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Found 10 results

  1. Imagine adding new types of insects like, bullet ants, Brown recluse spider and Blattodeas, that's Wil be crazy ngl, and adding new zones like sewer zone, the basement of the house
  2. Basically ant colonies fighting each other. It doesn’t make alot of sense that fire ants are passive to black ants at the shed porch because fire ants are aggressive to other ant species, especially other fire ant colonies.
  3. New ant colony for the backyard maybe. These ants are only found in a giant formicarium by an open window which may take alot of steps to reach. Once you reach the window all you have to do is find a small crack in the ant farm to get inside. Minim worker ants will wander near the crack making it easier to find. Minim workers are completely harmless but nearby workers will get angry if you attack one. There will be dead fungus inside which will create a terrible stinch so you will need a gas mask when you walk in. The formicarium also contains a queen boss but her chamber is protected by leafcutter majors, which are bigger and stronger versions of soldier ants. The attack mechanics of a major ant are easy to block, but this abomination is able to summon leafcutter soldiers to support it. It's possible to let the leafcutters out of the formicarium. To do this you must find console in a lab infested with leafcutter workers once you find the console the path will be blocked by a major ant which you must kill before you can access it. Doing this will open the formicarium. After you open the formicarium, leafcutters will patrol certain places in the backyard and another anthill will be generated by a generated somewhere in the upper grasslands rich in leaves with another leafcutter queen boss. The hedge and flowerbed will then be infested with workers and soldiers, 2 major ants can be found near herb plants with a bunch of other worker ants, and the amount of worker and soldiers in the formicarium will be reduced.
  4. Firstly, congratulations to the team for such a fantastic game! We are loving it!! Right, on to business! I play on an Xbox One X. Game downloaded via GamePass. I host a game and two of my friends join (one is on an Xbox One S, and the other a standard Xbox One. Both got the game via GamePass). Right, so when we are in the menu to build walls etc, we noticed that on the Wall page (Grass wall, Sturdy Wall etc), it also shows the “Clay Foundation”. The “Clay Foundation” never used to be here. We then realised that it has taken the place of the “Triangle Grass Wall”. You know, that Triangular grass wall? It’s totally missing! We then tried in Creative mode and the menu showed two Triangle Grass Walls (which is correct and how it should be in this update). It’s a shame as we now can not build Triangle walls in our main game (playing on Medium). Will there be a fix for this? Thank you! Second issue: ANTS!!! - Ants have gone mental in our game (I have noticed others mention this on here too). Ants are spawning like psychos and taking over, causing my FPS to drop to nothing. My friends get kicked from the game and my game just chugs. Maybe 1-2 frames every 10 seconds. I went to the ant hill and about 35 ants came running out - never seen this happen prior to the update. It is just insane! Please please issue a fix for this soon as its made out game unplayable (especially as our base is by the Ant Hill lol). Thank you again and keep up the amazing work!!
  5. I am just posting this to ask if there are any other issues that need brought to mind. I regularly fight the wolf spiders in the oak tree around the ant mound, every so often however one of the spiders will smack an ant and cause that ant and any other in the radius to aggro me. I have seen them gang fight stinkbugs when lured. With the wolf spiders however they want to attack the player character over the creature that attacked them (wolf spider) I have had this result using melee weapons (ants were behind the spider so no cleave/splash to the ant) and ranged weapons where i hit the spider only (1 shot to pull it) Have had similar results with ladybugs where a passing mite will be attacking me miss and hit a roaming ladybug. Ladybug aggro's mite and then will sometimes (40%) ignore the mite and try to kill me. I agree that there should be some level of faction aggro and I would love to see more interaction between the insects in the yard, but there seems to be something going on with wanting to fight the player > everything else.
  6. I like the new bug aggression, but I feel like some changes should be made. 1. Red ants are annoyed and I have not killed any of them. 2. Amount of spiders needs to be toned down. I just had like 10 orb weavers jr.s and about 7 of the big ones. with only one person it can be hard to deal with before they get in. 3. the turrets do less damage than attacking with weapons to the point where its not even worth it. I really like this game and I am amazed at how far its come while still being in early access.
  7. My home base is located on top of, and surrounding the juice box by the koi pond in the rose garden. I'm on a multiplayer server, but almost always am playing solo unless a friend joins in. System is Xbox One X. I'm on day 138 and quite frequently every few days I have to go to all the garden lights near my base and the water sprinkler by the birdbath and kill swarms of gnats because if you walk anywhere near there, the game starts lagging and sputters, freezing for 5 seconds at a time until you reduce the amount of gnats in game. I usually have to shoot a poison arrow and just wait for them to drop. Great for getting food, bad for gameplay every few days. The same can be said about the ants, the soldiers keep respawning in the nest at unnatural levels and the game sputters and freezes when I get nearby the nest until I make my way inside (slowly and laggy) and kill them all. Ironically I wasn't having the ant problem, until I freed them from the rock by the koi pond that they keep getting stuck in among the community. After I killed all the ants in the koi pond rocks, they all respond in the nest and overpopulation ensued. TL/DR anyone else experiencing a lag from overpopulation of gnats and ants? It has become game crippling for me If I go too close to their spawn locations.
  8. I made it tiny boys and girls! Since the game release, ant eggs were a problem for me, they never spammed. I tried everything and nothing worked. Well, this time it did. I found a bunch of worker ants around weevil meat and killing weevils. So, I killed them all and looted them. Big mistake, nothing changed. The second time the ants spammed, I again killed them all and didn't loot their bodies. After 1 in-game day, work ants were back to the Anthill and ant eggs were there. So my advice if you are having the same problem, find where the group of ants is (10 to 15 ants in my case), kill them all, and don't loot their bodies. Other things that didn’t work: - Kill soldier ants at the anthill, stuck or not, looting or not. - Kill worker ants wandering around the backyard, stuck or not, looting or not. Good luck and I hope it will help you guys.
  9. Has anyone else been having this problem? My home base is located on top of, and surrounding the juice box by the koi pond in the rose garden. I'm on a multiplayer server, but almost always am playing solo unless a friend joins in. System is Xbox One X. I'm on day 138 and quite frequently every few days I have to go to all the garden lights near my base and the water sprinkler by the birdbath and kill swarms of gnats because if you walk anywhere near there, the game starts lagging and sputters, freezing for 5 seconds at a time until you reduce the amount of gnats in game. The same can be said about the ants, the soldiers keep respawning in the nest at unnatural levels and the game sputters and freezes when I get nearby until I like my way inside and kill them all. Thinking back, it all started after I killed the ants stuck in the rocks around the koi pond. There was about 15 or 20 worker ants stuck in one rock and that was my first time experiencing the lag, and now that they're dead and respawned in the nest, soldier ants keep respawning crazily now. TL/DR anyone else experiencing a lag from overpopulation of gnats and ants? It has become game crippling for me If I go too close to their locations.
  10. The Worker Ants in the Ant Hive are not Spawning. I believe They are Stuck in Rocks and Various Places due to Their SFX being emitted from these objects. Weevil and Aphid SFX have also been noticed coming from Rocks. Ants have been found Glitching inside and getting Stuck in Rocks. (Note: the Rocks that I am referring to are the Large Stones and not the ones to harvest Pebbles from.)
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