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  1. That's a great compliment, Hurl. Everything I've done has been on the Obsidz message board, so I don't what that would mean in terms of interesting a gaming publication. However, I'm still keen on getting my free copy of the MotB. :Cant's goofy grin icon: After all, that's one of my perks for working on the game. :haksthumbup:
  2. MotB will not test your mettle as a tactical combat sim, Aegeri. It's tougher than NWN2, but it's not a "bragging rights" game. I think, overall, it's much tougher than either NWN2 or NWN. If you enjoyed PST for the story rather than the combat, then you'll probably enjoy MotB. However, with your focus on combat, I don't want to mislead you either. I haven't seen a single title in the entire NWN franchise that posed a harsh test of combat acumen. As I said, the combat is difficult enough that I found it entertaining but not so tough that it will turn away players who don't focus quite so clearly on combat. I believe MotB is a step in the right direction, true, but it is not the IE. The focus in the IE games was party tactical. Sure, some folks used AI to run characters, but I think there was a certain understanding that the life expectancy of the party rose considerably if the player took an active hand in queuing up orders. My take on the NWN franchise is that there is an understanding that players will only occasionally issue orders to each individual party member. Some folks might go through the game without issuing specific orders to all members at the same time. Nonetheless, the specific source of your ire, the orc caves, does not repeat itself in MotB. I can't cite specifics, but I can only say that areas where you might find the combat too easy will be quickly completed and behind you. I also suggest that there will probably be more people who find the game difficult than easy. In fact, for a couple of reasons, you might find the game to be quite difficult as well, even if you don't find the combat as challenging as some of games from "the good ol' days." :Cant's easy grin icon:
  3. When the game ships, I won't write or rewrite another review. :Cant's tongue in cheek grin: However, I'll be in the spoilers area telling folks how to deal with some of the more difficult areas. The system specs I was running at work were... let's see, a quad intel cpu running Vista with one gig of ram (should have been two) and a... 6800? I think. May have been a 6600, but I think it was 6800. Had a huge amount of harddisk space, but the cpu/video/memory configuration was just not up to snuff.
  4. I am an unabashed PS:T fanboy. Of course, that assumes that a fanboy is someone who prized the game without insulting folks who didn't share the same level of enjoyment. For the "fanboy" term to have meaning outside of "fan," it should be used sparingly. On the other hand, I don't really take offense. I don't mean any either. For folks who didn't like the amount of text in PS:T, I think you'll have a much easier time with MotB. It's the general quality of the writing that makes it PS:Tesque, as well as some specific aspects of the game. There is less writing, and the writing takes up less of the page. The player can click through dialogue in the same way that he could in NWN or NWN2. Barkstrings, of course, carry some of the weight, and there is a lot of voiceover work that helps move the dialogue without resorting to long passages. Now, I won't say that all of the dialogue is perfect. It's not. However, there are fewer of the errors I thought detracted from KotOR 2, and the writing is, in my opinion, far superior to NWN2. Moreover, there are fewer NPCs in MotB than NWN2. That could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I unreservedly think of it as a good thing, and the quality of the NPCs is one of the reasons I put it on par with PS:T, even though I think it could have more writing. It also shies away from the same level of pseudo-philosophical diatribe. The story in MotB is refreshingly personal. Any other thoughts I have on this particular issue will wait until I do a full review (carefully using only information available in current reviews, of course). EDIT: I also concur about Nathaniel. He went out of his way to be welcoming to community members. Of course, "community member" mostly means the folks on the Bioware forums over at Obsidz, but we do have some devs who frequent these pages. Maybe not as many... or as frequently. :Eldar's wolfish grin icon:
  5. George was involved in LotR online, DnD Online, and Earth and Beyond. That's just off the top of my head. I'll have to go through my notes to see if there's anything else. He did say that MotB is his most significant and challenging project to date. I believe him. :Cant's friendly grin icon: ...And hush, Pixies.
  6. Cantousent


    Yeah, but it's likely the site is more fun than the game will be. :Cant's ****-eating grin icon:
  7. I hear you, friend. Just a little more patience. That's all I'm asking. :Cant's GunsNRoses icon: In the meantime, remember that most of my posts are rambling. My posting habits, like life, are driven by whim more than anything else. :Cant's tongue in cheek grin icon: ...or I could just be building up anticipation. :Cant's third smiley icon in one post just for theslug icon: Finally, I'll dish out dirt for you, meta, but only dirt on me. Anything silly, stupid, or downright questionable that I've done, I'll post. So, some dirt, just the Cant variety. I will ramble one more thing. I thought, when I started, that it was cool to discover a bug that other folks had a hard time replicating. I've found that I have a knack for some of these. this is true as they pertain to pathfinding in particular. I now hate such bugs with a purple passion befitting a demon lord.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_(mythology) :Cant's toothy grin icon: Pan got a bad rap for being random and capricious. One of the accounts of the musical contest between Apollo and Pan tells of a stalemate between the two. Apollo turned his lyre upside down and played a tune and won the day when Pan could not do the same with his pipes. The ancient Greeks tended to look at stringed instruments as more refined and civilized than wind instruments.
  9. Hey, maybe I can send one of the interviews I've done here at work to you guys, Gorth. I don't know that it will interest you, but once I get it okayed (however THAT works) then I could give it to you Winterwind folk. :Cant's cheerful grin icon: You can even display it under Eldar's name if you'd like. haha
  10. haha What a bunch of doofi. :Cant's goofy grin icon:
  11. Oh, there are few folks here who will post theirs motorbikes. :Cant's ****-eating grin icon: Seriously, I'm sure Nightshade will want to share a pic of his motorcycle. If I had one, I would share. I had a big discussion with the inlaws about motorcycles on fathers' day. They told me the horror stories of dead and mangled motorcyclers. The usual stuff. The thing is, I don't even want to hot rod. I just want better mileage and something that can get me to where I want to go a little faster. We've got to choose our battles with our wives, however, and I'm not dying on this hill. haha
  12. Good Lord, don't use me as a source of information. I'm more interested in the human side of things than the technical. Other than the project on which I'm working now, I don't pay much attention to what goes on around here. However, I will say that there are a lot of folks working on this project. That's just on the developer side. If you count the folks on the publisher side, it's even more. Remember, I work for the publisher, not the developer. The tally of developers wouldn't include any of the publisher QA folks even though we work on the project daily. I wouldn't be surprised to think that 50 people might be working on some of the larger projects. That's art, design, programming, etc. Remember, though, I'm not really an insider. More like an intruder sticking his nose into industry business. I'm more of a industry busybody, I guess. :Cant's sheepish grin icon:
  13. Aha! Some of those early bugs have come back to haunt me. It's kind of strange that a bug report I made on my second day on the job (May 18) has caused quite a bit of grief in the middle of June. I had it sent back to me and it looked terrible. It was actually kind of a depressing day on Friday. My bug reports now are much better, mostly because I've gotten used to writing them. It's too bad that I didn't have the bug sent back to me to rewrite on the day I wrote it. I think some of my earlier reports were actually quite terrible. I think my later reports have been generally good, but mostly because I've been trying to learn as I went through this process. Anyhow, I thought this was significant and I can't just tell you the cool stuff, can I? :Cant's rueful grin icon:
  14. OH. GREAT. Way to harsh my buzz, jerk. :Cant's wolfish grin icon:
  15. You ranted for nothing. haha Anyhow, I'm sorry that you're losing your players to South Korea, Spider. Great folks, the South Koreans, so maybe your friends will be able to get a group going. :Cant's ****-eating grin icon:
  16. I am kitty, hear me roar! My meta friend, you must understand that you're working a system for the purpose of including PvP. That's fine. There's probably a consumer base for it. (okay, okay, I was overboard with the wiki statement. :Cant's rueful grin icon:) Anyhow, I've actually been thinking over this issue while dining with my inlaws. I think a system made with thieving PvP as one of the foundations could work. It's simply not a casual item for the game design. If it's part and parcel of the overarching vision, and the players has ample warning of that vision, then no one has the right to complain about it. Either play or don't.
  17. I dated a couple blondes in highschool. I thought the question was whom you found more attractive. That doesn't mean that one group is ugly. It just means that you find one person more appealing. The fact that there are only two choices doesn't help. There are a lot of possible variables for this poll, with hair color being one of the most superficial. :Cant's easy grin icon:
  18. Report away. And exactly who is taking things too seriously now? Oh, and report away. :Cant's friendly grin icon: EDIT:
  19. :Cant's wolfish grin while waiting for the answer icon:
  20. So, how many WH40K people do we have here? Just looking for the vict-- I mean member who will start the 40k thread. :cant's sly grin icon:
  21. Ah, just let me complain. :Cant's easy going grin icon: The game is fun, but the respawn rate is still too aggressive. I started at veteran, and maybe my FPS skills are too rusty for that level, but I run out of ammo way too fast.
  22. graphics! hahahaha No, I guess I'd probably say gameplay. Really, it's such a mix to me. One game might overshadow others because of gameplay while another because of the story. I actually rather liked what I played of Oblivion, so even freedom to do what I want is important. Anyhow, I agree that Sawyer seems to think that freedom with meaningful consequences is the most important aspect of the game. That was my point of disagreement. If he believe that freedom without attendant circumstances was most important, then I'd really think he was nuts. I've always rather liked Sawyer. I'm not attacking the guy. I just don't put freedom as high on the chain as he does. ...Or maybe I do and don't know it. I sometimes think we, as gamers, aren't always the best judge of what makes a great game. We see the end product and then assume that one aspect or another is what made it great. I dunno. ...And I was baiting you, Spider, but all in good fun. :Eldar's wolfish grin icon:
  23. I never get that angry with folks like that. On the rare exception, I'm not talking to the employee anymore. I'm talking to the boss. Still, he was just a yutz. That's just how it is. Some folks are like that. The next time I went into the store, I would probably ignore the guy. Maybe, just maybe, I might mention it to him when the prices drop on 360 games. Even then, I'd probably not even mention it. In fact, I'd likely avoid the subject altogether because I know, having been that yutz once or twice in my life, he's feeling pretty damned stupid for acting how he did in the first place. Of course, I usually try charm first thing, so we'd probably have been laughing over the game industry and the nature of consoles. :Cant's tongue in cheek grin icon: Oh, and EB and Gamestop are not only overpriced, but often unfriendly. I almost always order online. The internet is NEVER rude to me. hahahahaha
  24. It's a free ride! Anyone that objects can be stopped with a simple cry of "Racism!" ( kinda like this board at times. ) and the problem goes away like magic. Just ask Arnie The Testiculess of California. The simple fact that Mexicans and Americans are the same race need not interfere with such accusations. It's all about feeling good about your actions and not about facts. Crossing the boarder illegally need not make a criminal of you if your motives are good. Laws need not apply when the president has no interest in inforcing the laws of our own country when it benefits the presidential pals. We'll just send those pesky boarder police to prison if they have the timerity to enforce the immigration laws or even ( Heaven forbid! ) enforce our drug laws or even to protect their own lives. Sanctuary, my southern brother, sanctuary. Come on in! The door's wide open. Dinner's on the table and it's free. No questions asked. Awesome post. I wish I would have written it. hahaha Seriously, I'm jealous, bastard. :Eldar's toothy grin icon:
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