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Found 5 results

  1. Me and my friends have been having a blast playing Grounded when we have the chance, but we feel like we can't really work together in fights when we can harm each other with the many accessories in the game and some weapons secondary effects. For example, one of my friends have an accessory that has a chance to spawn a poison cloud when landing an attack which will poison everything that is in the range of the cloud. Unfortunately this also applies to us, so when we are teaming up to fight a boss, we usually end up dying from his accessory and then he is soloing the boss. We initially wanted to disable friendly fire since we think this would fix the problem, but since it is a game setting it will change the difficulty we have set to custom, thus disabling our ability to earn achievements. An example of a weapons secondary effect harming team play is the Pinch Wacker, where it has a chance to spawn an electricity effect that stuns enemies when in range, but this stun also applies to my teammates and harms their ability to play the game with me. I personally think to solve this issue would be allowing us to disable friendly fire without changing the difficulty to custom, therefore we will still be able to earn achievements and not impact each other's gameplay (assuming that the "custom" difficulty is what prevents achievements from being earned). Perhaps a second method would be to have the accessory and secondary weapon effects not apply to your teammates, but I think this would be more difficult to do and could harm the games PvP potential. Maybe there's also an opportunity to look into a way to create teams based on colors like "green team", "red team", and "blue team". (Terraria has a feature like this if you're interested in looking into it.) This would allow rival teams between your play group where you cannot harm players on your team, but can still damage the enemy teams players. I believe this idea also has potential to expand the PvP side of Grounded to incorporate some fun community made game modes like "Team Capture the Flag" or something as simple as "Team Deathmatch" in arenas we build. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope to see this game continue to grow.
  2. My understanding of the AoE circles was that the 2nd yellow circle of an AoE isn't supposed to affect friendly units. I've seen a tip popup to this affect a few times. However, with the Pernicious Cloud ability, allied targets entirely in the yellow circle are still affected. In the image below, every enemy and ally of the caster is hit by the cloud, and suffers the debuff, including the bear on the far-left who is clearly outside of the circle. The caster wasn't suffering any intellect affliction.
  3. I would like to suggest that a friendly fire toggle be added to the game. Currently combat isn't enjoyable for me, but I think a toggle would help improve things. Now there are some of you who are leery about adding a toggle. The main concern being balancing issues. You don't want the game balanced around the assumption that there is no friendly fire. I agree. The encounters in the game should be tuned for friendly fire. That's probably what the majority wants. Yes, combat would be unbalanced with the toggle on, but that's acceptable to me. What I wouldn't like though is friendly fire and the difficulty slider being coupled together. I don't like friendly fire in RTwP games. But wanting its removal isn't equivalent to wanting all aspects of combat (number of enemies, the types of enemies, the strength of attacks, etc.) to be easier and vice versa. This is why a simple toggle would be the best option. There have been a couple of other threads about friendly fire, so I know that there are others who agree with me. Maybe if we all express ourselves, we can persuade the developers to add the feature.
  4. My only real gripe with the IE was that it was extremely difficult to tell which characters and enemies would be affected by, say, a fireball. "Can I hit this guy without frying party members?"I do hope that there willbe a system that shows(highlights) which things will be hit by a given effect so you can make better tactical decisions instead of click-and-pray.
  5. One of the major differences between Infinity/ToEE games compared to most modern RPGs is that there used to be friendly fire, meaning if you layed down a giant fireball AoE spell you would not only be destroying that army of skeletons but also your NPCs, allies and townsfolk. This also makes the game much more tactical and deeper as players aren't just mindlessly dropping AoE spells. Any word on whether the plan is to have friendly fire? I would definitely expect it unless told otherwise.
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