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Zap Gun For Hire

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Everything posted by Zap Gun For Hire

  1. Sorry, force of habit. It's the D&Der in me. You are of course correct. (not much of a RTS gamer or anything Real Time based, for that matter - my eye/hand coordination sucks )
  2. Entries in three files have to be changed: factions.gamedatabundle ships.gamedatabundle worldmap.gamedatabundle Specifically anything that looks like this: { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["0e5d53f8-8d15-4b45-9565-dc063cb24d30", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": -1938889724 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } has to be deleted in its entirety. NOTE:::: Each of the factions has a different "Parameters": [stuff] value SECOND NOTE:::: If there are any other conditionals, leave them as is. ==== Near as I can tell, there is a check to spawn the ship onto the world map (worldmap), the captain onto the ship (ships), and making them hostile (factions). ================================ So, for instance, the following Game Data Object should be changed from: { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CPT_Huana_Whenena", "ID": "505e78c1-4c9e-44eb-a3ac-e4fba081d4d0", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipID": "891752da-c2a5-4e48-a7f7-c8ccb6e6ace3", "TraitID": "efb8474a-f110-42b6-a435-1de734bb3e0a", "CaptainPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/huana_encounters/npc_re_captain_whenena.prefab", "FactionID": "5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "PersonalitiesIDs": [], "AIWeights": { "SelfHullDamageWeight": 1, "SelfSailDamageWeight": 1, "SelfCrewDamageWeight": 1, "SelfDeathWeight": 1, "SelfEventWeight": 1, "OpponentHullDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentSailDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentCrewDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentDeathWeight": 1, "BoardingWeight": 1, "RetreatWeight": 1, "RetreatSkew": 0 }, "ShipSunkLootListID": "fa9bffe5-f3b4-4a25-8b23-1dae2a6ef1ce", "TetherDistance": 21, "TriggerDistance": 2.5, "PerceptionDistance": 17, "MoverReferenceID": "7e584ec8-f8d2-4da5-8ad4-d5e9bfaef2b5", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_whenena_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -637429981 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": 1197783645 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "PointOfInterestIcon": "gui/images/ingamehud/areamap/areamap_huana.png" } ] } to this: { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CPT_Huana_Whenena", "ID": "505e78c1-4c9e-44eb-a3ac-e4fba081d4d0", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipID": "891752da-c2a5-4e48-a7f7-c8ccb6e6ace3", "TraitID": "efb8474a-f110-42b6-a435-1de734bb3e0a", "CaptainPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/huana_encounters/npc_re_captain_whenena.prefab", "FactionID": "5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "PersonalitiesIDs": [], "AIWeights": { "SelfHullDamageWeight": 1, "SelfSailDamageWeight": 1, "SelfCrewDamageWeight": 1, "SelfDeathWeight": 1, "SelfEventWeight": 1, "OpponentHullDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentSailDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentCrewDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentDeathWeight": 1, "BoardingWeight": 1, "RetreatWeight": 1, "RetreatSkew": 0 }, "ShipSunkLootListID": "fa9bffe5-f3b4-4a25-8b23-1dae2a6ef1ce", "TetherDistance": 21, "TriggerDistance": 2.5, "PerceptionDistance": 17, "MoverReferenceID": "7e584ec8-f8d2-4da5-8ad4-d5e9bfaef2b5", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_whenena_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -637429981 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "PointOfInterestIcon": "gui/images/ingamehud/areamap/areamap_huana.png" } ] } Then do the same thing for the relevant entry in worldmap.gamedatabudle for the Huana ship and the same thing in factions.gamedatabundle for the Huana Faction overall. That's how I got them to spawn and fight me, at any rate.
  3. If I actually do turn this into a public mod, I might make it so these ships spawn when the Watcher is a certain level. Say level 13 or 14 or so (these are level 17 to 20 fights, as I said). That way they don't show up and kick someone in the head when a player first leaves Port Maje, but they'd still have to be a little bit careful once the party gets to a higher level. Or not. Maybe I'll just trust people to only load it up when they can handle it. IF there is any interest in this as a mod, of course.
  4. Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco) Elaborate? Cheers Talking about this in a couple of different threads at once, so I'll give an overview of the situation. If you piss off a faction enough, usually by hitting -3 in reputation with them, a extremely high level ship will spawn on the world map. That ship, with the exception of the RDC one (see below) will then wander around a section of the world map and attack you if you get to close to them. The RDC's ship is a little different as it heads straight to Cignatath Mor, near Sayuka, and stays there (though it does go after you when you approach it). This makes me think it is more tied into that questline, but I'm not entirely sure as I haven't done that quest in such a way that annoys the RDC. In three of those encounters, it is possible to get a Unique Item after the battle, including the aforementioned Gipon Prudensco, which a lot of folks were looking for (the other two are the shield Akola's Apex Ward by defeating the high level Huana ship, and the pike Wicked Beast by defeating the high level VTC ship). ==== The 'problem' is, these ships will only spawn on the world map if one gets a -3 in reputation with that faction (with the possible exception of the RDC). And for folks who want these items (or just want a challenge at a high level), it's very hard to get them to show up once folks have done faction quests. In fact, it's probably impossible since the game goes to Mixed instead of Bad if one has any ranks of Good with a faction. Plus a lot of folks just don't want negative rep with factions, unless they're doing it for RP reasons. But the nice thing about Deadfire is that a lot of things can be modded. So I set out to try to figure out how to get these high level ships to spawn on the world map without any sort of precondition and then how to fight them. I finally figured it out a few days ago and I've been testing it ever since. I now have a home mod which spawns all four of these 'vengeance'/'punishment' ships onto the world map so they can be fought when the player feels like it. Either because someone wants those unique items or because someone wants a high level ship battle. The really nice thing is with the Mod Manager in 1.2.0 it becomes as easy as hitting a button to load the mod or disable it. So it could be put in someones override folder but not enabled until they think they can handle a Level 17 to 20 ship battle. Beats running away from them as fast as one can at 5th or 6th level.
  5. An array is a property that has a list of things in it rather than just one value. In JSON, you can identify them because the value(s) are inside [square braces]. { "Array":[1, 2, 3], "NotArray":4 }, { "ArrayOfObjects":[{"Name":"A"},{"Name":"B"}], "NotArrayObject":{"Name":"C"} } Yes, "Components" itself is technically an array, but we handle that one specially so you can override individual components and ignore others entirely. The upcoming tutorial will cover this somewhat. That's right. That explanation (and the exception about Components) explained everything perfectly. Thanks as always. (I'd say "You're the best", but I'd be afraid of being sued for copyright infringement from your fellow Obsidian poster )
  6. I'm too old to really play at maths (as you folks on the other side of the pond put it) anymore. Coming close to 50 years on this planet, as a matter of fact. But thanks for the compliment. ===== And, yes, I'm well aware of the Monty Haul Theory that says you switch.
  7. Unfortunately arrays are treated as a single property, so you won't be able to individually modify array elements or any properties on them. If you specify any data for the array, what you specify will always completely replace the default. The behavior the ships default to when they have no data probably just closely resembles what they were set to do. I know there are a few use cases where modifying arrays would be very useful, so we'll see if we can do something about that in the next patch. More of a layman than I'd like to admit when it comes to much of this. What qualifies as an array when it comes to the way the engine reads the gamedatabundle? Going back to shiphostilitymanager (from factions.gamedatabundle) since I already mentioned it (spoilered because it's loooooong): Would everything inside "Components": [lots of stuff] be considered an array, or would it only be things like "FactionHostilitySets": [other stuff]? As I look at most Game Data Objects, it seems most of the things we would care about changing are things that are inside "Components": as subsections, so I would presume that everything inside "Components": doesn't need to be copied over wholesale, just the blocks of code within it that do. Like, say I modify one entry in "FactionHostilitySets":, then if I understand what you are saying correctly I should keep ALL of the other entires within "FactionHostilitySets": as is so the game knows to execute them, but it is safe for me to chop off the "CaptainOverrides": [yet other stuff], as that won't be overridden? If it's not that way, then I'll just wait for that tutorial to come out and study it until I understand things.
  8. One of the major downsides to Steam is that you are forced to update unless one stays in Offline Mode. Ain't nothing one can do about it.
  9. Yes, all four factions have a "Vengeance" type ship, though I think the RDC one might be tied to one not doing what they want in regards to Cignath Mor (have to look into that further). Three of them will give a Unique item when you defeat them. VTC: Wicked Beast Huana: Akola's Apex Ward Principi: Gipon Prudensco Haven't seen a unique pop up when you fight the RDC vengeance ship
  10. I'm posting, as you might see. Lately been hanging out in the bugs and spoiler section mostly. Did make a post in your Economy thread yesterday, as you might have seen. Don't know how much I'll be in the modding section in the near future though. I've addressed the vast majority of things I care about in the game, and even the vendor thing was more intellectual curiosity and trying to help the community more than anything else. But I'll be keeping an eye on things in here and chip in with helpful comments from time to time if I see something I can help with.
  11. Did a test by doing a partial override of the FactionalHostilitySets in shiphostilitymanager entry in factions.gamedatabundle and it seems to be working. The things I wanted to make hostile turned hostile, and everyone else is acting as in the base game. A little leery of clipping too much from that Game Data Object as I don't know what the game needs to know what I'm overridding, but on first blush looks good.
  12. Finally found where the pike Wicked Beast is: You get it when you fight the ship that spawns on the World Map near(ish) Port Maje when you piss off the VTC enough (-3 rank). The ship is the famous Aimo de Spirente (yes, THAT one) , and it's presumably on its captain, Estulrio Parfirro. It's a Level 18 fight, so it's not exactly a pushover. So for folks who want it, you either have to piss off the VTC or mod in the ship encounter yourself (modding the fight into the game is doable, but wasn't exactly easy to figure out how to do).
  13. Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco)
  14. Then when they're forced to choose, they say "Screw you, you ain't forcing me to commit." ... Either that, or they reload the game and make sure they experience each path in the game.
  15. A suggestion for a RP-ish variant of playing with economy rates. Have the amount vendors are willing to buy from you be dependant on your faction rep with them, just like they are willing to sell to you. Right now, you get a discount (or surcharge) of 5%, 10%, and 15% depending on your standing with a particular faction, if any. My suggestion would be to give a 5%, 10%, or 15% bonus (or surcharge) to buying things from the party as well. After all, if they're willing to give things to you on the cheap, they should also be willing to pay you more for your stuff. Think of it as a backdoor way to haggle/barter. ==== So how to do it? After some quick testing, have this as the relevant change. { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Bad_01", "ID": "70f062d8-5edc-43b5-8e32-f0ecbd7a9c9d", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 1.1, "BuyMultiplier": 0.19, "InnMultiplier": 1.1 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Bad_02", "ID": "8b1371c6-9917-4afd-92cd-24bcbb7354d4", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 1.2, "BuyMultiplier": 0.18, "InnMultiplier": 1.2 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Bad_03", "ID": "3aef39c3-757f-49c3-a5d9-299ff730409b", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 1.3, "BuyMultiplier": 0.17, "InnMultiplier": 1.3 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Beraths_Blessings", "ID": "42c0f93d-ce7c-494c-a637-c7949fc4cbf2", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0.5, "BuyMultiplier": 0.2, "InnMultiplier": 0.5 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Default", "ID": "bd6efb6b-45e0-477f-b80e-95931b37fa53", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 1, "BuyMultiplier": 0.2, "InnMultiplier": 1 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Free", "ID": "880953e4-2052-456e-a622-eab7e9359776", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0, "BuyMultiplier": 0.2, "InnMultiplier": 0 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Good_1", "ID": "9e0a47e0-5103-44c7-973f-321316e9feeb", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0.95, "BuyMultiplier": 0.21, "InnMultiplier": 0.95 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Good_2", "ID": "d9ec906b-3f4c-4507-9cf1-235b466fbbc8", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0.9, "BuyMultiplier": 0.22, "InnMultiplier": 0.9 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Good_3", "ID": "dda88477-0aa3-4992-bd7f-0fc4b2394e45", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0.85, "BuyMultiplier": 0.23, "InnMultiplier": 0.85 } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Rates_Good_WM", "ID": "ebe5a3f2-4f77-4b18-b655-4e355982d9ea", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.VendorRatesComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "SellMultiplier": 0.5, "BuyMultiplier": 0.2, "InnMultiplier": 0.5 } ] }, For those who don't want to wade through the code its: Good Level 1: "BuyMultiplier": .21 Good Level 2: "BuyMultiplier": .22 Good Level 3: "BuyMultiplier": .23 Bad Level 1: "BuyMultiplier": .19 Bad Level 2: "BuyMultiplier": .18 Bad Level 3: "BuyMultiplier": .17 I intentionally didn't mess with the 50% off sellers, as that'd be silly to implement, even for me. So something that a store would normally buy at 100 gold becomes 95 gold/105 gold at the first level of bad/good, 90 gold/110 gold at the second level, and 85 gold/115 gold at the third level. Obviously, this will pump in a fair amount of cash for some players. But I like the symmetry of it all. NOTE::: Yes, it goes up/down by .1 instead of .5. That's because the baseline for the bonus/surcharge is 20% not 100%.
  16. A level 4 character can have a max of 6 ranks in Mechanics, and only if they are a character that gives +2 at character creation from class selection and +1 from character background. Burglar gloves (which have to be bought) gives +2 and there's exactly one in the entire game. Thief's Putty (which has to be be bought) is a per-use item which gives +2. Training (which has to be bought AND can only be on the main character) gives +1 Prostitute boon (which has to be bought, is exclusive from other boons, AND has to be on the main character) is +1 That's still "only" +12, which means you need Party Assist. Meanwhile you didn't put any points into Stealth, or anything else for that matter, so someone else will have to actually go in and grab it. And at that level, it'll have to be a dedicated Only Stealth character, So, yes, if you build a character/party EXACTLY with the goal of being able to pick a 15 level lock you can. But you have to restrict it to certain classes, certain backgrounds, AND zip all over the world to do it. In short, you have to make a cheese build. It is hardly "just after I leave from Port Maje". Meanwhile you have no points in anything else useful. And are restricted to a character class/background you might not want. You can always retrain (which is MORE money down the drain), but, again, we're far past the normal point of cheese here. ==== tl;dr: A level 15 lock is a perfectly valid speed bump and is a nice target for a normal mid-game party. If you have two characters with 8 or so ranks of Mechanics each (which is around level 9 or 10 or so I'd say for folks alternating skill ranks between two skills on level up), you should be able to do it, with a possible item needed. Crookspur "naturally" comes around the mid-game, just a bit after Hasango when all of the factions start pointing you there, and is fairly doable even for parties before then. But the way the skill system works, one can abuse it if one really tries hard. Emphasis on try hard. But you have to set your mind to it and you're gimping yourself everywhere else.
  17. I think I've debated my points enough, so I'm close to disengaging on this thread. But I'll point out that, not surprisingly, no pet gives a Mechanics bonus. At least as far as I know, and I doubled checked several sources just now. In fact, as I think about it, unlike most skills/attributes there are very few ways to boost Mechanics in the game. Exactly one item boosts it by 2, and there's only one in the whole game (IIRC). There's a consumable that can add +2 for a short time and there's the prostitute bonus that gives a +1 to all skills, including Mechanics. Thrown in the trainer and it's easily the least boostable stat in the game. But there's no tavern where you can boost Mechanics via rest. Can't get multiple items to boost it on a single character. Can't get multiple items to put it on more than one person (which would help Party Assist). Now you CAN give every Thief's Putty to help with Party Assist. But that's just about the only way to get multiple sources of Mechanics boost in the game, and that still pales in comparison to all of the other skills/attributes. So when it comes right down to it, Mechanics is already pretty restricted compared to all other skills in the game.
  18. Finally, I still stand by my original point that anyone using a Berath Blessing loses a fair amount of leeway to complain about Game Balance, IMO. Adding 55k of gold at the beginning is going to imbalance the game. Starting at level 4 is going to imbalance the game. Having enhanced stats (in two different ways!) is going to imbalance the game. Having free ship upgrades is going to... Well, you might guess what I'll say. So you found that the game could be a bit imbalanced using a Berath Blessing based build that makes it easier for you to pick locks. Color me unsurprised.
  19. yeah excactly So that means by level 6 you can sail everywhere in the Deadfire archipelago and get all the items from merchants that can be stolen Yeah, ****IF**** you use Berath's Blessings, plus a bunch of other tricks. I mean, you're intentionally building a Master Thief WITH New Game Bonuses. It's not a surprise one can get a bunch of stuff that way. ==== Look, by putting Level 13 to 15 locks on most of these things, it's fairly obvious that Obsidian wants to make it so they can be stolen in the mid-game by most parties. They wouldn't put it in something that could be stolen if they didn't want parties to have the chance to steal them. Obvious point is obvious, but it should be repeated, I think. Especially since you are emphatic that they shouldn't be stolen. But if Obsidian wants them to be able be stolen at some point, it then becomes a question of balancing on how difficult it is to steal them. You built an extreme build taking advantage of non-base game mechanics. Obsidian SHOULD NOT balance the game around Berath's Blessings, IMNSHO. So if we take out Berath's Blessings and we presume one just doesn't hire a bunch of adventures to rob everyone blind, having Level 15 locks seems like enough of a speed bump to me for the vast majority of players. Even folks who have a couple of characters who max out Mechanics probably won't be getting them at the beginning of the game unless they push the engine to the extreme. Maybe bump them up to 16, 17 or 18. Maybe put in a hard to detect trap. But even then, there'll be ways for folks who simply must steal things to build dedicated builds. And putting in a bunch of Level 25 locks with Perception 25 to see traps is just plain ridiculous. So we have three issues: One: Obsidian looks to have set up the game so these things can be stolen at some point in the game. Two: With the current lock/trap system it's nearly impossible to prevent mechanics/theft cheese builds, especially with the Party Assist feature. Three: Obsidian shouldn't balance the game around cheese builds and, ahem, lock out the game to the vast majority of players. If you're asking me, the obvious solution here is to try to nerf lockpick Mechanics cheese builds. But easier said than done on that point. But, hey, maybe they can think of a way. They're nerfing other things, so maybe Extreme Party Assist will also be nerfed at some point along the way. So bump up the lock diff a bit. Build up the stealth detection of folks who guard these things. Make it harder to steal. I can go along with all three points. But don't make it so difficult that you, ahem again, lock out the vast majority of the player base.
  20. Good work. I personally won't need this as I'm handling Ultra Rare/Mutually Exclusive unique items differently on my home mod(s), but this might be useful for many folks who are using mods like yours and others in the future.
  21. BTW, I was wrong about the bit about you being able to unlock level 18 locks by level 8 in your build. You could do it by that current level 6 character by boosting your Mechanics score in Dunnage by +1 via a trainer (for 3000 gold), and using Thief's Putty. So If you can unlock the most difficult lock in the entire game (to my knowledge) at level 6... As I said, congrats, I guess.
  22. Yeah excactly. No combat to get this. You just jump in your boat and go pick it up doesnt even cost 1 gold piece. I cant believe people are actually backing up that you can get the highest AR protection available in the game for free with no combat pretty much as soon as the game starts. The armor needs to go. Your position would be a lot stronger if you didn't exaggerate and leave out a lot of key details. Just sayin',
  23. True Story: I actually cursed under my breath slightly when my by-then high level party strolled back into Treasure Trove to buy some gems and I heard the tell-tale "DING" as a realllllly tiny hidden compartment pinged into view. Well, actually I said "GREAT! More loot to swi.... Oh, it's a key to something I ripped off long ago. Wonderful." THAT'S when I cursed slightly underneath my breath. Right about that same time, I found the super hidden key to Arkemyr's Manor (which, incidentally caused me to swallow one of my gripes about how getting the key is handled, but that's for another post). Does make me wonder just now many Percep 22+ things ARE in the game though and just what is the hardest to find hidden object in the game. I plan on finding out.
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