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Found 5 results

  1. The last time I played POE, I died on path of the damned difficulty. I had no idea my ranger wasn't firing her arquebus even though I queued her attacks. Had I known my ranger got interrupted, I would've won the fight by a hair. It turns out the Druid Ogres I were fighting were able to cancel all queued attacks whenever they attack with their spells. It would be great if you could add a feature that auto pauses combat when a companions queued attacks get canceled/interrupted for any reason. Thanks!
  2. Hello all, I'm new to the game and have been trying to build a melee DPS class. I have been mostly toying around with Barbarian and Rogue, and had some questions about Resolve, Concentration & Interrupt. In both cases, I decided to dump Resolve to 3, and now that I'm a few levels in, I noticed that I keep getting interrupted anytime I get hit. I'm considering re-rolling, but am unsure if I should as raising Resolve would force me to lower DPS stats. Which amount of resolve is recommended for a melee DPS class? Which amount would allow me to avoid being interrupted too often? Is it worth to trade off my damage output for getting interrupted less? I'm still at the very beginning of the game. If I leave my Resolve at 3, will it be possible to raise my concentration and limit the amount of times I get interrupted through items/talents? Thank you for your help
  3. Can anyone out there peel back the onion of a particular Chanter phrase for me? I'm wondering exactly how Come, Come, Soft Winds of Death works. As in, does it do the listed damage (something like 4.1, I believe) multiple times at a particular interval over the phrase's duration, or does it just do the 4.1 damage once? And if it's the latter, is the 4.1 damage applied over multiple incredibly small hits? Either way, it leads me to my next question... Does it have a chance of interrupting opponents? I've got a high-Perception Chanter tank in the works, and it seems like -- depending on what's actually going on under the hood, mechanically -- this could be a pretty great phrase for him to pick up. Especially since there's also the lingering effect of Thick Grew Their Tongues, Stumbling O'er Words to consider. Since this tank won't be doing a whole lot of damage, some soft AoE CC available at a very low level is certainly appealing. Anyone able to edify me, here?
  4. Ok... here's the thing.... I really, really do not like the interrupt mechanic as currently implemented. Not as something that can happen from any attack. Interrupting spells in the process of casting - fine. Interrupting attacks, but using a spell or ability - fine. But this whole "any attack can interrupt any action" mechanic? Nuh-uh. Nope. Bad mechanic. And here's why, from a game design standpoint. Interrupt, as currently implemented adds RNG to battle, but in a really unpredictable way that is hard to anticipate. Good, rewarding mechanics are all about giving the player various tools to make intelligent decisions with. Making an intelligent decision about interrupt is extremely, extremely difficult. As I've gone into more detail about here: (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67761-dps-vs-accuracy-deflection-heres-the-maths-enjoy/?p=1493755), actually figuring out how interrupt affects your effectiveness in combat is highly nontrivial. Interrupt (and by extension the current version of RES/PER) is extremely difficult for a player to place a value on, which means that any build choices regarding interrupt aren't because the player knows what they're trading off, but more based on a qualitative "feel" for which they like better. And don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking qualitative feels. Despite what my math-focused posts may lead you to believe, I am not a powergamer or a min/maxer. I like doing the math and knowing what my choices are, but I rarely derive any enjoyment from simply choosing the most optimal thing. I like to RP in CRPGs, and my choices about stats and abilities and weapons and armor are often affected by that. So don't misinterpret me here - I'm a fan of qualitative choices. And many players are. But that's no excuse for bad design. Even if a player wants to make a choice based on what they qualitatively prefer or find more fun, that doesn't mean they shouldn't also have the tools to know what the implications of their decisions are. So to summarize - I think interrupt (as currently implemented with anything able to interrupt anything) is a bad mechanic. I think the game would be better without it. What do you think? And to round off my argument with the final nail in my web of logic and reasoning... Boo interrupt. PS - Remember that it's still early enough to potentially make large changes to the mechanics. And while I don't think interrupt ruins the game or anything, I think it would be undeniably better without it (at least without the current implementation.) If people agree with me, maybe OE will see it and think about improving it. If not, then OE doesn't need to change anything because the majority of their testers don't care.
  5. Hey everyone, I am trying to figure out what Interrupt and Perception are supposed to do. I think many of you do consider Perception a dump stat. I do not want to discuss that here. I rather would like to know what's the idea/concept behind Interrupt. If I succeed in interrupting my enemy a lot does that mean they should be less able to hit me because they are busy "being interrupted" ? Do I efficiently reduce their attack rate if I interrupt them a lot? Or what is the idea?
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