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Found 5 results

  1. I was wondering what other people picked for their first character in pillars of eternity and what factored into that decision. After playing the game with your first character what race did you choose for your second play through and what determined that.
  2. I desperately and seriously request that someone on here please kindly create and upload online these here attached portraits as various useable working in game "player character" portraits to be actually used in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire the upcoming PC RPG game please!:>>>...
  3. Hi, I backed POE and played for awhile at launch then put it down waiting for patches and updates and now a long time has passed and I am playing again. I haven't respeced my PC or NPC's but I think I should do that now before I go too much farther. I am at the start of Act II I believe (Never Far from the Queen) I like my race, class, background etc for RP reasons. (Also like using swords and heavy armor for the same reason). I am not trying to min max just make sure I am not making silly mistakes. This is what I am now. Level 7 Paladin (Kind Wayfarers) Meadow Folk Aedyr - Mercenary Attributes (Breakdown) Mig 14 (13 +1 Human) Con 11 (8 +1 Fine Plate Armor, +2 Whispers of Yenwood) Dex 10 (8 +2 Fulvano's Gloves) Per 19 (18 +1 The Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil) Int 10 (10) Res 21 (18 +1 Human, +1 Aedyr, +1 The Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil) Skills Stealth 6 (4 Base +2 Hedge Maze resting bonus) Athletics 7 (4 Base +2 Paladin, +1 Mercenary) Lore 6 (4 Base +1 Paladin, +1 Mercenary) Mechanics 1 Survival 1 Abilities Crucible of the Soul Faith and Conviction Fighting Spirit Flames of Devotion Lay on Hands Gaun's Pledge Second Wind Speaker to the Restless Sworn Enemy Zealous Endurance Talents Deep Faith The Sword and the Shepard Untroubled Faith (Paladin) Favored Dispositions: Benevolent , Passionate Disfavored Dispositions: Deceptive, Cruel Notable Gear Whispers of Yenwood Reliable, Slaying Spirit, of Constitution +2, Burning Lash, Fine Outworn Buckler The Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil Fine Plate Armor Blunting Belt Fulvano's Gloves So anyway just looking for some advice on respecing my attributes and maybe skills and talents. I am not sure how many patches have come out since I last played but I have played a few hours the yesterday and today and the battles seems easier. How about the NPC, should I respec them? Eder, Kana, Aloth, Durance and Sagani. I believe I just accepted defaults on them. Thanks!
  4. It almost feels like my install was defective. Is everyone else only seeing 5 different head/face options for human males? I feel the need for increased customization but all I can find is portrait packs and ofc once you build your character and start the game you can't change the model's actual face.. But yeah does anyone have more than the 5 by any chance?
  5. Hey you guys, actually I really haven't even started playing pillars because I'm quite pinned to the character creation screen. xD Now I'm some kind of picky - I know. But in order to finally decide on my character I have some Lore concerning questions: After hours of consideration I finally decided to play as a cipher (eventhough rogue seems appealing to me). First I though rolling for a druid, but then, since Baldur's Gate I know that these games tend to be heavy in city related plots so druids kinda feel like the third wheel being all for nature. But ok I decided to go for a cipher since I want a unique pillars of eternity experience and because I always play humans I wanted to go with one of them. Now old Vailia seems a cool origin for this character I wanna play and I already found a great portrait for him. But (!): Ciphers origin from an Aedyr colony named Eír Glanfath and the phenomenon seems solely to be found among orlan and elves. Ok now there are some animancers from Dyrwood that researched the topic, but Dyrwood too is no possible home country for your character (like Eír Glanfath). Does this mean Aedyr would be best suited for human ciphers? This leads me to my initial questions: Is it possible for humans to obtain this ability? If yes: Can they be born with it or do they have to learn it? If they can only be learned: How is it possible for an old valian citizen to hear from this abilities and learn them? Obvious is obvious: you can choose to play a old vailian cipher, so there must be an explanation. But I wanted to know if this combination is good in terms of game experience (like how NPCs react to this race/class combination or if they never wonder at all). Because if it's totally uncommon for humans or old vailians to obtain these abilities and nobody notices during the game it's kind of lame. I ask because my first companions "Heodan" and "Calisca" thought it pretty normal that a guy from old vailia had a purple glowing sword. :D Ok ok I know this is no pen and paper and the game can't react to every decision I make, but I just wondered, and since I felt so excited about pillars I really want to dive into this world. So I want to create my character according to the lore of the world. As an pen and paper veteran for me that's highly important for my gaming experience. I would love to hear from your points of view! Many thanks in advance! May the gods be on your side!
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