equip the chest piece. You are now a God and the game is easy. Return to Neketata, after turning in quest at Dunnage. Complete the quest in Queen's Berath. Careful not complete Family Pride till last as some quest could be locked out or failed. One quest requires you to go The Hole (Inn in The Gullet) to find someone. I choose to side with the Bardotta and attack the thieves in the vault. Continue through to complete in the quest in The Gullet. Talk to the Inn Keeper options 1 then 1 to find out how to get to Delver's Row and pick up the Obsidian Lamp and The Undying Burden from the merchant from Delver;s Row. After speaking to Deoro, obtain the Cornett ( Steal from Tawauka house or get Rust in Delver's Row to steal it. Take the Lift down to the old city, and in the north side is Min's Fortune. Continue through clearing the map till you reach the statue for the quest. The Giant Grub awaits on the other side of the door. Stealth into the room, and use a bow to kill Grub Burrows to prevent them from spawning. Start the fight with self buffs, Sworn enemy, use Obsidian Lamp in between you and the Giant Grub. Three or four FoD will kill the grub; he has about 800 hp. Head to Brass Citadel; loot the city, complete quest that are available and pick up the bounty quest. Followed by going to The Sacred Stair, Periki's Outlook, Serpent's Crown. In Periki's Outlook, the Arkemyr's Manor has the Grimiore Ninagauth's Teaching that i will use. The Construcks are immune to fire which is why I hold off on going in there. Need to levels to be able to kill them confidently. At this point, level 16 should be obtained, if all quest are complete and turned for Port Maje, Neketaka, and Dunnage; as well as, all locked chest and traps disarmed. (not including ship bounty). The two remaining isle in the bottom left quadrant can be completed. The Steel panther has defense and immune to fire, but not immune to the two new spells in the new grimiore. There is a rock on the west of the map and you can funnel the mobs there to reduces the number of engaged enemies. Use normal tactics, self buff, cinderbomb, figure, pew pew. Currently going through Neketata on two play-through's, which is very tedious. I'll Update my progress afterwards. Thanks for reading!! Sarnael Steam Name: Mesha710
  3. The answer to the question in the title is, you dodge every deflection targeting attack in the game, including ones from the final boss. I have always been a fan of wizard in rpg games, I initially started with a pure wizard but got stuck on the final boss due to the fact that I invested heavily in defense but ended up defense and damage both being mediocre, 3 meteor showers wasn't enough to carry me through the boss's phases despite meteor shower being crazy op, and I didn't want to use arcana scrolls, so I decided to reroll arcane knight for the 21 bonus defenses as well as passive/active healing. The core idea of this build is to build around the tier 1 wizard spell, wizard's double, it offers 40 deflection, highest among all the deflection buffs in the game, with a huge downside, it's gone if you are hit, even just a graze, but that downside is nonexistent if you never get hit, which is possible in this game by achieving 75 points higher defense score than enemie's accuracy score. A build using the same items and stats but as paladin/chanter probably works also, trading some deflection for 2 healing auras. Or a riposite build with trickster rogue and paladin, would do more damage and dodge all reflex attacks but won't have the spell reflect, I actually want to do a trickster/paladin build now hmm. Final boss video for those that want to see the build in action first: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXj6xAVOoNs&feature=youtu.be (anyone knows how to do the spoiler thing in text?) Character creation stats: Wizard: No subclass Paladin: Goldpact Race: Wild Orlan MIG: 2 CON: 3 DEX: 18 PER: 20 INT: 15 RES: 20 Low might: might in pillars 2 is nowhere as useful compare to previous game, due to the armor mechanics changes, and the fact that the damage bonus is additive with legendary weapon enchant and other damage+ modfiers. Low con: high life pool is useless if you never get hit. High resolve: it gives deflection, will, and reduces dot duration, every point of deflection that brings me closer to the untouchable line is worth it. High perception: accuracy is a very useful stat, but lot harder to get in this game compare to previous game, I really value accuracy, reflex is also very important. High dex: mostly for the reflex, but action speed is good dps boost. Rest into int: the duration will increase the duration of buffs and total damage of spells like chill dog and ninagauth's freezing pillar, and meteor shower if you feel like using scrolls, can trade this stat for might but I personally wanted high will ontop of everything I already have, since my fortitude stat is beyond saving. Blood pool: Eder Talents: I mostly focus on buffs on wizard side because the amount of the accuracy you can get is pretty low in this game. tier 1: wizard's double, chill dog tier 2: infused life essence tier 3: llengrath's displaced image tier 4: minor arcane reflection tier 5: llengrath's safeguard tier 6: ninagauth's freezing pillar tier 7: citzal's martial power paladin side: deep faith brand enemy weapon and shield style exalted endurance greater lay on hand clear head snake's reflex righteous soul practiced healer improved critical bull's will bear's fortitude stoic steel divine purpose Items: weapon: I used gladiator sword for the majority of my game, only switched to acolyte's frostbite hatchet for final boss for the weapon mastery skill. shield: cadhu scalth, very powerful shield that gives a lot of deflection and damage reduction, the interaction when retreiving the second quest item for this shield is currently bugged, you need a second member in your team to trigger it. armor: I wanted to use Gipon Prudensco because of it's crazy good enchant and it's interaction with miloletta's minor missles, sadly, after testing it with console I noticed that the enchant is completely broken and the item is probably not in the game atm, so I ended up using devil's caroc armor, there may be better choices out there. another option is the intimidate chest that gives deflection grimoire: grimoire of vaporous wizardry, none of the unique spells stood out too much for this build, so going for extra casts is not a bad idea. helm: rekvu's fractured casque, to counter grimoire's downsides and fighter knock downs in general, since we always get hit due to low fortitude. rings: entonia signet ring, very good ring that gives all defenses including deflection, the other ring I used ring of minor deflection but can be replaced. amulet: + 2 resolve from early drake bounty gloves: 1 dex 1 athletics / 10% mêlée action speed 1dex / 2 might 2 intimidate pet: I added Lil'babes from console for +1 dex and + 3 melee deflection for the final boss, I personally don't know where to get this cat, the pet seller in nekataka sells a dog that gives 20 life on kill and 3 melee deflection that worked really well for me early to mid game. Spoilers below Early game: If you started at level 4 then everything will be a breeze, gold pact sworn enemy adds 4 armor which is huge ontop of medium armor, which often reduces damage by 75%, the hardest fight for most solo builds should be the 3 wraith before oderisi, but with gladiator sword and large shield and proper talents the wraiths have 0 chance to hit, after that you can do a lot of easy quests in nekataka for exp. Mid game: At level 10 you can board beggar's ship and get a principi flag to do the fort deadlight quest chain, arkamyr's manor is also good source of exp. At lvl 11-12 you should have no trouble boarding 1 star ships, since they won't hit you much with llengrath's displaced image and large shield mastery ability on, go in a corner activate large shield active then just cast chill fog and auto, and because solo player exp bonus you'll quickly outscale your opponents, some fights will take longer than usual, like the giant bounty that has self regen, but they should still die in the end. Late game: Most fights should be really easy, Ninagauth pillars clear trash pretty quickly, probably want a gaze immune shield for the famyr cave though, the only fight that almost got me was the ancient lich, because of the reduced healing debuff, but he died anyway. Video for final boss. That should be it for now, might update later, overall I think the game's balance needs a lot of work, I really wish game's path of the damned difficulty got to the point where you need at least 3 members to beat. so I can actually think about class interactions, roles of tank, dps and healer and all that, or bring story companions and actually enjoy the story, as a hardcore gamer I really can't play with multiple characters knowing others have beaten the game with one, my pride disallows it. A game I played earlier called Tower of Time got the difficulty part somewhat right in comparison, if you ignore the crafting.
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