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Found 6 results

  1. Good Afternoon (AEST) to the collective forum intelligence! My question is this: Is the Sword Coast Legends campaign editor up to the task of making a whole custom campaign that's not set on the Sword Coast or is it just there to add side quests to the game? And is it any good?
  2. Hello! So, this popped up recently as a thought. What are the most important aspects of modding? And in discussing this topic, I was thinking about simplicity and accessibility. First and foremost, I personally want "Portraits" to be a feature to customize depending on Status Effects. I've written quite a bit on it in the Portraits thread, so head on over there if you wish to read more about that or post an input yourself about it (post that feedback here or there, doesn't matter). Furthermore, what else is important to you? I thought about making a poll but I believe this is an aspect that is very diverse depending on the modder/person and their own skillset. People with a higher skillset might like to play around with scripts, triggers, NPC's and Quest trees etc. etc. but what about the regular layman? Some of mine that I think is important: 1. - Class "Kits": This is something that I would really like to play around with. Being able to make a custom Class, or a Sub-Class of a Class (Maybe being able to create a sort of... Friar out of the Monk Class for instance). Never quite figured out how to make your own Class Kit in Baldur's Gate, not that the learning curve seemed too difficult, but this is something I think many would enjoy playing around with. 2. - Colors and Armor/Weapons In Baldur's Gate you have a very limited amount of colors to play around with (4) when you color the armor and the characters skin and hair. I'd like to see even more than this. In Baldur's Gate you could open up Shadowkeeper and change colors of armors and the appearance thereof much more than you could in the game, I played around with it a little bit but it took quite some time to get it just right (had to save/load and jump in and out of the game over and over to get it just right). Is it possible to make this easier? And please, no buying dye's in-game that's one of the most stupidest mechanics I've ever seen. 3. - More Maps/Being able to make the world bigger Being able to import new custom maps easily into the game and placing them somewhere on the map. Will the toolset have shadow maps that you can place and/or "restrictions" a la "You can't walk over this river". Can I import Wallpapers or similar and then make some sort of Vector Masking on the map to determine "This is where you can walk and this is where you can't walk" (Simple imports~). Will there be some mapmaking included in the toolset? Dungeons, Caves, Towers etc. etc. 4. - More Items/Out of Game "Crafting" Being able to easily customize a weapon/armor/item and give it new properties and rename it. This I believe will be a little in the game already with crafting, but it is also fun to make your own items out-of-game for a specific Quest and plant it in the world as if it was part of the world etc. etc. crafting is fun and all but it doesn't have the same impact as creating something out-of-game. I can't Craft "Sword in the Stone" in-game, that's something I'd have to create out-of-game, place in the world, add triggers/scripts to it and make a Quest out of it. Two different forms of "Crafting Weapons". 5. - Quests & NPC's Also something I believe many want to play around with. Dialogues, Stories, Shopkeepers, you name it. What is your most preferred aspects of modding and how could Obsidian consider the most simplistic methods of achieving this?
  3. I've found the following site to be an extremely useful tool for the conceptualization and building of characters for NWN2. It's my hope that P:E includes something very similar to enable us to plan our characters from start to end. People have asked for the ability to "respec" their characters, but if one can plan the growth arc of a character properly ahead of time, this would eliminate a great many mistakes that lead to the call for "respecing". http://nwn2db.com/
  4. I urge you guys at obsidian to make modding possible through a good modding tool!! All modern games are fully voiced, which might seem good, but is acutely a bane on stuff like modding. Morrowind modding flourished, with tons of great mods that included tons of dialog. In Oblivion and Skyrim it is almost reduced to nothing, as those games are fully voiced. You are missing out on a great opportunity to create a huge modding community around Project Eternity, immortilzing it. Just look at morrowind modding, new mods are still comming out and being updated ten+ years after the game released! The best stuff about modding is, if you got a great, solid, and good game, you can enhance it and add even more playtime to a game you love by getting mods. I can't count the number of times I played Morrowind, while games like NWN2 and BG2 are extremely good but after a certain amount of playthroughs there just isn't anything new to experince. Modding solves that!
  5. I would like to know how it is possible to bind more than one tlk file to the Custom TLK File box in the Module Properties... I have been trying now for about 5 hours just to test something out but nothing seems to work.. Can you explain why there is NO information out on the Web about this particular subject. because believe me I have looked everywhere humanly possible. Kaalos
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