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Broke my old mouse, Razer DeathAdder. Got (had for a few years, but haven't used actively) a new one, Razer Mamba. Remembered why I used it rarely, when my hand started to hurt. Mamba feels too flat, compared to DeathAdder. The question - is there a gaming mouse, similar to DeathAdder (form + buttons + software), except another edition of it?
Please add keyboard & mouse Support for Ground on Xbox, if it's not already implanted. With there being Full keyboard & Mouse support on Xbox there really shouldn't be any reason why this game shouldn't have keyboard & mouse support allowing gamers on Xbox to have the option play using a Controller or keyboard & mouse . Gamers such as myself want to see more games taking advantage of the support by Devs adding the feature into there games for Xbox , just as they have support on Xbox Game pass Ultimate on PC every title that's on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that has keyboard & mouse support on PC should have the same for the game titles on XBOX. OBSIDIAN and every other games studio within Microsoft Studios should make sure to use every feature possible ( if the game allows it ) if the game is able to run on PC & utilize keyboard & mouse then they should do the same on Xbox , Especially when the game title isn't a Online multiplayer title. But that aside keep up the great work OBSIDIAN looking forward to playing Grounded & seeing everything else to come from this studio in the future
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Hi All, My partner has just started a blog for all things gaming, fantasy, fiction and scifi. He is an aspiring novelist (watch this space), but in the meantime he's just started to build up his portfolio starting with a blog. He's got a tonne of ideas and is busy writing his 3rd blog today (BIG mug of tea in hand), but he'd love some feedback from his target audience, and even some input on what you the reader would like him to "unpack". There's a "contact me" page on his site, go nuts! He'd love some traffic on his page, but fighting anxiety all the time means he's holding off on advertising his arrival to the blog scene... which is where I come in! >>>> <<<< Anyway, the reason this is relevant to this forum is that his last post was a comedic review of The Outer Worlds. If you're at all curious, please feel free to go and have a read. It would make his day! Afterall, it's not like any of us are short on time at the moment! Enjoy
Noticed this thread here: .. and like many others, felt 29 isn't really all that ancient to be quite yet. But I can't remember (that's age for you) if there's been a poll of average PoE forum dweller age. And if there has been, what is the age bracket now anyway. And then when making the poll, figured I'll as if you discovered gaming yesterday, or have been gaming since rocks were invented. -- And then I was going to go up to 40+ yrs of gaming in poll options, but mucked it up because of age-unrelated reasons. PS. if you happen to feel very old and prone to going on and on and on about ancient history, feel free to tell how you get on the gaming train. But do skip the interesting bit about prostate treatment...
- I have started a new youtube channel and have started kotor 2 and will be doing stuff like fallout, doom ect so check it out would really appreciate the support and a sub
Hi, I know I will probably be ignored, mostly because this is my second/third post here, but I would like to ask you some help: I am an journalist-in-learning (a university in Poland, a field of study called "Journalism and social communication") and I created a blog in which I will write in english about games and anything gamish in nature. I would ask for help in two ways: 1) Just come in time to time and give me some constructive feedback on what and how I wrote. Also, comment on my english, it's not my main language, as you can see. 2) Give me some ideas on future articles. Because after writing a sort selection of indie games, and a review of Baldur's Gate: Enchanted Edition I will be out of them... :/ Any help will be very much appreciated. The address of the blog is Pretty please, I will give you a cookie for help (or some leftover steam keys the next time I will have some :< )
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(Warning-this may be long). Let me start out by a childhood story. I was at the local Fred Meyer's as a child. So young I had to be held up by my armpits to play the arcade boxes. This game called "Dragon's Lair" cought my eye. I was so totally enthralled with it. I begged my Dad and Uncle to play it. The response (Son, that is not a game, it's just a cartoon you have to put quaters in to watch and hit buttons every once in a while) Once I got older, and found an old box, I realized they were correct. It was not a game at all. Several years later, and home/PC gaming was introduced to the CDrom. I remember playing some PC Lawnmower man, and wodered what the hell I was even doing. Just totally on rails. This was right at the start of the FMV hell period in gaming. "Cinimatic" experience played out via a few button presses. Fast foward to today, and video games are rendered in greater detail, in real time then alot of those old FMV's. But the effect is the same. I just came off of a Halo4 playthrough, and just put the controller down during the 2nd campaign playthrough. Weapon's dissapearing, quick time events, sandcrawler rails section, rooms that you just went through locking for no appearent reason, wave combat, after wave after wave.... Yeah sure, the story was always a linear on rails affair, but the gameplay. It had a wave scenario, or a turret scenerio sprinked in here and there, but the battlfield was emergant. Here is where you have to go-have fun getting there. The modern military shooters have become a running joke as of late. Even Bioware, the old masters of the RPG has went down this "cinecraptic" experience hell-hole from where gameplay cannot escape. FFS, if I want a cinematic experience, I'll go to the damn cinema! I love really pretty graphics and the occasional cool as hell cut-scene just as much as the next guy. But where is the gameplay? "Press button to watch next in game scripted sequence". Thats not fun, that's the Dragon's Lair of 20 some-odd years ago with photo-realism esque graphics. Whats the difference? I can turn my head a bit-if I'm lucky? Hack down dude A before dude B? Maybe I"m preaching to the choir here, but the whole "cinimatic experience" is not just ruining my hobby-video games, it's actually removing the game out of games. They are hardly games anymore. Give me agency. Create an interesting world, with interesting characters, with good fun mechanics and let me loose. I'm at the point were I'm just going to not buy the latest AAA release and watch it on youtube. At this rate-is there really much difference? 60$ for 7-9 hours of gamplay with little to no replayability? I don't care how pretty it looks, or how well scripted the events are-that is just not very good value for the money. Sorry-just had to rant a bit. In my opinion, the cinicraptic experience is ruining every game it touches. Or maybe just like the FMV hell hole of years past-it will die a horrible death. (Here is hoping at least).