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  1. Hey Guys, As title says here to report a bug on "All Hands on Deck" quest in Ondra's Gift. After killing the mobs who stole the chest you have to retrieve, cannot loot the corps and cannot interact with chest. Therefor cannot complete quest. I've seen this on a couple other forums and people just posted this recently so it evidently is a recent bug. I tried reload the game, reload Steam all together or my compute, going in out of the zone... nothing works. Quest is bugged. Please solve this thanks! And thanks for the game Yours truly, Santa (Sorry if post appears twice didn't get any confirmation first time)
  2. During night time in the area of Ondra's gift my party can't pick up any loot from slain enemies, until I rest and it turns into day time, after which I can actually loot the corpses.
  3. I just visited Ondra's Gift for the first time and seem to have encountered a bug with the water level. That or the spring tide of the century. Initially the water level seemed just a little bit to high - all the lower streets (the level the Salty Mask is on) were submersed in water. Just enough to wet the feet of the NPC standing around there, so I thought it might be intentional (even if a bit strange). I visited the Mask, left it again and it was still the same. After I visited one of the Abandoned Houses on the topmost part of the map, however, the water level increased by a few meters and now the entire district is flooded. Obviously that makes navigation and questing there pretty difficult. Guess I can be lucky that my party is apparently able to breath underwater - or just very good at holding their breath (Guybrush Threepwood level good). Edit: Screenshot: Here's the savegame (max downloads is limited, so please leave it for the devs, sorry): https://www.hidrive.strato.com/lnk/cLoNAVxX System: Kernel: 3.13.0-43-generic x86_64 (64 bit, gcc: 4.8.2) Distro: Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca Cinnamon CPU: Quad core AMD Phenom II X4 965 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4a svm) Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GF104 [GeForce GTX 460] bus-ID: 01:00.0 X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau) Resolution: 1680x1050@59.9hz GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 331.113 Direct Rendering: Yes
  4. Just north of the "Ramshackle House" in Ondra's Gift, there is another house that is able to be entered but does not have a map marker. As far as I've seen, all the houses in the game that are able to be entered have a map marker I make note of this because my backer NPC is in there. Thanks
  5. Update by Rose Gomez, Jr. Producer Hello everyone! My name is Rose Gomez - I'm the newest Producer on Pillars of Eternity. I'll be handling a lot of the Kickstarter related duties for the game from here on out. I've been working at Obsidian Entertainment for a little over three years now. My previous titles include South Park: The Stick of Truth and the Fallout: New Vegas DLCs. I'm thrilled to be able to work on Pillars of Eternity and can't wait to interact more with all of you in the coming months. For this update, we've got some awesome new character, area, and concept art that we're excited to show. However, before we get to the art, we wanted to officially update everyone that we are looking good to release Eternity by Winter 2014. So, look forward to getting your hands on Pillars of Eternity later this year. Our next update will be all about Pillars of Eternity lore by Eric Fenstermaker. Stretch Goals After much discussion and consideration of the poll on our forums we have decided not to pursue any additional stretch goals. Rest assured that the team is working hard on completing the game and including our current stretch goals. Surveys Our designers are working hard to implement the designs that our higher tiered backers have come up with. If you have a survey that needs to be filled out, please do so by March 31st. It's important that you get your surveys completed by the deadline because we are closing in on Alpha quickly. The team needs ample time to get your content into the game. We can't guarantee your in-game contribution will make it into the game if you are late. This includes inn/tavern designs, adventurer party designs, portraits, NPCs, and items/weapons, so make sure you get your idea in before the deadline! You can fill out your surveys on our Backer Portal after you've finished managing your pledge. They can be found on your account page under the Surveys tab. Worried that your design won't fit into Pillars of Eternity lore? Not sure if you want that innkeeper to be an Orlan or an Aumaua? Take a peek at the Pillars of Eternity Wiki to get some inspiration or clarification on the world. Characters With all that news out of the way, let's get to the art. To kick things off this week, we'd like to show you all some of the awesome new Godlike variants Dimitri has finished up - the Death Godlike. As we've mentioned before in previous updates, the Godlike are people that were "blessed" before birth by one or more of the deities of the world. Godlike manifest their divine heritage in a variety of ways, and in the case of the Death Godlike that heritage can be seen through their wicked looking horns and the misting darkness that shrouds their visage. Death Godlike. Another type, the Earth Godlike, can be seen below in some new portrait variants that Polina whipped up. These are just a few of the combinations that will be available to use for your character during the game. Earth Godlike portrait variants. Areas The environment artists are flying through their various scenes and churning out awesome looking pieces week by week. Below you can see a cool new interior from a Blacksmith's shop by Holly Prado. Blacksmith interior. Up next we have a really awesome piece by April Giron from an area called Ondra's Gift. This area is still a work in progress but we thought you all would enjoy taking a look at what we've got so far. Ondra's Gift interior. Both of these areas have a lot of cool detail in them so make sure you view them at full resolution. Creatures In Pillars of Eternity, Druid characters will be able to shift into a few different spirit forms. Druids start with specific spirit forms and can find additional spirit forms in the world. One of these forms is the Cat, shown here in a concept drawing by Polina. Druid Cat Form concept. Below you can see what the Cat form looks like when modeled and textured, rendered out of our engine. Druid Cat form in engine. That's all for this week. Don't forget! If you need to fill out a survey for any Pillars of Eternity pledges please do so on our Backer Portal by the March 31st deadline. In the meantime, keep managing those pledges and commenting on our forums.
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