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Found 7 results

  1. I've been having this really weird bug all game. Sometimes when I equip an item onto an adventurer, their hair color turns white, they grow about a foot taller, and their cape changes color. Equipping and unequipping items triggers this bug, it is very odd. Bugged Appearance: And after unequipping a ring, the appearance snaps back: I submitted a save file experiencing the bug to support@obsidian.net.
  2. Is Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire going to be like the first game, where if you wore a armour but no boots, your character model would still have boots on? Or will boots have independent visuals in this game? In most RPGs, I really want to play as barefoot mystical characters. It's a big deal to me, so I really hope it will be possible for my character to be barefoot while still wearing clothes/armour.
  3. I will start with this sub-forum entry word "Talk about your gameplay experiences, hopes & dreams". There is no doubt that PoE is the one of the best RPGs ever made ... it brings me to the 20th century where Baldurs Gate starts its journey. PoE Developers were for sure inspired by the BG and BGII series from which the whole game benefits... Beside of that there is one thing that shocked me right at the start of the game. Every RPG starts with CHAR creation and customization. At this moment for me right there begin the whole game and for me (unlike the others) this is the place where I receive the first and one of the strongest impression of the RPG. Here for me starts impersonation with the main character and with the game itself. This section, which will welcome players into the game in my opinion should qualitatively correspond to that what will follow in the next parts... For me when it comes to the character customization this is the weakest part of the otherwise great game. It is absurd that the easiest part of the development has been so neglected. The main issue from my point of view is character 3D face visuals. Especially DWARFs they doesn't look like they come from fantasy game and they are not at least partially similar to available portraits (which looks exactly like many expect in fantasy RPG). Dwarf face looks like some weird teenager no matter what head option is chosen all the faces available for DWARFs are derived from human race. All the options has nothing to do with dwarfs looks terribly ugly and totally inappropriate for that race. I don understand why developers could neglect Dwarfs in such way one of the fundamental races in fantasy world. Why they don't go same way as with Godlike, Aumaua and Wild Orlean which are great and as different as should be from the others. So back to my foreword... DEVELOPERS is there any chance that this tiny but very important aspect will be corrected in some of the future patches? I wish my dream come true! Anyway thanks for an outstanding game!
  4. Hi there, first of all let me thank all of you at Obsidian for delivering the best RPG I've played in years! I wish you the best of luck with further development of this new franchise and all other endeavors you have in mind!!! I've stumbled across a bug, trying to do my first enchantment in the game - enchanting the garbage sabre to "Fine" one. Previously I've found some of the "Fine" weapons and armor in the game, so I knew, that the appearance of these items changes to a "prettier" version (both in-game, paperdoll and the inventory icon). But doing such enchantment myself hadn't changed the weapon's look, although it added the blue background to it in the inventory cell. I,ve tried save/load but to no avail (although before 1.0.3. all my found "Fine" items appeared same as the ordinary ones, but the patch gave them new look). The enchanted "Fine" items share the same enchanted properties as the found or bought ones (+2 Acc. 1.15 DMG and show the same "Fine" icon in the enchanting UI) - they differ only in their appearance, and thats quite emmersion breaking. I've made a save with sabre and robe enchanted this way, and placed them near the "Fine" sabre and robe, which I bought. You can find them in Eder's inventory to the right - the difference between bought as "Fine" and enchanted to "Fine" is evident. Please find the screenshot, dxdiag, log file and save in attachment below. Thanks in advance! Hope to see it fixed in the next patch))))))))) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kchk1q1s5un5ftq/bug_report.zip?dl=0
  5. I thought it might be a good to collect various bugs with items having to do with either their display or application of stats. I will start it off with: SUPER NAKED LEATHER ARMOR Item - Leather Armor, DT 9, Recovery 1 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999391268/screenshot/579031239332359651
  6. Hello, everyone. I just wanted to post to let you know that we have increased the character count for some fields in the item survey. Item Appearance has been increased from 375 characters to 500 characters and Item History has been increased from 500 characters to 1,300 characters. If you have already submitted your survey but want to change your Item Appearance or Item History, please let us know by emailing support@obsidian.net. We would be happy to change it for you.
  7. What information is available on this? For some reason ive seen little discussion on the topic. Can we expect sliders, portraits or a choice of premade faces and minimal alterations? If there's one thing modern rpgs have done right, it must be the ways we can customize our characters appearance, deepening the immersion and personalization of the game. If i missed any obvious choices, do tell.
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